Farming in the Immortal Mansion

Chapter 88: Spiritual beast advancement, new Taoist skills

Ye Ling imprinted his soul on the third-level wind spirit rabbit and mused secretly: He has a fourth-level ferret for pathfinding. Although it is timid by nature, it also has ice blade attacks; and this pink spirit rabbit, in addition to being fast, , the only thing that interests Ye Ling is its talent of fire eyes, which can see and identify hidden dangers. It has its own advantages and disadvantages with the fourth-level ferret, and is worth raising.

So Ye Ling fed the spiritual rabbit the best spiritual grass, so that it could grow into a fourth-level spiritual rabbit as soon as possible. Anyway, the Immortal Mansion Jade Pendant's Immortal Mansion Spirit Field can grow a large amount of the best spiritual grass, and it can carry one more spiritual beast, which is equivalent to With a little more strength, why not?

Ye Ling then opened the other two spirit beast bags, but they were two third-level spirit leopards with average qualifications. They could not advance to the fourth-level spirit beasts in the foundation-building stage.

Ye Ling was a little regretful about this, but he was relieved immediately. After all, these spirit beast bags were taken from the hands of the nine-layer crane cloak old man who practiced Qi of the Beast Taming Immortal Sect. No matter how many spirit beasts he fed, he could not carry them all individually. They are all mutated spiritual beasts with outstanding qualifications.

Ye Ling took out the last spirit beast bag, which contained an aqua blue third-level mutant demon dragon. In order to get it, Ye Ling did not hesitate to use the ancient mysterious thunder talisman to kill Master Lu, the master of the Lu family, including his servants. The risk and price he took for this was not small.

But as long as Ye Ling sees the aqua blue dragon rising into the sky, he feels that the risk is definitely worth it!

"Water type demon dragon, good at water arrows, water type group attack, water dragon chant, fast flying speed, can be ridden."

Ye Ling had seen the jade slips in the spirit beast's bag and planned to feed it a large amount of water-type top-quality spiritual grass and spirit fruits. Just like the ice rock beast and the spirit turtle, it would not be difficult to advance into a fourth-level demon dragon!

When the time comes to travel on a demon dragon mount, the speed will be comparable to that of a monk flying with a sword in the early stages of foundation establishment, and it will be several times faster than the original second-level fire eagle!

Thinking of this, Ye Ling immediately imprinted the soul of the third-order demon dragon, and then divided his mind to plant the best water-type spiritual grass in the spiritual field of Xingxing Cliff in the Immortal Mansion, all of which was used to feed the third-order demon dragon.

The dark purple ice rock beasts and fourth-level ferrets sent out by Ye Ling galloped across the ice and snow valley, driving away most of the monsters scattered in the valley, and they all rushed out of the canyon at the entrance.

Ye Ling looked like it was almost done, so he had to leave some for himself to practice his spells, so he ordered the ice rock beast to block the entrance of the canyon, so that the remaining third-level monsters had to retreat and sparsely distributed in the valley, making it easier for Ye Ling to defeat them one by one. .

After evacuating the monsters, Ye Ling placed a ban at the entrance of the canyon and ordered the ice rock beasts to station themselves and guard the place.

After that, Ye Ling chose the spiritual vein with the strongest aura in the ice and snow valley, and opened a new cave. The battle flag and forbidden spells were placed in front of the door. The fourth-level ferrets and turtles guarded the gate and protected the cave. The rabbit and the demon dragon devoured the pile of top-quality spiritual grass that looked like a small hill.

After everything was arranged, Ye Ling returned to the cave and began to study the five Taoist jade slips he received from the sect's scripture collection pavilion.

"Fire Rain Technique, a fire-based group attack technique. It consumes a lot of mana and needs to be practiced at the seventh level or above. After casting the spell, the fire rain covers a radius of more than ten feet. The range and power of the spell are closely related to one's own magic power and Taoist skills. Proficiency related.”

Ye Ling carefully studied the Jade Slips of the Fire and Rain Technique and understood it in detail; then he dug out the Jade Slips of the Earth Thorn Technique, which was most suitable for ambushes and traps and was also regarded as an earth-based group attack technique.

When he saw the third Taoist jade slip, Ye Ling was shocked! This is the best sealing technique he picked in the Sutra Pavilion, Yun Luo Technique. It belongs to the water-type sealing technique, which makes up for the shortcomings of single-body freezing in the Xuanbing Curse that he has practiced.

Ye Ling noticed that these three group attacks and group sealing techniques were extremely mana-consuming. Casting almost once would consume most of the mana in the body, and it was necessary to constantly replenish the mana with the Ruyi Divine Transformation Pill.

In addition, there are two Taoist techniques for transforming spiritual energy into form.

One is a wood-type straw puppet, which can be summoned by spells. It can use one-third of its own attack power and defense power to test or contain the opponent.

Another method is to use spiritual energy to transform into a thunderbird that is about one foot in size. It can perform various thunder-type attacks, and its power is half that of the thunder-based Taoist spells performed by the deity.

These two kinds of spiritual energy transformation techniques consume more mana, almost consuming most of the mana of a seventh-level Qi training monk.

Ye Ling looked at it and sighed secretly: "Since I advanced to the seventh level of Qi training, I originally thought that my magic power would be greatly increased compared to the previous middle stage of Qi training. Who knows that if I practice these five Taoist techniques, my magic power is still not much, and I can't even use it continuously. Twice. It seems that in addition to practicing Taoism, I also need to practice daily, supplemented by the star crystal in the Xianfu jade pendant, to improve my cultivation as soon as possible and advance to the eighth level of Qi training, so as to improve my Mana is enhanced.”

In this way, Ye Ling stayed in the ice and snow valley. In addition to daily practice, tempering the body with elixirs to strengthen the body and cultivating the essence, he also looked for the bad luck of the third-level spiritual beasts in the valley, and tried to practice these five Taoist techniques, striving to reach a proficient state.

On the third day, outside the cave, a powerful aura comparable to that in the early stages of foundation building rose into the sky!

Ye Ling was overjoyed and hurried out of the cave to take a look. Shockingly, the demon dragon had advanced to the fourth level! From aqua blue to dark blue, the whole body is exuding the brilliance of blue water aura, as if it has condensed into a layer of water mist to protect the body!

Ye Ling summoned a fourth-level demon dragon, jumped up, and stood proudly on the dragon's head. He ordered the demon dragon mount to carry him and flew twice in the ice and snow valley, facing the strong wind. His speed was so fast that Ye Ling felt very comfortable.

Another day later, the mutant rabbit also advanced to the fourth level, and the red light on the rabbit's eyes became even brighter, like two rubies.

Ye Ling tried to order the fourth-level spirit rabbit and the ferret to run together, and was surprised to find that the spirit rabbit was even faster! The disadvantage is that it has no attack skills, and it seems that it can only be used for pathfinding.

Over the past few days, Ye Ling has become increasingly proficient in the Taoist skills he has learned. After constant trials of the Fire Rain Technique and the Yun Luo Technique, he finally reached a proficient level.

Just when he took the Ruyi Zhuanshen Pill, replenished his mana, and was about to practice the soil stabbing technique, he suddenly noticed a spiritual fluctuation in the forbidden formation at the mouth of the canyon!

Ye Ling immediately summoned all the fourth-level spirit beasts, rode the demon dragon mount and rushed to the mouth of the canyon. He did not find any trace of the monks. He only saw a transmission note trapped in the light screen of the formation.

Ye Ling took it off and scanned it with his consciousness, but it was Zishan's voice:

"Brother Ye! The sect master called and scheduled to gather all the Qi training disciples tomorrow to rush to the Taoist altar outside the Yaogu Sect's main hall. He said that there was something important to announce, especially Brother Ye, who must be there! We visited the Bingyan Cave Mansion, but we didn't see him. Answer, you must stay away from the cave. We don’t know where brother is practicing, so we specially played the transmission note to inform him. "

Ye Ling smiled calmly. It seemed that the sect was going to fulfill its promise and make him the disciple of the sect. Ye Ling tidied up a bit, crossed the canyon, reset the restrictions, blocked the entrance to the ice and snow valley, and directly drove the fourth-order demon dragon across the ice cave.

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