After taking back Bo Tian's golden finger, there were no valuables other than spiritual crops in the entire small courtyard—ghost swords and other items, which he had already put into the red gourd.

Chi Qiaosong took two Wudaomei, and then took the axe, and hurriedly left Houshan Tianshe.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

"You say, I listen."

"It's been unsafe on the mountain recently. Didn't my uncle find out that Wu Dao Mei was ill. It might have something to do with the Falun Gong King of Peng Li's Four Ghosts. I'm going to find my teacher now."

Father Chi was startled: "That Liu Changyuan?"

The real name of the Falun King is Liu Changyuan, his origin is unknown, and he is not a native of the Pengli area. He fled to the Pengli area about ten years ago, and was only promoted to the mage realm three years ago, and is known as the Dharma Wheel King.

This man is mysterious, the official information about him is very little, and there is only one portrait on the wanted list.

The portrait is dressed as a Taoist priest with thief eyebrows and rattling eyes.

"Well, Liu Changyuan marked the five eyebrows with an evil method. I'm afraid he will come to the door, so I must report it as soon as possible. Dad, you call your family back, and the whole family will go to the city to live in a hotel, just opposite the Jiangwu Hall. The platform hotel is convenient for contact.”

"I'm going right now... what about the greenhouse?"

"I put away the spiritual roots in the greenhouse, and Xiaoqing and Xiaobai also sent them out to hide. Now there are only some vegetables and herbs in the greenhouse, and I bring Wudaomei with me."

"Then be careful on the road." Father Chi confirmed again and again, "You won't be stopped by Liu Changyuan, right?"

"Don't worry, it's not yet this step." Chi Qiaosong comforted, "Maybe this is another opportunity for our family to find clues about the leaders of the four ghosts of Peng Li, but there are prizes ranging from 50,000 to 100,000."

At the beginning, Hong Yuanming, the backbone of the evil cultivator, brought a bonus of 100,000 yuan to the Lao Chi family, helping the family to embark on a road of rapid development.

Now that Liu Changyuan has appeared again, as long as it is handled properly, it is also a waste of money.

"Don't think about the bonus, Xiaosong, don't be rash, leave everything to your teacher. Who is Liu Changyuan? He is a big devil who kills people without blinking an eye. You are following the teacher closely, Qian Qian Don't be rash." Father Chi couldn't be relieved, the name of Peng Li's Four Ghosts was too loud.

"I can handle it clearly, Dad, you can handle it at home."

"I'll handle it, you go."

After talking to Chi's father, Chi Qiaosong rode on the twenty-eighth pole, with two sick Wudaomei, and rode towards the city.

Along the way, I rode the bicycle into a motorcycle and quickly rushed to the lecture hall.

Holding Wudaomei, he went to Hao Bozhao's office.

"Why did you come here and didn't go home?" Hao Bozhao was reading the newspaper.

"Teacher, you are in a hurry." Chi Qiaosong made sure that there was no one at the door, and closed the office door, "I feel that I may be eyeing an evil cultivator, and it is very likely that it is the King of Falun Gong!"

"What!" Hao Bozhao stood up from his chair instantly.

He signaled Chi Qiaosong not to speak in a hurry, and then beckoned Chi Qiaosong to follow him out of the office. The two came to a nearby small river one after the other.

After confirming that there was no one around, Hao Bozhao said solemnly, "Tell me in detail."

"Teacher, look, this is the Wudaomei that I raised, both of which are spirit beasts..." Chi Qiaosong started from the sick Wudaomei and removed Tu Shanruo from it.

It is said that he felt the evil spirit, and then he followed the vine and found the altar of the evil god.

"I talked to Mr. Liu Chun and Mr. Han Cuifen about that altar, and I guessed that it was something that worshipped the evil god. I think, if there is a means to worship the evil god, it is most likely Liu Changyuan."

Hao Bozhao knew about Chi Qiaosongxiu venting his anger.

Many martial artists will also cultivate internal skills, but very few of them can be cultivated.

"What you said is true?"


"Okay, you bring these two or five eyebrows first, I'm going to make a phone call."

Hao Bozhao made not one call, but three calls.

Chi Qiaosong was standing behind him and heard that he first called the Commissioner's Office to report to Zhu Dashuai's secretary; then he called the garrison to report the relevant content.

Finally, I called the county governor's office to report to the county governor Liu Shumin.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Bozhao said, "Okay, let's bring Wudaomei and go back to your house first... By the way, have your parents made arrangements?"

"I sent them to a hotel."

"That's good."

There was no second-hand off-road vehicle equipped with the martial arts hall. There was no one at home, and the bricklayers went back early.

"Just wait here, wait for a few people to go up the mountain together." Hao Bozhao didn't go up the mountain immediately, he was also afraid of death.

It's been a few minutes.

An air truck swayed over, and hurried down a dozen people, and then the air truck swayed away again. Hao Bozhao saw one of them at a glance, and greeted him: "Governor Liu."

"Bozhao." The leader was Liu Shumin, the county governor.

He shook hands with Hao Bozhao, then turned to look at Chi Qiaosong: "Is this your apprentice?"

Hao Bozhao greeted: "Yes, Xiaochi, Chi Qiaosong, quickly say hello to Governor Liu."

Chi Qiaosong held the cardboard box: "Hello, Governor Liu."

"Hello, Xiaochi... There are five eyebrows in the box?"


Liu Shumin said to a middle-aged man beside him, "Abbot Xuan Hanzi, check it out."

Chi Qiaosong had seen this abbot of Xuanhanzi, who was the abbot of Xingziguan. He was the abbot of Yu Shijing, and all the evil affairs in Mokan County were handled by him.

Xuan Hanzi grabbed one of the five eyebrows, raised it in his hand, sensed it a little, and said solemnly: "It's the evil spirit of the god, the evil spirit is very active, Liu Changyuan is nearby!"

"Okay!" Liu Shumin clenched his fist, "Go up the mountain, go fishing!"

The group quickly went up the mountain, led by Chi Qiaosong, and came to the small courtyard of the farmhouse.

Chi Qiaosong introduced: "I usually farm here and practice martial arts here, and I grow several mu of greenhouse vegetables at home."

Xuan Hanzi couldn't wait: "I heard that you have found the altar of Ling Zhanshen, where is it?"

"On the top of a few hills away."

"lead the way."

"Okay." Chi Qiaosong glanced at Hao Bozhao.

Hao Bozhao nodded at him and then asked Liu Shumin, "How many people do you need to come over?"

"Just me and Abbot Xuan Hanzi, take Chi Qiaosong over and check the altar. You all stay here, guarding the five eyebrows, in case Liu Changyu makes the edge come over, be sure to block it for a moment."

"Please don't worry, Governor." The other people who came were masters of the samurai realm.

Hao Bozhao told Chi Qiaosong: "Lead the I will take care of you at home."

Liu Shumin smiled and said, "Bozhao, are you afraid that I will lose your apprentice... Xiaochi, right? Don't be afraid. Even if Liu Changyuan is in front of you, I will protect you."

He is a giant in the master state, and he has this confidence.

Chi Qiaosong replied: "I'm not afraid, I'm excited to be able to eliminate harm for the people."

Liu Shumin laughed: "Haha, this is the vigor that young people should have. Hao Bozhao taught a good apprentice."

With an expressionless face, Xuan Hanzi took out four pieces of talisman paper. The talisman paper was red and square, with pictures of galloping horses drawn on it, as well as some ghost characters.

He handed Chi Qiaosong two: "A horse, put it in your shoes."

------off topic-----

Thanks to Xingchenzi, book friend ianming, book friend 20210301106552870116, book friend 171021102948988, flower viewing jade, Qiao Gelifeng, Xianyunbu, book friend 20180908221625969, little zzg killing god, Nanjun Ruiming, dark night Xingchen, earthly world Xianjun, book friend 20201110091619871, gallop 999, call me master, bright moon and starry night, book friend 20190315141230921, a reward for cutting the sky~

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