Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World

Chapter 171: seek good luck and avoid evil

To tell the truth, it is not a loss to learn "Kuidou Gun" for 100,000 fates.

Heng practice classics can not be measured by money, it really pays attention to a fate.

After staying in the National Art Museum for a week, Chi Qiaosong has already figured out the situation here. If he wants to learn any of the classics of "Kuidou Gun", "Cliff Sword" and "Crossed Sword Embroidered West Wind", it is fate.

According to the achievement level of the three classics.

"Kuidou Gun" is the most expensive for 100,000 yuan for three months, "Moya Sword" for 80,000 yuan for three months is the second, and "Remnant Sword Embroidery" is the cheapest for 50,000 yuan for three months.

The price is clearly marked and the old man is not deceived.

Of course, this is just a warrior-level teacher like Xu Shiduan. They pay attention to fate when teaching. They can teach in the National Art Museum, and they have made achievements in these three classics.

Although he failed to become a master, he also mastered part of the essence.

In addition, there are several warrior-level teachers. Even if they know these classics, they are reluctant to teach students. They belong to no fate. Most of the warriors are not short of money, and they come to the National Art Museum for the purpose of cultivating.

In short.

The learning system of the National Art Museum is a bit like a tutor leading a graduate student - here it belongs to the predestined graduate student.

"Master didn't refuse, but he didn't agree either. I think that was the reason for not giving gifts." Jing Yong then brought another bad news to Chi Qiaosong.

His master Chen Hechong also pays attention to fate.

As for the other professor Wang Yu, when Chi Qiaosong went to visit, the other party never saw him at all, not even fate.

Chi Qiaosong asked, "Jing Yong, how much is your master asking for?"

"Well, I asked. Master has taught several scholars before, and the gifts he gave are not cheap. They are precious treasures with no market price... The minimum is 500,000 yuan."

"Understood, I am insulated from your teacher."

Both Wang Yu and Chen Hechong were cut off, and Chi Qiaosong went to visit Luo Xinghan again.

It's a pity that Professor Luo Xinghan just responded: "I've been studying "Kuidou Gun" recently, and I can't find time to teach for the time being. You should be in the National Art Museum and carefully consolidate the foundation."

He broke into the realm of masters with "Cliff Sword", and wanted to go to another level, so he switched to "Kuidou Gun".

It's really hard to distract teaching students.

"Professor Luo doesn't teach you, what are you going to do?" Jing Yong asked.

"Look for Teacher Xu."

"One hundred thousand yuan, can you take it out?"

"Go home and raise some money. I also have a master. I can still raise this amount of money."

"Yes." Jing Yong nodded, originally wanting to say that he could borrow it, but seeing that Chi Qiaosong didn't have this plan, he didn't say it, so as not to ruin the relationship.


Liu Ya drove over to the National Art Museum and took Chi Qiaosong back.

Chen Ziru was in charge of the dredging office, and everything was normal, so Chi Qiaosong went directly back to Qingxiangjiayuan Community.

"How is life in the Chinese Martial Arts Museum, and the habit of not being able to live?" Mother Chi asked coldly, she was always worried about her eldest son's long trip.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm eating and drinking over there."

"It's the first time you go out, you can be as careful as you are at home."

"I know."

Father Chi smoked a dry cigarette and said, "Your mother is just worried. You are all warriors, and your temperament is calm. How can you provoke right and wrong."

"My dad still understands me."

The family chatted for a while, and Chi Qiaosong entered the topic: "Dad, can the family still spend 100,000 yuan?"

"Yes, there are still more than 130,000 in the account." Father Chi asked, "Do you want to use it? Yixiang Pharmacy Store is now making money, and it still earns a lot, and the money will be saved more and more."

"At the National Art Museum, teachers are invited to teach alone, and it costs money. One hundred thousand yuan to learn "Kuidou Gun" for three months."

Mother Chi exclaimed: "One hundred thousand, only three months of study?"

Father Chi was also shocked, but he quickly said calmly: "It's worth the money to learn "Kuidou Gun". I'll tell the second son and Yixiang and give you the money."

Chijia Mountain.


Xiaoqing shouted excitedly, she hadn't seen Chi Qiaosong for several days, and when they met suddenly, she couldn't hold back her excited cow bark.

"Wow!" The axe approached.

"Wang Wang! Wang Wang!" The big yellow dog brought a group of local hounds around, and his tail wagged into an electric fan.

Chi Qiaosong is not close to these dogs, but the native dog is smart and knows who is the owner of this family. When he sees Chi Qiaosong, he always welcomes him with the greatest enthusiasm.

"Gee chi."

"Gee chi."

The voice of two five eyebrows came from the pine tree.

In front of the greenhouse not far away, a concrete pole was erected with four huge beehives hanging on it. A soil bee with a big pinky thumb is busy going in and out.

Even if they only pollinate seven acres of greenhouses, they are always busy all day.

"Nothing has changed, the yard is not dusty at all. Dad and the others come to clean it every day." Chi Qiaosong walked into the phoenix tree shed and lightly kicked Xiaobai.

All the animals in Pine Garden welcomed him.

Only this big snow-white toad did not move as if he had never seen him.

After being kicked, Xiaobai just moved his hind legs and continued to lie on his back. And he still didn't mean to call out, and he didn't even turn his eyes.

"It's waste, it's waste."

Chi Qiaosong sighed helplessly, and simply put it here as a feng shui ornament.

It was night, and the old fox Tushan fell into a dream alone, and chatted for a while with one person and one fox. During this week, nothing abnormal happened, and everything was the same as when he left.

"Xiaoqing is too impatient. I can't stand it for a moment before I fall into the dream. It seems that it takes a lot of hard work for him to learn the method of defending the air."

"You treat Professor Xiaoqing as polishing your heart."

"It's a good way, just listen to Brother Chi, Xiaoqing and I have a good temper for a while." Tu Shanxi said, and sighed, "Now that I understand the mystery, I feel more and more that it is better to be quiet and not move, otherwise it will cause disaster. unavoidable.”

Chi Qiaosong raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"My practice is enough to deduce one or two mysteries."

Tu Shanxi's face was a little dignified, and his beard trembled: "Just like those giants of the three realms of masters, they occasionally have a whim and have a premonition of their fate.

I'm probably the same way, I can speculate on my own calamity.

I remember that a human scientist wrote that this kind of state is to exchange too much information with the outside world every day, so as to get a little feedback.

And this time, I always feel that disaster is about to happen, but there seems to be a turning point.

can not see clearly! "

Chi Qiaosong's face was solemn: "Could it be related to the matter of Xuan Hanzi?"

"I don't know."

"I believe your intuition, Lao Tu... I'm going to go to the Municipal Martial Arts Center for training recently. There's no one in Pine Garden. Otherwise, why don't you go to Fuliang City with me?"

He is now inseparable from Tu Shanxi, so he must protect the safety of Tu Shanxi.

Tu Shanru shook his head: "Although there is a premonition of disaster, but it is very vague, this disaster will not necessarily happen, and even if it happens, there may not be a turnaround, in short, it is not a matter of life and Brother Chi is studying with peace of mind. I worry.

If there is a situation, I will use the Nightmare Town technique and ask someone to call you. "

Each dormitory building of the National Art Museum has a public telephone, which is placed in the dormitory management room and can be answered at any time.

Seeing Chi Qiaosong still worried, Tu Shanru added: "If it comes to fighting skills, Lao Tu may be a little bit worse, but when it comes to seeking good luck and avoiding evil, Lao Tu has never been afraid of anyone."


Chi Qiaosong smiled: "Since you Lao Tu came to me, I knew that you have cultivated to the full level of seeking good luck and avoiding evil... Anyway, call me if you have something to do."


Ask for a ticket~


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