"Well, your third uncle doesn't know what to think. Your aunt Xiaohui is not very nice, and she is willing to be with him. Why is your third uncle not willing."

Chi mother complained at home.

Chi Qiaosong was lying on the sofa watching TV. Hearing this, he asked, "Who is Auntie Xiaohui?"

"A woman in Qianjie is only in her early thirties. She has been divorced for several years. She has been living alone. She looks pretty good," said Mother Chi.

The second aunt with a big belly continued: "It's pretty good. It seems that you are the same age as your second uncle. Every time you come to the house, you are polite."

small book booth

My sister-in-law hugged Wen Juan, who was full of moon, and laughed: "Our family's Xiaosong has become a high-ranking official, and everyone who comes to our house has to be polite. Who knows what's going on outside, if you want me to say, that Xiaohui is not good. of."

Mother Chi hurriedly asked, "Did you see something?"

"I didn't see anything, I just thought she was good at pretending." My aunt's speech has always been direct, "Think about it, divorced people must have some problems regardless of gender."

"I heard that she divorced her husband because her husband was having an affair?"

"Who knows, I've heard that she didn't live in Qianjie before, so what people in Qianjie said, she didn't listen to her."

Hearing what the aunt said, the second aunt grumbled: "I think it's good anyway, Xiaohui's speech is very nice."

The sister-in-law sighed: "My second sister-in-law, you, whoever praises you is good."

The second aunt turned her head and said to Chi Qiaosong, "In our family, your little aunt can talk the best. No one can talk to her. She can talk a lot if she doesn't care."

Chi Qiaosong smiled: "It's a pity that my aunt has not studied, otherwise I think there is hope for my aunt to go to university."

Then he said again: "By the way, I have seen Third Uncle a few times, chatting and laughing with that Aunt Hong, shouldn't they have something to do?"

Mother Chi was stunned: "Aunt Hong?"

My aunt and my second aunt suddenly lit up: "Xiao Song, talk about it, talk about it in detail."

Chi Qiaosong hurriedly waved his hand: "I just mentioned it casually. Dad often works at night with Uncle San. Go back and ask my dad, I can't provide anything."

The elder's love, love, he didn't want to mix it up at all.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Father Chi and his second uncle, who picked up the child from school, returned home together.

As soon as Chi Qiaowu and Wen Mo lost their schoolbags, they ran out of sight. Only Chi Xiaoya put down her schoolbags and took out her books to prepare for her homework. Her grades were very good, and every test in Chinese and mathematics was 100%.

"Yo, it's all here." The second uncle put down the jug in his hand, "Is it still lunch at my sister-in-law's house today?"

Mother Chi smiled and said, "Yuping has a big belly, and Yali wants to nurse the child. I won't cook for you, so you all have to be hungry... There is watermelon in the kitchen, so go eat some."

The aunt shouted: "Brother, don't worry, I have something to ask you."

Father Chi stopped: "What's the matter?"

"What's the situation with the third brother and that sister A Hong?"

"I have no idea."

"Oh, my brother..." My aunt complained, "Xiao Song has seen it several times. The third brother must have a connection with Sister A Hong, so you can talk about it."

Mother Chi also asked, "His father, third brother doesn't get along with Xiaohui, is it because of Sister Ahong?"

The second uncle took the watermelon out of the kitchen, cut it and said, "It's for sure, sister-in-law, when I mention sister A Hong, my third brother likes to laugh."

The second aunt glared at him: "Then are you smiling?"

The second uncle rolled his eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about."

The second aunt touched her belly and said viciously: "Anyway, you are running outside, don't do anything that's sorry for our mothers."

"How is it possible, don't make trouble, okay, we're talking about the third brother and sister A Hong." The second uncle hurriedly brought the topic back, not wanting to get into trouble.

After repeated questioning by Chi's mother and sister-in-law, Chi's father finally sighed and said, "The third brother may be Sister A Hong, but I don't agree. How old is Sister A Hong's family."

"Can Jun 16, right?" My aunt said.

Mother Chi replied: "It seems to be sixteen... Sigh, with Can Jun, Sister A Hong is really not suitable. The third brother is really good with her. When Can Jun grows up, it will be troublesome to marry someone and settle down."

The aunt said, "I feel it's okay, but it costs a little more to marry someone, which is better than raising a child."

The second aunt retorted: "That's not necessarily true. After Can Jun marries someone, do you want to have a child? Which one will take the child? It's not the one brought by Sister A Hong, then the third brother will become his family's slave."

Father Chi shook his head and said, "The point is, Can Jun may not agree to Sister A Hong's remarriage."

The second uncle nibbled on the watermelon and said, "Who said no, Sister A Hong has been widowed for so many years and suddenly wants to remarry. That boy Can Jun has designated to cause trouble."

The family discussed the matter between Uncle San and Aunt A Hong.

Chi Qiaosong did not participate, and watched TV quietly.

In the middle of the way, Chi Xiaoya came over and asked him a math question. For the first grade of elementary school, it was difficult for Chi Qiaosong to explain it to her easily.

After lunch, Chiqiaosong returned to Pine Garden.

In front of the gate at the foot of the mountain, I saw the village chief who was chatting with Uncle San.

"Xiao Song is back." The village chief greeted warmly, "I came to find you a little troublesome."

"The village chief, please speak."

"In the past two days, many houses in the village have lost their chickens, ducks and geese. They reported to the patrol room, and they casually came down to take a look at them.

Chi Qiaosong nodded: "Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I know, I'll let the patrol room know when I look back."

But the village chief said, "It's not just this. Two days ago, a child in the village urinated at night and said that he saw a sheep walking like a human and went to steal chicken."


Chi Qiaosong was instantly refreshed: "Have you reported Xingziguan?"

"No, I don't think that you have the ability now, Komatsu, so I'll just ask you first."

"Let's go, I'll go to the site to investigate!"

If there is a sheep that learns to walk and steals chickens, then this is likely to be an evil incident, and maybe that sheep is the evil that can fertilize the fields.

When I arrived at the scene, I checked all the chicken coops and duck houses from house to house.

There is no evil spirit left. Of course, the weather is hot and the sun is hot now. Even if there is evil spirit, it will be quickly evaporated by sunlight during the day.

He found the child: "Tell me about what you saw at the time."

The child was about ten years old, and stammered back: "I was peeing, and I saw a shadow at the back of the house. The chicken didn't croak, and then a sheep stood up and walked in, leading the chicken out to eat it. ."

"What kind of sheep are sheep?"

"I didn't see clearly."

"How does it walk?"

"That's it." The child began to imitate, and his legs moved slowly as if tied to a rope, and then he stumbled as he walked, not very flexible.

After Chi Qiaosong saw it clearly, he asked the village chief, "How many families in our village raise sheep, are there any who have lost sheep?"

The village chief replied, "There are several families who have raised sheep, but I haven't heard of any who lost their sheep. I'll ask again."

He turned around and shouted at the surrounding villagers, "Which family lost their sheep, did they?"

"No, no."

Several villagers said that they did not lose any sheep.

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