Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World

Chapter 205: remnants of compensation

Stayed all night.

Xu Mingyang didn't even think about coming to destroy the evidence.

Chi Qiaosong waited until the sun came out, not far from the opposite side of a ditch, there were already farmers working in the fields, and he left and returned to the county seat.

"In broad daylight, Xu Mingyang should not come here again."

Not long after he left, he returned to the county seat, turned into a small alley, and entered Liu Shen's rental house.

Liu Shen just cooked a pot of noodles and lay down two eggs: "Chi Qiaosong, do you want to eat a bowl?"

"I've eaten in the street."

He sat in a chair by the door and waited silently.

After Liu Shen finished eating the noodles and washed the bowl, seeing that Chi Qiaosong had no plans to speak, he sat cross-legged on the bed, as if he was practicing Qi.

Time passed by, and the room was so quiet that only the breathing of the two of them could be heard. I don't know how long it took, and Chi Qiaosong suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Liu, someone is here, pay attention to expression management."

Liu Shen was stunned for a moment, wondering how Chi Qiaosong knew, but he didn't care anymore, nodded and replied, "I'll be careful."

In fact, Ikehashi-matsu stayed in the house the whole time.

But he hangs the lucky boy on the roof diagonally opposite, and uses the lucky boy to pay attention to the surroundings. If a suspicious person appears, the lucky boy will sound the alarm.

This is an applied technique in The Exorcism.

There are still many fighting skills in this side-by-side technique, but unfortunately, the lucky boy has not yet completed it, and there are not many fighting skills that can be developed.

After the reminder, for half an hour, Xu Mingyang was not seen knocking on the door.

Liu Shen looked at Chi Qiaosong with some doubts.

Chiqiaosong just made a "shush" gesture.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, Liu Shen got up to open the door, and saw the person who came: "Senior Brother Xu, you've come!"

Xu Mingyang has circled the alley for a few times, making sure there is no ambush, so he walked in, scolding as he entered the door: "Why do you like to find trouble so much!"


Liu Shen didn't wait for an answer.

Xu Mingyang received a heavy blow on his neck, making him instantly dizzy.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already **** with ropes, unable to move at all.

He looked around in a panic, still in Liu Shen's rental room, Liu Shen crouched on the ground frowning, while on the stool in front of him sat a handsome young man.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, extraordinary bearing.

Xu Mingyang, who already understood everything, yelled at Liu Shen: "God, I kindly save your life, you betray me!"

Liu Shen didn't answer, just held his head and coughed twice.

Xu Mingyang continued to scold: "What are you pretending to be pitiful for me now, I saw that you were going to die, so I came to save you. You are avenging the revenge of your **** kindness, I, I am really blind!"


Chi Qiaosong gave him a big mouth: "You can occupy the moral commanding heights?"

Xu Mingyang stared at Chi Qiaosong: "Who are you?"

Chi Qiaosong ignored his questioning, but shook a tattered book in his hand: "Isn't it 'Shape Replenishment', the notes are quite detailed, so take it with you to study every day, right?

I know exactly what you're thinking. "

Xu Mingyang was a little embarrassed, but he still slammed his neck and shouted: "Who are you... Liu Shen, Liu Shen, tell me what you mean!"

Liu Shen sighed faintly, turned his head, and his eyes were red: "Senior Brother Xu, tell me first, why did you write Cuifen's name in the notes on "Shaping Complement"?"

Xu Mingyang rolled his eyes and panicked: "What do you mean, just write it casually, I ask you, I kindly save you, why did you tie me up!"


Chi Qiaosong gave Xu Mingyang another big mouth and slapped him to the point of vomiting blood.

Immediately, Chi Qiaosong opened the tattered book. It was a booklet with the words "Shape Complementation" handwritten on the cover.

There are several pages, with records and pictures, about the magic of filling the body with a child's chicken.

"Gene Era"

Chi Qiaosong asked in a cold voice: "Five non-males, Tian, ​​Qian, Lei, Qu, Xian, which type are you, Tian eun, right? You killed so many children with the shape of the shape, just to grow that stuff?"

Xu Mingyang blushed: "You... nonsense!"

Chi Qiaosong continued: "You approached Teacher Liu, but you didn't save him with good intentions, but you clearly wanted to blame Teacher Liu and graft your crime on Teacher Liu.

Moreover, you are still playing with Teacher Han's ideas.

An inhumane waste who still thinks about some love affairs every day, is really addicting! "

pat pat pat.

Seeing that Xu Mingyang was not pleasing to the eye, Chi Qiaosong made several big mouths again, and then ignoring the other party's plea for mercy, he directly stuffed a rag in his mouth.

He used to watch movies, and when he stuffed a piece of cloth like this, the other party couldn't speak.

But before turning around, Xu Mingyang spit out the rag: "Liu Shen, Liu Shen, I am really kind to save you, you can't avenge your revenge, let me go!"

"Movies are all lies."

Chiqiaosong picked up the rag, stuffed it again, and then used a plastic rope to restrain and fasten the rag.

Now, no matter how Xu Mingyang shook his head, he couldn't speak.

"Junior Brother Chi."

"Senior Brother Xiang." Chi Qiaosong welcomed Xiang Jiuxian from Xingziguan into the rental room, "Xu Mingyang, the evil cultivator, is here, I have checked the situation."

Xiang Jiuxian praised: "Junior Brother Chi, you are all Mokan young tigers, but you are really amazing. You have found several evil cultivators one after another to protect the county from demons!"

"It's just the right time. Who would have thought that the evil cultivator was so rampant that it has already caught my teacher's attention."

Behind Xiang Jiuxian, followed by several Taoist priests from Xingziguan, they carried Xu Mingyang away and stuffed them into the van that they drove. Afterwards, Xiang Jiuxian, Chi Qiaosong, and Liu Shen all got into the van and went to Xingziguan.

Xu Mingyang continued to be interrogated Liu Shen took a separate statement.

Chi Qiaosong also wanted to add a piece of material, and Steward Han of the side hall talked to him in person: "How did you discover Liu Shen's depravity?"

"Liu Shen's wife, Han Cuifen, is my internal homework teacher. I went to class twice a week, and accidentally found that Liu Shen's recovery was not normal, so I kept an eye on it..."

Chi Qiaosong briefly described the process and concealed the secrets that could not be revealed: "Later, another evil cultivator was cheated, so I designed to lead Xu Mingyang out."

at last.

Chi Qiaosong asked, "Steward Han, enshrined in independent judgment, can the spoils be distributed by themselves?"

"Yes, yes, it's just... Are you sure you won't keep practicing by yourself?"

"Manager Han can rest assured about this. I have a good future, and I won't be contaminated with this garbage."

"That's good."

Neither of them said it explicitly, but they were referring to the black sheep? and the donkey-headed wolf, as well as the fragments of "Shaping Replenishment", which were all evil cultivation methods and evil products.

Strict management, these are to be destroyed immediately.

However, it is now regarded as gray income by default. Many of the evil spirits of Xingziguan's subjugation of demons and slaughtering of demons go to the black market, and they are sold to some evil cultivators at high prices.

Under the bright sky, no matter whether it is an evil cultivator or a righteous path, there is a pile of **** under the buttocks.

The difference is that.

In order to make money, others spread the evil things out to harm others; Chi Qiaosong used it to fertilize the fields, and fundamentally put an end to the circulation of evil things.

This is a meritorious deed.

"By the way, Steward Han, Liu Shen was bewitched by Xu Mingyang, so he became an evil cultivator. Fortunately, he didn't go deep into the devil, he only killed some chickens, ducks and geese, and made meritorious deeds to catch Xu Mingyang. He himself is terminally ill and will die soon. Open the Internet?"

Regarding the request of the Mokan tiger, Steward Han had no reason not to sell it well: "Yes."

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