"Xiaoqing, I'm sorry for you these two days, go out for a walk, don't go home yet, there will be guests at home."


"You want to eat black crucian carp, okay? I'll catch it for you later."


Xiao Qing, who is already more than 11 meters long, after meeting the requirements of eating crucian carp, like a ghost, he quietly swam away and dived into the deep mountains.

Chiqiaosong carefully inspected several greenhouses.

"Xiaohong and Xiaobai don't matter. Although they are auspicious things, they belong to the category of ordinary spirit beasts after all... Wudaomei has also been exposed long ago, and he has also made great contributions in the event of strangling the Dharma face wheel king Liu Changyuan."

The golden-winged bee colony is even more uncommon.

Chi Qiaosong looked at the seven spiritual roots again. At first glance, these spiritual roots were nothing special, but if you look closely, you will find some unreasonable places.

For example, the Benlinggen vine has only three clusters of styles, no flowers and no fruit.

Ordinary vines in this season should be full of bunches long ago.

Comparing the two phases, you can detect that there are more or less problems with this spirit root vine - of course, it is limited to this, only Chi Qiaosong can perceive the spirit root breath.

On the laurel tree, there is only one green fruit; on the peach tree, there is only one small peach.

As for the other four outer spiritual roots, the most peculiar one belongs to the Juyin Money Tree, with a string of dark money strings hanging on it. These dark money fruits look very strange.

"Fortunately, these greenhouses are all medicinal herbs, and the only one that grows vegetables and fruits is the Ganlu greenhouse."

The Ganlu tea bush in the Ganlu greenhouse is the only one with a spiritual root that is indistinguishable from the outside tea trees. Even Tu Shanxi drank tea every day and did not notice the difference.

"There is Lao Tu to help cover it up. Its magic town technique and illusion technique are both unique. Please cover up the magical place of Pine Garden, and no one can see it!"

Check properly.

Chi Qiaosong walked to the front yard. There was a second-hand off-road vehicle parked in the front yard. The three characters "Desilting Office" were painted on the door.

This is an official vehicle that the dredging office applied for purchase not long ago. After applying for a little funding from above, the small vault was emptied, barely enough money for a second-hand off-road vehicle.

During this period of time, the management of the sewers, the dredging work, and the top and bottom line have made a lot of extra money, and the small treasury has also saved a lot of money.

Li Weiwei proposed to use the money from the small treasury to provide an official car, which was supported by the entire dredging office.

So ever.

Chi Qiaosong has an almost exclusive car—the deputy director Chen Ziru, who can borrow it occasionally to drive it.

Usually, Chi Qiaosong doesn't drive this off-road vehicle very much. He still rides the 28th bar to get off work in a low-key manner, but today he has something to do, so he drove the car over.


The diesel engine was ignited, and the off-road vehicle drove along the cinder and gravel mountain road to the foot of the mountain.

"Xiao Song, are you going out to run errands?" Third Uncle opened the door for him.

"A friend is coming to play, I'll pick her up."


Uncle San opened the door, and the bruises on his face had disappeared. Under the pressure of Mother Chi, he went to kiss again several times. It is said that two women fell in love with Uncle San.

Ready for further contact to see.

The off-road vehicle drove onto the road, turned around and turned to the bus station.

Airbags came and went at the bus station, but none of them were the cars Chi Qiaosong was waiting for. He didn't honk his horn until an off-road vehicle with a military license plate approached.

The military brand off-road vehicle came over, the door was pushed open, and Zhou Jinyao got out of the car.

The upper body is a floral short-sleeved shirt, the lower body is a striped knee-length skirt, a ponytail is tied, and a lady's hat in the style of a straw hat is worn. Looks beautiful and stylish.

Under the sun, a bright smile made passers-by look back.

Chi Qiaosong got out of the car and waved: "Senior sister."

Zhou Jinyao asked with a smile, "Have you waited for a long time?"

In the driver's seat of a military-brand off-road vehicle, a female driver came down and took a leather suitcase from the carriage: "Miss, don't forget your luggage."

"Okay, Sister Zhang, go back first." Zhou Jinyao took the suitcase and introduced Chi Qiaosong, "Sister Zhang sent me here. She is my father's adjutant."

Chi Qiaosong nodded: "Hello, Sister Zhang."

"Miss Chi, Miss Chi has taken care of you. I'll pick you up in two days." Lieutenant Zhang didn't say much and drove away.

"Let's go." Chi Qiaosong put his luggage into the car.

Zhou Jinyao sat in the co-pilot and asked curiously, "I remember you said that your unit doesn't have a car for the dredging car?"

"The Age of Rebirth"

"I just bought it back. Didn't I earn some money by dredging the sewers recently? The unit has kept a small treasury, and it is simply equipped with a second-hand car to facilitate running errands."

"It's good, and there's air conditioning."

Although air conditioners have long been invented, they have only gradually become popular in cars in the past few years.

Chi Qiaosong said, "It wasn't on the car originally. It was refitted. It cost a lot of money... I'll take you to the guest house first and arrange the room."

"Okay, but I want to go to your mountain at noon and have lunch on the mountain."

"No problem, I'll cook by myself."

Although the meals are usually delivered, Chiqiaosong occasionally cooks and eats by himself, and the bungalows in Songyuan are complete with pots and pans.

In the guest house in the county, Zhou Jinyao stayed in a low-key manner, without revealing his identity, and directly opened the room in the name of Chi Qiaosong—the identity of the daughter of the master giant was too conspicuous.

After putting away the luggage, Chi Qiao let go of the car and carried Zhou Jinyao to Chijia Mountain.

Uncle San opened the door.

Looking curiously at the car.

Chi Qiaosong originally planned to drive directly up the mountain, but Zhou Jinyao took the initiative to shake down the glass: "Hello, Uncle San, I'm a friend of Chi Qiaosong, come and play."

Uncle San smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, have a good time."

When the off-road vehicle drove up the mountain, the third uncle closed the door and couldn't help but admire: "Xiaomatsu has a girlfriend~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This girl is good-looking, like a girl in the city, she can match Xiaomatsu."

"Wang Wang!"

At the entrance of Pine Garden, the axe barked twice.

The off-road vehicle was parked in the front yard, and Chi Qiaosong got off the car: "When we arrive at Senior Sister, this is Songyuan, where I usually live."

"Wow, this place is really beautiful, there are a lot of pine trees, and there are flower beds here." After getting off the car, Zhou Jinyao couldn't help but admire the pine garden, "Living here every day is definitely more comfortable than living in a villa."

"The villa is better than the villa, and the mountain is also better."

"Wang Wang!"

Axe stared at Zhou Jinyao.

Chi Qiaosong beckoned to it, and then said, "This is the Guangxin tabby axe that I raised. I occasionally take it into the mountains to hunt, and it is very good at catching rabbits."

Zhou Jinyao crouched down and wanted to touch the axe: "Hello, axe."

The axe held his head high and cold, avoiding Zhou Jinyao's stroking, and suddenly the dog's head was slapped by Chi Qiaosong, so he silently put his head in front of Zhou Jinyao.

Zhou Jinyao smiled and said, "It's easy to understand."

"It's very smart, but unfortunately I don't have much time to train it, otherwise I can cultivate it into a mountain dog. At that time, let alone catching rabbits, it is no problem to chase tigers."

"That must be cultivated well."

"Come on, go into the house, I'll go pick a watermelon for you in the greenhouse."

"I want to be with you."

Chi Qiaosong did not refuse: "Come here if you are not afraid of the heat."

So Zhou Jinyao followed Chi Qiaosong and walked into the Ganlu greenhouse. The roof of the greenhouse had been lifted, but it was still very hot inside, and an acre of land was full of various vegetables and fruits.

not far away.

On an old pine tree, Tu Shanlu, wearing a super small Taoist robe, stroked the two tufts of beards on his face, nodded slightly, and showed a motherly smile.


"Brother Chi has grown up."

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