Gududu, Gududu.

The bubbles on the water surface were getting bigger and bigger, which successfully caught the attention of Chi Qiaosong.

He is a master at the peak of the warrior realm, with five sensitive senses, and the lake is completely dark, and he can vaguely see these bubbles, watching the bubbles from far to near.


With a sound of water, a head appeared on the lake.

Tao Daochang heard the sound, his hand shook, and he almost lost his grip on the peach wood sword: "Chi worship, here we come!"

"I know, you go on."

"Can you stand it?"

"rest assured."

With Chi Qiaosong's assurance, Tao Tao continued to draw blood talismans, attracting the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng.

At this time, the head exposed on the lake surface was getting closer and closer to the shore. As the lake water became shallower, the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng gradually revealed his upper body.

From the head to the chest and abdomen, to the arms, they are thicker than the strong man, and they are covered with thick mud. The elbows, neck and other movable joints, the mud has drawn a circle.

Such a shape outlines its outline like a tire person.

When it completely landed, it was nearly three meters tall and bloated, but the pace was not slow at all, and it strode towards the incense table.

Everyone else had already evacuated, and only Taoist Taoist Master Tao was still struggling to support him, drawing blood talismans and continuing to attract the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng, but when the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng's body got very close.

Tao Daochang couldn't hold on, he dropped the peach wood sword and shouted: "Chi worship, it's up to you!"

Then ran away without looking back.

The clay figurine Liu Yuanheng was attracted by the movement of his escape, and was about to chase, but was stopped in front of Chi Qiaosong. Chi Qiaosong presses the flashlight switch, and a strong light shines in the past.

Instantly saw the true face of the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng, covered in mud, with mud-shaped eyes, nose and mouth on his head.


Flashlight off.

Chi Qiaosong swung the ghost-headed sword in the dark. Ming Jin, Dark Jin and Hua Jin merged into one, pouring out into a sword beam, cutting the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng in half directly from head to toe.

Failing to show his power, the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng just fell.

In the Republic of Xia, no matter how tricky and weird the evil spirits are, they would not dare to take action against the martial arts strongman.

For evil, it can almost push horizontally.

However, this time, Chi Qiaosong was about to squat down and put away the body of the clay figurine Liu Yuanheng, when he saw the clay figurine split in half, squirming and merging.

It turned into a huge three-meter-high clay figurine.


Chi Qiaosong was a little suspicious of life: "My sword at the peak of the warrior realm didn't kill this evil creature?"

Although puzzled.

But he didn't say a word, and he slashed out with another sword. Just as Liu Yuanheng, the clay figurine, was about to pounce, he was slashed by the sword light, and before the sword light dissipated, he strangled it back and forth.

The clay figurine Liu Yuanheng was scattered all over the place.

Chi Qiaosong lit the flashlight, lit the pile of mud, and waited for a few seconds. Sure enough, the mud began to creep and fuse again.

He didn't wait for the mud figurine Liu Yuanheng to fuse together, and then used the ghost sword to smash the mud into more pieces. At this time, one of the mud caught his attention.

But when I saw the mud, half of it was exposed.

Chi Qiaosong squatted down directly and picked up the piece of mud. With a slight shock, the mud wrapped around the thing was completely shattered.

This thing also fell into the hands of Chi Qiaosong, and it was a familiar piece of leather.

When the skin fell into Chi Qiaosong's hands, the mud on the ground stopped moving, and was slowly hit by the rain, revealing the pieces of minced meat inside.

When he performed the "Little Daoist Qi Technique", he clearly saw that the evil aura on these pieces of meat dissipated as if burning.

As the mud was washed away by the rain, there was only a piece of meat that was not evil.

He put the leather in his hand into the red gourd, and glanced thoughtfully at the pitch-black Qutang: "The two pieces of leather can't be put together, there are other pieces of leather in this small lake!"


He shouted not far away: "The evil spirit is dead, come and collect the corpse!"

The light from the flashlight approached cautiously. It was Tao Daochang, Director Song, and Director Song who was still very weak: "Director Chi, are you really killed?"

"What are you doing to deceive you?"

The three of them walked to the front, and immediately found a piece of meat on the ground.

Chi Qiaosong sighed: "This evil is a bit evil. I clearly strangled mud, but when it was washed by the rain, it turned into pieces of meat all over the place."

Tao Daochang quickly reached out and wiped his eyelids twice, and then said: "The evil spirit has receded...but..."

Director Song hurriedly asked, "But what?"

"But I don't know if Chi Feng really killed the evil spirits. This pool of mud and the previous pool of black water seem to be the evil spirits' way of feigning death to escape."

After Tao Tao finished speaking, he looked at Chi Qiaosong.

There is no problem with his logic, and even the results are not too biased. It is very likely that there is still evil hidden in the lake.

It's just that this evil evil is probably not a specific evil evil, but the evil evil formed by the infection of the broken skins.


There is no need for Chihashimatsu to tell others about this.

He just nodded: "Tao Daochang is right, so let's go. We will live in the Qutang Forest Farm for the next few days to make sure there is no problem before we leave... Of course, I only come here at night, and I have to go to work during the day."

Director Song said hurriedly, "Don't worry, Director Chi, the round-trip fare, gas, and meals, we have paid for it at the Qutang Forest Farm, and I just hope that the two of you can completely remove the evil."

Tao Daochang was a little reluctant: "How are your accommodation conditions?"

Director Song replied, "It must be the best room for Taoist Tao and Director Chi to clean up."

Tao Daochang nodded and said to Chi Qiaosong: "I will drive back with you during the day, and I will drive with you at night. I am also very busy. There are a lot of things to deal with in the Taoist temple."

At this moment.

Liu Yuanheng's family rushed over and heard that the pieces of meat on the ground were Liu Yuanheng, and his wife fainted immediately.

Chi Qiaosong shook his head and walked away with the ghost-headed sword.

Human flesh cannot fatten the fields.

The corpses were useless to him.

As for the muddy mud that was supposed to be evil, it suddenly melted away for no apparent reason. I couldn't keep it if I wanted to. Yesterday's fish woman, sea monk and nun still had a corpse. This mud figurine didn't even have a But He vaguely guessed that the fish woman was infected by a corner of the skin and became evil, and over time had a complete body.

But Liu Yuanheng had just been possessed. If he didn't kill him, he would probably become a real evil in a few days, but unfortunately he was killed early, so naturally he couldn't become a climate.

At the end of the day.

The root of this evil incident lies in the two broken skins stored in the red gourd.

Nothing happened after midnight.

Chiqiaosong slept well and drove back to Pine Garden the next day.

Immediately, he turned out "Shuowen Jiezi", and began to translate the newly acquired corner of the skin, word by word, what word was written in the seal of birds and insects.

"This horn skin seems to be divided into three parts. I got one end and one tail, and I didn't get the middle part." He studied the position of the broken skin.

When it was time to eat at noon, the bird and insect seals on it were also found to correspond to the characters one by one.

On the front, there are still two half-birds and insects, two of which can be identified are "Netherworld", and the third half-cut character should be a "yes".

Therefore, on the front of this horn skin, it is written: "Netherworld has... there is a ticket to prove it."

The complete one should be eight characters. He deduced seven, and there is one missing. He doesn't know what to fill in.

On the back of the leather, there are also bird and insect seals written vertically in three lines. The first line has four characters "Time is like an arrow", the second line has five characters "Si Wu Woo Zai", and the third line has six characters "Please welcome all the checkpoints".

Chi Qiaosong spread the two corners of leather on the table, and the gap in the middle was exactly a parallelogram: "Combining the front corner of the leather, if there are eight large characters on the front, then there are sixteen small characters on the back row."Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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