"Forget it if you don't know. By the way, Lao Tu and I will go out to explore a well that may be related to the underworld. You are ready to go with us."

Ren Qiongdan's eyes sparkled: "Tu Shanxi is also going?"


"Okay boss, I'll prepare... By the way, what do I need to prepare?"

"You don't need to prepare anything, just keep your spirits up." Chi Qiaosong said, and he remembered something, "By the way, what spells do you know that I can learn?"

Ren Qiongdan thought for a while and replied: "You can learn the method of acupuncture and moxibustion, boss. Among them, "The Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate" is an orthodox medical technique, and it is not unfavorable to block ghosts. In addition, "Human Phase Autopsy" boss, you There is no need to learn it, you can learn "Paper Man Handling Technique", but you can learn "But Old Technique"."

Immediately, Ren Qiongdan thought of another spell: "There is also the "Circle Light Technique", which may be useful."

""Circle Light Technique"?" Chi Qiaosong raised his eyebrows.

"It's a very special kind of side-by-side technique. Using the medium, you can trace the origin and briefly reproduce what happened before... After I learned it, nine times out of ten, it failed, and once or twice, it was only a glimpse. "

According to Ren Qiongdan.

Chi Qiaosong feels that this "Circle of Light" is like the "Sky Eye System", using the on-site medium to cast spells, and then backtracking on what happened before, which is no different from the inspection and monitoring of the Sky Eye System.

"I want to learn the "Circle Light Technique"!" He said without hesitation, paused, and then added, "I also learn the method of acupuncture and moxibustion, and the "Paper Man Handling Technique" and "But Old Technique" are no exception."

Ren Qiongdan smiled: "As long as the boss takes time, I will teach the boss patiently."

"Then it's settled, let's cook."

At dawn the next day, Chi Qiaosong finished his homework early in the morning and went to work at the dredging office.

Now that it is mid-August, there are still different opinions about the news about the main force of the Peng clan, and there is no accurate result. However, the footsteps of the Ou valve and the general valve did not stop.

Guangxin City and the county towns under its jurisdiction have appointed new municipal officials and county governors to preside over day-to-day affairs.

Later, Chen Zhibin, an Ou clan, went to Fuliang City in person, and Xu Xiangfo, a general clan clan, went to Yiyang City. The two warlords in Wuyue Province have privately divided up the ownership of the Pengli area.

"Outside the number, outside the number, Fu Liang changed hands!"

Newsboys hawked along the street, looking at the adults who kept spending money to buy newspapers, with bright smiles on their faces.

However, after the adults who bought the newspaper, they all sighed and sighed—the locals were quite resistant to the Ou Clan coming to take over Fuliang City.

Once Zhu Dashuai collected taxes for 12 years, I am afraid that he would have to collect taxes again if he changed people.

Second, the Ou clan occupied Fuliang City, and the local warlords in Jiangyou would never admit to it.

"Would you like to buy a newspaper, sir, you must be a martial artist, and the commander of the Ou clan occupies Fuliang City, don't you care?"

Newsboys have practiced their speaking, and see what people say.

Chiqiaosong smiled and didn't buy it.

His unit had ordered newspapers, so naturally he didn't need to buy any more. He parked his bicycle and went directly to a wholesale department to purchase some waterproof leather bags, headlamps and ropes.

Then go to the department store.

It was the familiar Zhang Hongyan who came to receive him: "My Director Chi, you haven't been here for several days."

"Help me choose a camera and a video camera." Chi Qiaosong said simply, the development of science and technology in Daxia and the Republic of China was good, and these devices began to be popularized for civilian use.

However, it is expensive and cannot be used by ordinary people.

In this era, rich people can shoot videos everywhere, and ordinary people are reluctant to even go to a photo studio to take a photo. The gap between the rich and the poor is quite large.

The Yixiang herbal medicine store of the old Chi family is making gold every day, and Chi Qiaosong's pockets are naturally bulging. He bought a camera costing tens of thousands of yuan each without blinking an eye.

Zhang Hongyan, who is in charge of the shopping guide, can't wait to turn it into plasticine and stick to Chi Qiaosong.

It's a pity that Chi Qiaosong didn't react at all to her wink.

There is a beautiful vixen living in his house, and there is a sassy and heroic girlfriend outside. He has long been immune to ordinary vulgar fans, and he will leave after paying the bill.

Return to the dredging office, throw the 28 bars in the unit, and drive the unit's second-hand off-road vehicle back to Songyuan.

When I arrived at Pine Garden, I saw the small building at the foot of the mountain was lively and lively.

Only then did I know that the object of my third uncle's blind date came to the house as a guest. Chi's father, Chi's mother, his second uncle, and his sister-in-law were all there, chatting lively.

"It's my son, Chi Qiaosong, who is the director of the county's dredging office." Chi's mother warmly introduced Chi Qiaosong. This eldest son is the greatest pride in her life.

Third Uncle's blind date is a twenty-seven- or eight-year-old rural woman who looks pretty good.

Chi Qiaosong greeted with a smile.

Then I asked the second uncle to find out the other party's information.

The woman's name is Zhao Hongzhen, a widow with a five-year-old daughter by her side. Originally, she did not plan to remarry, and planned to live with her daughter.

But her in-laws saw that she had not given birth to a son, so they planned to keep the granddaughter and drive her out.

As soon as she was angry, she took her daughter out. There were other sons and grandchildren in her husband's family, so she didn't even want the granddaughter, and let her mother and daughter leave.

Without her in-laws, her parents did not want to take them in, so the life of the orphans and widows was difficult.

Mother Chi learned about Zhao Hongzhen's situation through the matchmaker's introduction, and introduced her to the third uncle. The third uncle, who had been feeling unhappy about Aunt A Hong before, fell in love with Zhao Hongzhen at a glance.

This is the third time we have met. If both parties agree, we will get the certificate and drink.

to this.

Chi Qiaosong had no objection, he sat down for a while, then went up the mountain and returned to Pine Garden~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sir. "Xiaozhi is digging soil at the gate of the yard.

As an evil spirit, she is very strong. The large shovel is effortlessly in her hand, and the small canal by the courtyard wall is dug wide and deep, ready to dig a small river around the pine garden.


Ikebashi Matsu nodded.

It was not his idea to dig the river, but Ren Qiongdan felt that the Fengshui pattern of the Songyuan was not good enough, so he took the initiative to propose to Chi Qiaosong to make some arrangements in the Songyuan.

Although she is just a fox spirit, she has lived in many generals' mansions and seen Feng Shui courtyards arranged by mages.

For feng shui pattern, a little bit.

After inspecting the whole of the Pine Garden, it is proposed to dig a ring-shaped river around the Pine Garden, and then divide several waterways to pass through the garden, thus arranging the pattern of "a jade belt around the waist, and there is no water in the house".

It is said that the benefits of this pattern are career success and wealth.

Chi Qiaosong was noncommittal about this, but after Ren Qiongdan carefully described the planned pine garden scene, more like a landscape garden than a farm earthen courtyard, he nodded in agreement.

Who doesn't want to make their place more beautiful and luxurious.

Entering the yard, Ren Qiongdan was drying the medicinal herbs. When he saw Chi Qiaosong coming back, he walked into the house and handed over a plate of cut watermelon: "Boss, eat some watermelon."

Life secretary is very competent.

After eating two pieces indiscriminately, Chi Qiaosong went to the top of the mountain to find Tu Shanruo. He didn't see anyone in the bamboo house, so he had to go back to Songyuan and ask Ren Qiongdan, "Where did Lao Tu go?"

Ren Qiongdan replied with a bit of resentment: "It must be going to pluck the little fox's hair. Boss, you have been out for the past few days. Every time he goes into the mountains to harm the little fox and put gold on his face."


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