Father Chi's awareness of confidentiality is stronger than that of Chi Qiaosong. He goes around Chijia Mountain every day, for fear that the secrets on the mountain will be exposed and lead to disaster.

Therefore, I am not very reassured about the third uncle, let alone Zhao Hongzhen who brought her daughter after marriage.

"But on Chijiashan, someone does need to guard the gate." Chi Qiaosong hesitated, "Ren Qiongdan and Ren Xiaozhi are not suitable for guarding the gate."

The second uncle said, "What your dad means is that he and sister-in-law look back at the gate."

"Who will take care of Qiaowu and the others?"

"Isn't there your second aunt? Your second aunt doesn't want to go to work in the mountains, so let her go to work in the herbal medicine store. She can't calculate the bill, so she simply asks her to do laundry and cook at home and bring a few children."

"Second aunt willing?"

"She doesn't know how willing she is. You let her work, and she will complain. You let her stay at home, and she is willing to do so."

"Then I have no opinion."

"Well, I'll go back and tell your dad. Seriously, you don't let him go to work in the mountains. He's in a hurry at home, and he's smoking bag by bag of dry cigarettes."

"You help to persuade, smoke less cigarettes and drink more tea."

"I'm persuading him, but your dad has been used to the family since he was a child, and he doesn't listen to me when I talk." The second uncle spread his hands and expressed his helplessness.

After speaking, the second uncle asked again: "By the way, Komatsu, do you want to continue to buy the news of the spirit beasts? I feel that the income is not large, and the spirit beasts will not make money just by spending money."

He has not stopped the news of buying spirit beasts.

Chi Qiaosong also often went into the mountains to hunt, but unfortunately, because of his excessive energy and blood, the spirit beasts fled early, nine out of ten times in vain.

The last time is up to luck.

He smiled: "Continue to buy, it won't cost you much anyway, you will earn if you buy it. But second uncle, you should focus on strange things."

The second uncle immediately realized: "Understood, it's evil."


The black man landed.

Tu Shanru grabbed a white stone with his claws, thought for a moment, and casually moved on the chessboard: "Gee."

"Old Tu asked you, boss, if it feels good to be fired." Ren Qiongdan, who acted as a translator, said while trimming the wick of the oil lamp.

Chi Qiaosong had just learned Go, his chess skills were not very high, and he played casually: "It's not uncomfortable, but it's not uncomfortable. Maybe I still have expectations in my heart. I always think that Zhu Dashuai will not give up Peng Li so easily."


"Old Tu said that your mentality is the best. When you take power, you will definitely encounter similar problems. Those warlords come and go very frequently. Only by maintaining a good mentality can you reach the end."

"That said, the wait is the most annoying."

"You are still young, and it is the kingly way to wait and see how things change."

He played two games of Go here at Tu Shanxi, and after being enlightened by Tu Shanxi for a while, he returned to his usual relaxed state of mind, and returned to Pine Garden with Ren Qiongdan, who was reluctant to part.

At ten o'clock at night, he still didn't want to sleep, so he simply pulled Ren Qiongdan to teach spells.

He is earnestly studying "Yuanguang Technique", "But Old Technique", "Paper Man Handling Technique", and "Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate".


Even if he is a martial arts genius, it is still impossible for him to get the hang of these spells in a short period of time - even if he gets the trick, there is no fertilizer to cultivate.

For the next few days, he stayed in Chijiashan, did not go out, and concentrated on farming and practicing martial arts.

In the past few days, Li Zexin, the airborne governor, made great moves, and successively appointed several warrior-level masters from the Ou clan to serve as the top leaders of important units in Mokan County.

A group of local leaders who were absent from the meeting were transferred away, and replaced by local warriors who were close to him.

The elder brother Li Shou was assigned to the remote Fenggang Township as the deputy head of the township; the second elder brother, Ba Puze, was transferred to the meteorological office as the director.

The original director Wang Jun, the concubine scholar who often published articles in the "Hux News", was promoted to the director of water conservancy.

"Second Senior Brother, it's your turn to go to work in the water building." Chi Qiaosong saw Ba Puze and said with a smile, "As far as I know, the filing cabinet of the Meteorological Institute is full of "Fox News", you are bored Check it out when you need to.”

Ba Puze squeezed out a smile: "I don't plan to go to work. Let the deputy director lead the class. I'm going to practice martial arts at home for a while."

"Want to attack the warrior realm?" Chi Qiaosong raised his eyebrows.

Ba Puze shook his head: "It's difficult, I'll just try it. After all... the warrior realm has too few means to use. The master is not there, you are still growing, and no one can afford it."

"Well, it's better to try more, the martial artist just needs to be brave."

"Haha, Lao Liu, you are floating, and now you have started to teach me martial arts."

Piao or Piao Chi Qiaosong knew in his heart, he said, "I sincerely hope that you, Second Senior Brother, can attack the warrior realm and carry the great banner of Master."

"how about you?"

"I'm going to a higher place to see."

Ba Puze heard the words, his eyes flashed, and his big hand patted Chi Qiaosong's shoulder: "Have ambition, but I believe that you can do what you say. Among our brothers, you are the most talented!"

However, Ikehashi Matsu said what he said.

The next day, I borrowed a car to go to Yiyang City for the sake of my children's personal love.

Sihan Tianshi Mansion is located in Longhu Mountain, Yiyang City. Although the mountain is not high, it is a holy place for martial arts.

According to Feng Shui, the Wuyi Mountains where Longhu Mountain is located is the first claw of Nangan Dragon, that is, the dragon claw that penetrates into the sea and grabs the Ryukyu Treasure Island.

So good luck.

Sihan Tianshi Mansion is located in Si, and the inheritance can only prosper.

Strangers are forbidden to enter the mountain, but Sanqing Town at the foot of the mountain does not restrict tourists. People from all over the world like to come here to offer incense and pray for their children.

"Come on."

Zhou Jinyao dressed up carefully, took Chi Qiaosong to visit the entire Sanqing Town, sneaked up on Longhu Mountain, and wandered around the mountain.

Until it was dark, the two were reluctant to part.

"You must be careful on your way back."

"I know."

"Also, don't fight against that Li Zexin. I heard from my mother that the Ou clan has already entered Fuliang City in an all-round way, and the commander Chen Zhibin is currently sitting in Fuliang City."

"I was fired, and I couldn't do it if I wanted to. I read books and practiced martial arts in the mountains, planting fields and raising grass."

"Yeah." Zhou Jinyao hooked Chi Qiaosong's neck, gave a kiss, and continued to exhort, "Also, that secretary Ren Qiongdan is a little goblin when you hear his voice, you must not make mistakes."

Chi Qiaosong smiled and replied: "Then you guessed wrong, she is not a goblin, she is an old goblin, and she is much older than her voice sounds."

Zhou Jinyao wrinkled her nose and hummed, "You are not allowed to make mistakes anyway. Although I don't object to your men taking concubines, don't think about it in the first few years."

The custom of taking concubines in the Republic of China has never been banned.

Especially high-level figures, there are few people who do not accept concubines, so under the influence of the atmosphere, everyone has become accustomed to concubines for big people, and it is abnormal for those who do not accept concubines.

Zhou Jinyao's father, Zhou Li, took in several concubines.

Zhou Li disappeared, and these concubines followed Jiang Qin, the wife of the big house, and took refuge in the Sihan Tianshi Mansion.

Early the next morning.

The phone rang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Boss, read the newspaper, the big news from "Jiangyou Morning News"! "Li Weiwei yelled on the other end of the phone, "The provincial government has been connected to the electricity, Hong and Peng have joined together, and the commander will be transferred to Jiangyou Province from now on!" "


Chi Qiaosong was shocked after hearing this.

I drove directly to the county seat, found a newsstand, squeezed into the crowd and picked up a copy of "Jiangyou Morning News" with a group photo on the cover.

The commander of the Hong clan and the provincial governor Wang Xinjian, together with the commander of the Peng clan and the commissioner of the Pengli Regional Administration Zhu Guangshuang, clasped their hands and smiled at the camera together.


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