During the period of Qiangniu, Xiang Jiuxian had come to understand: "Junior Brother Chi, do you think that Xie Xiu used Lao Niu to hide the real answering bug?"

"I don't know that. I just had a whim. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but it's okay to give it a try."

"it is good."

Xiang Jiuxian was not so gentle towards Lao Niu, so he asked Xi Longlong to help hold Lao Niu down, took half a small bowl of blood from Lao Niu's body, and began to draw blood talismans.

Chi Qiaosong kept his eyes on the village chief.

Through "Little Daoist Qishu", he did not find that the village chief had evil spirits—the evil spirits that had been parasitized by the answering insects before had been cleared away with the rune water.

There was also no evil spirit on that old cow.

But the abnormal reaction of the village chief made him more and more certain that there was definitely something wrong with this old cow and the village chief—he was not a policeman, so he didn’t need to use evidence to say, and if he doubted it, he would act directly.

After a while.

Xiang Jiuxian had already painted the blood talisman and started to burn the blood talisman to track the Gu mother's location.

To Chi Qiaosong's surprise, however, after the talisman paper was burned, it did not point out the direction. Like the previous method of casting the blood talisman, it did not respond to the position of the Gu mother.

"Junior Brother Chi, it's useless." Xiang Jiuxian shook his head.

Next to him, he stared at the village chief who was casting the spell.

Seeing Chi Qiaosong looking at him, he hurriedly said, "I just said that my old cow couldn't possibly be poisoned. Yesterday, I fed it forage myself, and it was fine and nothing happened."

Xiang Jiuxian looked at the old cow carefully, and said, "This old cow is fine, there is no evil spirit on his body."

Chiqiaosong nodded slightly.

The village chief immediately came forward to lead the old ox: "Then I will pull the old ox back and bleed a lot of blood. I have to ask the mother-in-law to feed him more bean cakes to nourish his body."

But an arm stopped in front of him.

Chi Qiaosong said slowly, "Village chief, don't worry."

The village chief suddenly grimaced and looked at Xiang Jiuxian and the deputy town chief: "The Taoist chief, the town chief, my own old cow, doesn't this all prove that it is not poisoned."

"Yeah, Chi worship." The deputy mayor prepares to mix mud.

Chi Qiaosong asked, "Senior Brother Xiang, are all these worms parasitizing people's stomachs?"

"Yes, the worms are usually parasitic in the stomach."

"Okay." He said directly to the village chief, "I bought this cow, and I will have someone give you money when I go back. With the deputy mayor here, I can't rely on your cow's money."

The village chief was stunned, and then shouted: "I don't sell it!"

Chi Qiaosong didn't bother to care about him, and said to Xi Longlong, "Look at the village chief."

Xi Longlong was naturally reluctant to let go of the opportunity to hug his thighs. After being easily defeated by Chi Qiaosong twice, he fell into the worship of Chi Qiaosong: "Okay, senior brother."

Ignore the shouting village chief.

Chi Qiaosong had already raised his palm, slung it down, and instantly killed the old cow, and then opened the old cow's belly with a knife.

When he was hunting, he killed and decomposed the bison, so he found the four stomachs of the old ox one by one, cut it open and poured out the undigested food inside.

Most are forage.

But there was a mass of black things scattered out, accompanied by a fishy smell.

Xiang Jiuxian squatted on the ground in surprise, picking out the black thing: "It's a lump formed by a Gu worm, okay, so the real Reply Worm is hiding here!"


The village chief, who was grabbed by Xi Longlong's arm, slumped on the ground and shouted to himself, "How could it be, how could it be, how could my old cow be poisoned."

"Senior Brother Xiang, can you cast a spell to find Gu Mother this time?"

"With the real answering insects, we will definitely be able to find the Gu mother." Xiang Jiuxian said, giving a thumbs up, "This evil cultivator has also taken great pains to cover up his tracks with such means, but he was still seen by Junior Brother Chi's wisdom!"

The deputy mayor also praised: "If it wasn't for Chi Eng's persistence, Xie Xiu would have almost escaped the catastrophe, it's amazing!"

Xi Longlong even looked at Chi Qiaosong with admiration.

Chi Qiaosong Dandan smiled and said, "Just look more carefully, and cast a spell on Senior Brother as soon as possible to find the position of the Gu mother... Xi Longlong, you are the first trial of the village chief."

With a real answering worm, blood rune tracking is no longer a problem.

After the talisman paper was burned, it turned into a smoke and pointed in the direction of Yangfang Lake. Like a compass, the talisman paper constantly emits smoke to guide everyone.

After getting a boat from the village, Chi Qiaosong took the deputy mayor and Senior Brother Xiang and rowed to the lake to search.

Eventually the smoke pointed to another island in the middle of the lake, which was large, at least the size of a regular football stadium, and lush with trees.

After landing on the island in the heart of the lake, Xiang Jiuxian burned another blood talisman.

The smoke pointed to a part of the island, where there was a small hill, and among the bushes, a man-made cave was exposed, and the soil was still fresh.

"Xie Xiu is here!" Xiang Jiuxian looked at Chi Qiaosong and the deputy mayor.

He didn't plan to enter the cave, so the task of entering the cave was done by Chi Qiaosong and the deputy mayor. However, before the two could go in to search, a tall and thin figure rushed out of the hole.

Directly pounced on Xiang Jiuxian.

Xiang Jiuxian hurriedly waved the peach wood sword, ready to take out the talisman paper to meet the enemy. A martial arts cultivator like him is a good hand at catching Xie Xun, but it is not enough to face a horizontal martial artist.


But it was Chi Qiaosong who kicked and stopped the figure.

A tall and thin middle-aged horse-faced man was revealed, and the deputy mayor moved forward quickly, preparing to capture the horse-faced middle-aged man, but as soon as the horse-faced middle-aged man raised his hand, countless black smoke came out.

"It's the worm's egg, don't breathe!" Xiang Jiuxian reminded loudly as he ran back.

The deputy mayor hurriedly held his breath, but because of this hesitation, the middle-aged man with a horse face found a flaw, and the long sword in his hand stabbed forward and went straight to the heart of the deputy mayor.

As a master in the warrior state, the deputy mayor dodged at a critical moment, but a bloodstain was drawn under his ribs by a long sword.

The wound was not deep, but his actions were numb, and he shouted: "There is poison on the sword, be careful with the offering! This scorpion is afraid that it has the third-class strength in the warrior realm!"


Ma Mian was about to attack the deputy mayor, but Chi Qiaosong blocked him with a ghost-headed sword.

When the two swords intersected, he immediately felt that the horse-faced middle-aged man did have the strength of the third-class warrior.

On weekdays, he can kill the opponent in three or five moves, but now he has to pretend to be invincible-because on the bright side, he only has a warrior state.

Chi Qiaosong, who lost the sheep outfit, waved the "White Rainbow Sword" at will to block the horse-faced middle-aged man, turned around and shouted to the deputy mayor, "Can we fight again?"

The deputy mayor gritted his teeth: "Wait for me for another minute, and I can force the poison out."

The martial artist has a strong defense and is not afraid of poisoning, but the deputy mayor was caught off guard just now, and he didn't even have time to unfold the shadow, and this was the point.

Previously, everyone thought that the evil cultivator who used the Responding Insect Gu poison was a warrior of the warrior realm, or an internal cultivator.

After all, the thunder pills made by the sing worms collected essence, energy and spirit are not strong, and they are basically useless to warriors. Who would have thought that the horse-faced middle-aged man is not only a warrior, but also a third-class master.

And the horse-faced middle-aged man is still poisoning his sword.

The poison is so strong that half of the deputy mayor's body is paralyzed, and he can only slowly expel the poison.

Hearing this, Chi Qiaosong had no choice but to pretend to be trying his best to hold the middle-aged horse-faced man to prevent him from escaping.

Xiang Jiuxian and others could only watch the battle from a distance and could not get involved.

A minute passed quickly.

Chi Qiaosong turned his head and saw that the deputy mayor was still detoxifying.

Aware of Chi Qiaosong's gaze, the deputy mayor's face flushed red, and he shouted, "Chi worship, wait for me for one more minute, just one minute!"


Chi Qiaosong scolded inwardly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and felt that he couldn't continue to perform such a dangerous scene, it was too much to test his acting skills.

The next step in the heart, count on the heart.

I saw that he stumbled under his feet, and his body fell backwards.

Seeing this, the middle-aged horse-faced man was instantly overjoyed, and the long sword in his hand stabbed at the fallen Chi Qiaosong.

However, at the critical moment, Chi Qiaosong turned around, and the ghost-headed sword was like an imaginary sword. From a hidden angle, with a trace of afterimage, it directly pierced the chest of the middle-aged horse-faced man.


Blood spurted.

The horse-faced middle-aged man endured the severe pain and wanted to stab forward, but was kicked by Chi Qiaosong and kicked aside.

Panting to stand up, Chi Qiaosong pretended to be the rest of his life, with a ghost-headed sword, breaking the tendons and hamstrings of the horse-faced middle-aged man, and swearing by the way: "Zi, I'm exhausted!"

The body is not tired.

Acting is exhausting.

Papapapapa, Xiang Jiuxian slapped his hands and rushed over, exclaiming loudly: "Awesome, Mokan tiger! Fighting against the warriors and realm evil masters with one's own strength, Junior Brother Chi, he is indeed a martial arts genius!"


Ask for a ticket~

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