Farming, Learning Martial Arts, and Peace In the World

Chapter 263: Explore the Dragon King Well

The Hong clan was preparing to fight the Ou clan and the general clan. Mokan County was on the front line, and various undercurrents began to surge.

But this has little to do with Ikehashimatsu.

Come October.

Ten acres of fertile land will get three bales of fertilizer, two from fertile land, and one from livestock and poultry production.

"Ren Qiongdan, it's time to pick tea." He called his secretary to pick the nectar tea leaves—because there was no fertilization to accelerate the ripening, the second crop of nectar tea leaves took six months to ripen.

Originally, the nectar tea was agreed to be half with Tu Shanluo, but Tu Shanluo's self-cultivation and self-cultivation have reached the limit, and no matter how precious foreign objects are, it will not help it.

Simply donate all the nectar tea to Chiqiaosong.

And in the way of marrying a dream, he said: "This nectar tea is useless to me, it is nothing more than a tongue, and other wild camellias can be substituted. But it is of great use to the health of Brother Chi's family, so Brother Chi will take it all.

When I get over the calamity of the human fetus, you and I will be divided into half again. At that time, I will also use the magic of nectar tea to nourish my spirit. "

Chi Bridgesong no longer insisted.

The work of picking and making tea was handed over to Ren Qiongdan.

Now he doesn't drink much manna tea himself. After all, manna tea is only a refreshing thing to him. But for ordinary people, nectar tea has the magical effect of nourishing the spirit and prolonging life. It is most suitable for parents and families to drink.

"Okay, boss."

Ren Qiongdan took a small bamboo basket, put on two sleeves, and started picking tea neatly.

The remarks about Yuanfa on the previous treasure hunt seemed to have touched her a lot. After returning to Chijia Mountain, she twisted her long hair and kept her ears short.

And she has never put on makeup again, and her flirtatious state has also been greatly restrained.

Quite a change of heart.

Although it was inevitable to kill chickens, ducks and geese to cook for Chiqiaosong, she not only stopped eating meat herself, but also restrained Xiaozhi from eating meat, and she ate vegetables and fruits every day.

In her spare time, she looked at medical skills, and for this reason, she also begged Chi Qiaosong to purchase a large number of medical books for her.

According to Ren Qiongdan, she was going to open a small clinic in the county town when Chi Qiaosong completely trusted her and allowed her to go out to Chijiashan.

Healing and saving people, accumulating merit.

"Since Lao Tu wants to survive the calamity of the human fetus, I will simply survive the calamity of the human fetus. If I become a human in the future, it would be good to get a certificate with him to be a husband and wife."

She could think so, and Chi Qiaosong had no reason to stop her.

After observing in this way for more than half a month, I found that Ren Qiongdan did not seem to be a fake, and really kept his own feet.

He occasionally sat down and talked with Tu Shanxi in a dream, and used it to tease each other: "Old Tu, such a beautiful woman is waiting for you infatuatedly, I really envy others."

Tu Shanxi was noncommittal about this, but said: "I think she is not someone who can have perseverance. Maybe three or five months, maybe three or five years, she will definitely retreat."

"I don't think so."

"Then let's wait and see. Anyway, it makes no difference to me whether she turns her back on her wrongdoing. I only want to seek my way and get over the calamity of my fetus."

Seven Spiritual Roots.

The three root spirits are nothing to look at, except that they grow a little bit each time they are upgraded, and there is no change.

Among the four outer spiritual roots, the nectar tea bushes are harvested once a season, and there is nothing to go into; the last batch of phoenix sycamore trees are left, which have been bred to 67% of the progress, and should be fully mature by next year.

By the time.

Chi Qiaosong was going to see if he could be promoted to the Great Master. If he could be promoted, he would give the second uncle the phoenix tree to help the second uncle become a warrior in the warrior state.

If not, just wait.

On the colorful gourd vine, the green gourd has reached 41% progress, and it will be ripened in more than two months. He doesn't want to save the five packets of fertilizer. Once it can be ripened, it will be ripened immediately.

It's really that red gourd and orange gourd are too powerful.

Even if the yellow gourd, which is not very useful, wears it day and night, it greatly increases his sense of security.

Finally, there is the gathering yin money tree. The second string of Ming money strings is also bred to 84%. It will be fully mature in about a month, and there will be twelve more Ming coins of unknown use.

If it was said that he was a little disapproving of Ming Qian before.

But when the clues of Longwangjing pointed more and more to the underworld, he quickly paid attention to the money.

Nether money belongs to spiritual treasures. According to the information returned by ten acres of fertile land, "Netherworld travels, consumes yang, longevity and yin virtue, and can attract souls", which shows that it has a miraculous effect in the underworld.

When he really finds the portal to the underworld from Longwangjing, maybe the money will come in handy.

"Wait slowly, I haven't figured out whether the Dragon King's well is a portal to the underworld, I can't bear to use fertilizer to ripen the strings of money... But then again, Xiaoqing hasn't shed her skin for a long time."

The last time Xiaoqing shed her skin was in mid-July.

Two and a half months later, its body has grown to nearly 13 meters, the scales on its body are still green, and there is no sign of shedding at all - the herbal effect of Guimenglan has disappeared, and it has returned to its normal growth rate.


Xinggong Huochan Xiaohong, who has been reduced to ten acres of fertile farmland, sees Chi Qiaosong standing beside the Juyin Money Tree, lingering too late to leave, and screams in a hurry.

Chi Qiaosong retracted his thoughts, glanced at Xiaohong, and directly kicked it away: "Unfamiliar stuff!"

Compared to Xiaobai, Yuegong Yuchan, who is almost forgotten, Xiaohong is really not likable, guarding the Juyin Money Tree for fear of others robbing her.

If you see a fly flying by, you will go up and stare.

By the time he walked out of the greenhouse, Ren Qiongdan had already lit all the tender leaves on the Ganlu tea bushes, picked up a small half-bamboo basket, and prepared to spread it out in the yard to dry.

"When you're done, get ready, we'll go out tomorrow." Chi Qiaosong explained.

Ren Qiongdan nodded: "Good boss."

The next day was a cloudy and rainy day, but it did not prevent Chiqiaosong from traveling.

He instructed Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, keep the door of the house with General Beng."

Xiaozhi took the lead: "Yes, sir."


The white-haired monkey, who was carrying a pulped wooden stick, also nodded humanely and patted his chest.

Under the double blessing of ten acres of fertile land and the good fortune dragon girl, it has been completely tamed, and under the daily "snake wrapping stick" by Chi Qiaosong, he gradually explored a set of "monkey stick" prototypes.

The strength has improved slightly, but it is still in the third rank of the samurai realm.


Xiaoqing was still hostile to the white monkey who had broken his tail, and gave him a vicious look.

Chi Qiaosong, wearing a rain cape, took the first step towards Xiaoqing's back.

Ren Qiongdan, who was also wearing a poncho, and Tu Shanlu, who was wearing a super-small poncho sewn by Ren Qiongdan, bowed to Xiaoqing and stepped on them.

"Set off."

Chiqiaosong waved his hand.

Xiaoqing immediately swam away with the air, a foot above the ground, like a ghost carrying one person and two foxes, and went down the mountain.

Ren Qiongdan used the magic tricks in his hands and used the illusion of fox magic to cover up everyone. He swam out of Chijia Mountain in such a generous way, swam across the main road, and headed towards the Qutang Forest Farm.

It's fast and very smooth.

Xiaoqing is like a high-speed train, passing through the woods, fields, and villages on both sides, and soon swims to the mountains and forests of Qutang Forest Farm. Under the guidance of Chi Qiaosong, UU Reading came to the edge of Longwangjing.

Now that it is autumn, the water level of Xiaohuilong is close to drying up, and the Longwang Well has also sunk into a real well.

"Gee." Tu Shanxi glanced at Longwangjing.

Ren Qiongdan said sternly: "Boss, although you have been promoted to the Yushi realm and become a high-minded person, you must be careful of the blood-sucking dragon in the well. If the situation changes, come back quickly."

"Don't worry, I never take risks." Chi Qiao took off his raincoat and plunged into the deep well.

------off topic-----

Thanks Lao Jian, I am not Uncle Liang Shan, Flying Pig 918, Book Friends 20210909165218473, Two Sweet Potatoes, One Ruozhi as First Seen, Book Friends 141001172434588, Xianyunbu, Qin Feng abc for the rewards~


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