The big tortoise was a little delirious.

Chi Qiaosong simply sat down cross-legged and talked to it repeatedly, trying to figure out what happened.

I don't know how much time it took, but in the tortoise's topsy-turvy answer, a clue was gradually clarified. It turned out that this old tortoise was a tortoise.

According to legend, the clam becomes a mirage, and the mirage becomes a dragon.

In the same legend, it is also mentioned that the turtle is big into an ao, and the ao and the snake are intertwined, which can be transformed into a basalt.

In the official data, a tortoise has become a spiritual beast called Xuan Jieqing. There are also some documents that call the turtle spirit beast as Dr. Tongyou.

Xuan Jieqing means black, armored officials.

The tortoise shell is mostly used for divination. The ancients believed that the tortoise shell could pass through the secluded place. As for the doctor, it was also a kind of official in ancient times.

Because the power of divination in ancient times was mostly in the hands of officials such as doctors, so there were names such as Xuan Jieqing and Doctor Tongyou.

"I am a big tortoise in the mountains. If I don't cultivate the Dao, I will be miserable. Fortunately, I have been enlightened by Master Luo, and then I have a positive result."

Through the old tortoise's self-report, Chi Qiaosong gradually understood that it was originally a tortoise, and later became a spiritual beast Xuan Jieqing, and was then turned into an ao by Master Luo.

This Ao is more advanced than Xuan Jieqing, about the same as Jiao class.

Serpents turn into Jiaojiao, mussels turn into mirages, and turtles turn into Ao, all of which are general principles, but Jiao is an auspicious beast.

"Master Luo ordered me to guard the dojo, and he often talked to me about the outside world. Only then did I know that the outside world had already taken over the world."

Turtle is happy and quiet, and this big turtle Huaao stayed in the dojo like this, staying there for decades, until Luo Shichui was old and began to plan what happened next.

Master Luo told it that he needed it to carry a ride.

The old turtle readily agreed.

Then he was brought to this secret room, and then Master Luo tied it up, with five magic weapon steel nails piercing through its neck, forelimbs, and hindlimbs respectively.

The old turtle questioned Master Luo.

Master Luo said that he was afraid of the old turtle turning back, and then began to cast spells. When the old turtle came back to his senses, he had already appeared on the bank of a large river, which is the river of weak water leading to the underworld.

The old turtle was afraid, but Master Luo threatened it, killing it if it dared to turn back, and letting it go back if it carried him across the river.

In desperation, the old turtle could only carry him across the river, but as soon as he entered the weak water, the old turtle was no longer conscious, and when he woke up, he had returned to the secret room.

The hands, feet and neck were bound by chains, and Master Luo sat on its back, no longer breathing.

"Master Luo is dead, I was going to lift him off, but as soon as I move, I will appear on the bank of the Ruoshui River, and then I will be confused."

The old turtle slowly narrated his experience.

It doesn't understand what the secret room has to do with the weak water bank, but every time it returns to the weak water river bank, its memory will be deprived, and it will return to the secret room after being confused.

Over time, it didn't dare to move, so it shrank in the turtle shell and waited for countless years.

"Master Luo promised me to set me free..." The old turtle looked at Chi Qiaosong, his emotions had calmed down, "You haven't told me whether you are a descendant of Master Luo, and will you let me out."

Chi Qiaosong didn't answer and asked, "Let me ask you another question, what is Master Luo's last name, and what do you call him?"

"Master Luo, I don't know his name, but he called me... Lingshouzi." The old turtle Lingshouzi said, and fell into memory again, waiting for it to wake up.

Like an idiot, he asked Chi Qiaosong again, "Little devil, when is it now?"

"Lingshouzi, where is Master Luo's dojo?" Chi Qiaosong knocked on the stone wall of the secret room, ready to find a way to leave.

Having been here for almost an hour, Tu Shanxi and Ren Qiongdan must have been waiting at the Dragon King Well, and they might have already taken search and rescue measures.

Fortunately, whether it is Tu Shanxi or Ren Qiongdan, they both have a spiritual contract with Chi Qiaosong.

As long as the spiritual deed is stable, they should know that Chi Qiaosong is still alive and well.

"I don't know. I rarely go out. I just remember that Master Luo asked me to guard the dojo. After I agreed, he covered his sleeves and I appeared in the dojo."

"Oh?" Chi Qiaosong turned around, "What does the dojo look like?"

"There is water, fields, and a grass hut. Master Luo would concoct alchemy and meditate under the grass hut, and I would help him grow herbs. Occasionally Master Luo also brought people in, and I heard one of them say..."

"Say what?"

"The man was surprised and said that Luo Shi's dojo is a cave, I didn't ask much, and then he was killed by Luo Shi."

"Dongtian?" Chi Qiaosong was really interested now, "Isn't it right?"

"do not know."

Ling Shouzi shook his head slightly, then his eyes were cloudy, and it seemed to be abnormal again.

Chi Qiaosong was going to wait for it to wake up, and then carefully inquire about Luo Shi's dojo. If what Lingshouzi said was true, then it might really be a paradise.

Martial arts has a long history, and it is passed down from the ancient Taoist lineage.

According to some Taoist classics records, this world is blessed with heaven and earth, and there is a space in it, which is an excellent place for Taoism. However, after the martial arts flourished, I never heard the news of Dongtian Paradise.


Chi Qiaosong believes that there must be a blessed land.

The proof is the red gourd hanging on his chest—the inside of the red gourd is self-contained. Since Lingbao can have such a space, why can't there be a bigger cave.

After the old turtle spirit Shouzi woke up, Chi Qiaosong directly asked about the dojo.

Lingshouzi has spent many years in the dojo. According to its description, although this dojo is not large, it is not small, at least several hundred acres.

There is an invisible border on the outside, and there are small rivers flowing inside, trees growing, and clouds and rain.

And you can also see the sun, the moon, and the stars. At the same time, there is plenty of aura inside, which can be swallowed by Lingshouzi. So it stayed for decades, and never thought about going out from beginning to end.


Following Lingshouzi's description, a detail was noticed by Chi Qiaosong: "You mean, Master Luo once bought a freshly baked roast duck from Pingjing City and rewarded you with one; I bought another roast duck that just came out of the oven, and compared the roast duck between the two places. What's the difference?"

" Are you sure it's all freshly baked roast duck?"

"Master Luo loves to buy snacks from all over the world, and he always wants to eat the freshest." Lingshouzi replied, he had some hatred for Master Luo before, but now he has regained his old admiration.

Chi Qiaosong was stunned for a moment, then squatted on the ground again, picking up Master Luo's broken bones one by one.

There is huge expectation in my heart: "What kind of dojo is this, this is clearly a space spirit treasure that is one level higher than my red gourd, the kind you carry with you!"

A pile of bones was piled on the ground.

Chi Qiaosong didn't find any spiritual treasures. He took out Master Luo's gold clothes and checked them carefully. It didn't look like a spiritual treasure.

The jade finger and small jade bottle were also checked, and there was not much special.

"That's not it, didn't he bring it with him?" Chi Qiaosong thought of this, and patted the old turtle's shell again, "Lingshouzi, please lift your body."

"Huh?" Although Ling Shouzi was puzzled, he slowly raised his body.

Chi Qiaosong lay on the ground and shone down with a flashlight. Except for the dust, he didn't see anything pressing on Lingshouzi: "Did he not bring the dojo Lingbao with him?"

After thinking about it carefully, he asked Lingshouzi again: "Master Luo took you to the secret room, how did you get it?"

"I don't know, I left the dojo and entered this secret room."


Chi Qiaosong raised his brows: "It's a dojo, he'll definitely take it with him!"

Immediately, he fixed his gaze on the pile of bones on the ground, and a flash of light flashed: "Master Luo is definitely a master of the three realms of the master, could it be that he refined the dojo into his body?"


Ask for a ticket~


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