The construction of Pine Garden's small world all fell on Ren Qiongdan and Xiaozhi.

At the same time, Ge Yin Tu Shanzhi continued to perform "Hair Shape Repair" and planted hair all over his body. At the same time, he also studied and created "Crossbone Voice Technique", and he could not be idle for a moment.

Xiaoqing can only play, not work.

General Beng honestly stayed in the small world of Pine Garden, but it was okay for him to take care of the house, but it was unrealistic for him to work.

As for Chiqiao Song.

Dedicated to studying the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing", apart from practicing the exercises in the morning, going to work, and talking on the phone with his girlfriend in the evening, he spent the rest of the time in his room to practice.

The horn of the war between the Hong clan and the Ou clan and the common clan is about to sound, but for him it is nothing to do with him.

In the jade wrench, he kept reciting the scriptures.

As his understanding became more and more profound, he gradually explored the cultivation method of "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing"—refining essence and transforming qi.

As the name implies, it is to refine the essence of one's body into Qi.

This "jing" is a metaphysical concept, a series of substances such as energy, spirit, and night that are scattered outside, and it is an integral part of life.

Daoism says that Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

Cultivation is to reverse this process, refining all things into three, then refining from three to two, and finally refining into one, and obtaining the Tao from one is the way of cultivation.

After human beings were born, the essence was scattered into various parts of life.

Now the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing" is to re-refining the scattered essence and refining it into a special qi.

This "qi" is somewhat similar to a breath of qi, but it is more pure than a breath of qi. If it is said that a breath of qi is acquired qi, then the qi that is refined and transformed into qi is innate qi.

"According to the cultivation method of the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing", it is necessary to extradite the innate energy in order to refine and transform it, but I tried to use the external spiritual energy as the innate energy, and it seems to be ineffective."

After Chiqiaosong understood the training content, he immediately started to arrange the training.

But the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth cannot be used to practice the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing": "It seems that the quality of the spiritual energy is not enough, otherwise, try changing the purple energy!"


Together with Xiaoqing, he tried to absorb the violet qi to replace the innate qi when the violet qi rose in the sky.

It is a pity that the use of purple qi to practice the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing" still has no movement. The quality of purple qi cannot replace the innate qi.

As a last resort, he searched for more qi, the qi of the moonlight shining under the moonlight, the qi rising from the hot spring, the qi drawn from the cold pool, and all the qi that he could get.

So a week later.

Chi Qiaosong's face was ugly and he realized one thing: "I'm afraid, this world does not conform to the spirit of the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing", no wonder Luo Shi is going to the underworld!"

Practice is not smooth.

Obviously got the method of cultivating immortals, but there is no way to cultivate, which makes Chi Qiaosong upset and depressed.

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of a solution, and finally set my sights on the ten acres of fertile fields. After Ren Qiongdan's care, the 10 acres of fertile fields grew lush with spiritual crops.

Because of the timely transplanting, these vegetables, fruits and herbs did not delay the growth.

General Beng leaned against the five-hundred-year-old ghost tree, stretched his feet lazily and scratched the itch. The half-dead spiritual roots had grown a circle of fine leaves.

"Squeak." Seeing Chi Qiao come loose, General Beng waved the pulped stick.

"If you don't fight, you won't fight today, you can play by yourself." Chi Qiaosong practiced with it every day to help him integrate "Snake Stick" into "Monkey Stick".

He patrolled the ten acres of fertile fields aimlessly.

Unknowingly, he walked under the peach tree, and the diligent Golden Wings envoy built a new hive on it, but there was not much nectar, which limited the development of the bee colony.

At the entrance to the small world of Pine Garden, these big bees could not find it, and thus cut off their possibility of finding nectar sources.

"As long as the pine garden is fully planted with flowers, plants and trees, it is estimated that it will barely be enough for Golden Wing to make the bee colony gather honey. I have wronged these big bees and will not eat the honey in the future."

He recruited a big bee, played with it for a while, and put the big bee back.

His eyes couldn't help staring at the peach tree, and suddenly, he found a surprise: ""Zixia Qingchen" is complete (can be refined and transformed into qi), "Flying Waterfall" is complete (can be refined and transformed into qi), "Hold One" "Letter 3" Dacheng, "Guangsheng Ruyi" Dacheng, "Yunji Seven Signs" gathered 37%..."


Chi Qiaosong's heart was pounding.

In the next instant, a breath came from the peach tree and rushed straight to his body.


As if something was blasted away, the invisible shackles in the body were instantly shattered, in exchange for a strong sense of transparency all over the body, floating like an immortal.

A breath of qi still circulates in the twelve serious meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians, but it is mixed with a faint but incomparably clear another kind of "qi".

Innate air.

Weak enough to only have the thickness of a hair, but like a leader, leading the movement of Qi with a strong force.

Immediately, Chi Qiaosong's heart moved, and he had no time to experience this hard-won innate energy. Quickly left the peach tree and ran to an acre of fertile fields without spiritual roots.

Arriving in front of him, his eyes were instantly attracted by a one-meter-high tree that broke out of the ground.

To be precise, this small tree is a bare trunk, without branches and leaves, with a flower-like flower on the tip, nothing special.

Chi Qiaosong's eyes focused on this small tree.

The information is instantly clear to the chest.

Let him be overjoyed: "It really is the Jianmu representing the foundation of Immortal Dao!"

But seeing the buds at the top of the building wood, there is also a message: "Refining gas 0.8%..."

"This tree that represents the foundation of the Immortal Dao cannot be ripened with fertilizers, but it can be transformed with internal and external martial arts, as well as the perfection of the side door and left path!"

After Chiqiaosong understood, he only felt that the future was bright.

So he quickly came to the Peach Tree, and decisively refined "Falling Waterfall" to also refine and transform Qi. After refining and transforming Qi, the practice method will not disappear.

"Unfortunately, you must complete the exercises to refine the essence and transform the qi. After the completion of "Holding One Letter Three" and "Guangsheng Ruyi", I was a little slack and did not cultivate to Consummation."

He went on to the laurel tree.

"The Twelve Ways of Bouncing Legs is complete (refined and transformed into Qi), "Yu Sword" is complete (refined and transformed into Qi), "Nine Two Divine Fist" is complete (refined and transformed into Qi), and "White Rainbow Sword" is complete (It can be refined and transformed into qi), "Splashing Wind and Quick Knife" has been completed (it can be refined into qi), and the "Snake Wrapping Stick" has been condensed by 56%..."

"That's right, I've practiced all these horizontal skills to perfection."

Chi Qiaosong did not immediately refine the gas, but went to Jianmu to look at it, and found the updated information on the top of Jianmu: "Refining gas 1.6%..."

"Well, "Zixia Qingchen" and "Flying Waterfall Climbing" both gave 0.8% progress. I don't know how much progress is given to horizontal training."


He returned to the laurel tree and chose to refine "Twelve Ways of Bombing Legs".

A breath rushed into the body, and the congenital aura mixed in Qi grew a little bit again, just a little bit.

He continued to go to Jianmu to observe the information: "Refining gas 1.8%..."

"Only 0.2% progress was given!"

In Chiqiaosong's heart, he vaguely understood the conversion ratio of the progress.

Then he refined and transformed "Yu Jian" into qi, and updated the building wood information to: "Refining qi 2.0%..."

The progress of refining "Nine Two Divine Fist" has increased by 3.0%; the refining and gasification of "White Rainbow Sword" has also increased by 3.0%; and then the progress of "Splashing Wind" has increased by 3.6%.

He went to the vine again and looked at the information on the tree: "The Exorcism Technique is complete (refining and transforming Qi), the Little Daoist Qi Technique is complete (refining and transforming Qi), and the Marrying Dream Technique is complete ( It can be refined and transformed into Qi), and the "Circle Light Technique" has been completed..."

"Little Daoist Qishu" and "Marrying Dreams" are often performed, and they are all completed quietly.

Thus, 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.2% progress were obtained respectively.

The bud information on Jianmu is updated in real time as: "Refining gas 12.4%..."

Feeling the innate qi that had grown into thin lines in a sip of Qi in his body, he came to the conclusion: "The fertilizer required for the practice method is proportional to the progress of refining the qi."

"Zixia Qingchen" has four packs of fertilizer, so it gave a progress of 0.8; "Splashing Wind" has eighteen packs of fertilizer, so it gave a progress of 3.6; "Little Daoist Qishu" has two packs of fertilizer, so it gave a progress of 0.4...

"The ratio of five to one, that is to say, to complete the refining and gasification of Jianmu, five hundred bales of fertilizer are needed!"


Chi Qiaosong was frightened by this number, but considering that he could at least realize the Tao of Immortal Cultivation through fertilizer, so as to find longevity, he calmly accepted it.


"Learning is endless, no matter what martial arts and I have to learn as long as I can."

"Otherwise, even if there is fertilizer, it cannot be converted into the progress of refining gas." Chi Qiaosong sighed, feeling that he was busy in the future.

Five hundred packs of fertilizer, converted into martial arts spells, at least have to be as many as dozens of disciplines. I don’t know how much time it takes to learn, and there is no end to learning.

in addition.

Fertilizers are not good either.

"Sihan Tianshi Mansion must master and grasp the source of the evil corpses in order to meet the fertilizer needs." He has a new plan for the future.

However, it is not easy to master the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion.

"You must find an opportunity to show your edge. Fortunately, with Dinghaizhu, you don't have to devote yourself to developing all day. You can consider participating in the general trend and use the general trend to practice!"

This is a future plan.

At present, a little fertilizer can be obtained.

Chi Qiaosong sorted out the contents of the red gourd, and found a string of spiritual bone beads, a puppet theater, a thorn in the flesh, and a thorn in the eye.

They are all magic tools made of special materials, and it is useless to keep them.

I simply minced them all and threw them into ten acres of fertile fields. Unexpectedly, I actually got three bags of fertilizer, and the fertilizer bank was replenished to ten bags.

"Talking is better than nothing. I have to call and urge Senior Brother Jiuxian to do the task as soon as possible... In addition, there may be some operations on the black market."

------off topic-----

Thanks, *GGQ*, Xianyunbu, Flying Pig 918, Whales Swallowing Thousands of Miles, Enjoying Flowers and Jade, Don’t Lose Your Prestige, Lafayette’s Koala, Book Friends 20191020065143941, Two Sweet Potatoes, Joy , Diandian's white milk cat, miss Sisi, out of the song, hug the reward of the night zard~


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