"Although Yiyang was smashed, there are fewer constraints, and it is easy to draw on white paper." Zhou Li drank wine and chatted with Chi Qiaosong at the dinner table.

The engagement banquet has been held, and the relationship between Weng and his son-in-law is clear.

Naturally, he no longer regards Chi Qiaosong as an outsider, half his son-in-law, so he can say to Chi Qiaosong about some work matters: "I went to Linchuan, and I am afraid that the work will not be carried out so well."

Linchuan City is the inherent territory of the Hong Clan, and all the warriors are veteran members of the public association. Although they dare not openly violate him as a municipal official in management, private violations are inevitable.

"I'm afraid this is also deliberately done by Commander Wang." Chi Qiaosong also had one or two judgments about the current situation, "Hong Peng merged and Jiang You unified, but the phenomenon of grouping is still serious. Letting you go to Yiyang is not conducive to dividing the warriors in the Pengli area. "

"That's the truth. In the past, many masters of the Hong clan went to the Shou clan and the Peng clan to take office."

"From the perspective of Jiangyou's overall situation, I support the commander's approach. By the way, Uncle Zhou, what is the attitude of Governor Zhu?"

For the original Peng clan warriors, Zhu Guangshan was always an unavoidable existence. After all, this was the old master, and he was currently the third-in-command of Jiangyou.

Second only to the warden Wang Xinjian, and the chief of civil affairs Zhou Wei - the superintendent does not have the rank of general, and can only be ranked after the chief of civil affairs, academic officials.

"Duke Zhu also seems to support me in going to Linchuan, and he doesn't have much resistance to the method of Commander Wang's division and grouping." Zhou Li was a little puzzled.

He didn't think that Zhu Guangshan would be willing to subdue others and give up the power that had been in business for many years.

Chi Qiaosong didn't know why, so he just said, "Could it be Director Zhu, who has no hope of promotion, so he simply surrendered and lost half of it, so that he can support his retirement?"

After listening to Jiang Qin, he smiled and said, "You lose half of your surrender, what kind of crooked reasoning is this?"

Zhou Jinyao also giggled, a pair of beautiful eyes falling on Chi Qiaosong all the time.

Zhou Li shook his head: "I don't know, forget it, since the appointment has been made, I have to go to Linchuan no matter what, just go back and talk to Zheng Mingduo."

Zheng Ming is the mastermind of the Peng clan, and now serves as the deputy chief of civil affairs of the provincial government, and he is also a person who can influence the situation in the whole province.

The topic quickly shifted from Zhou Li to Chi Qiaosong.

Jiang Qin asked, "Old Zhou, Headmaster Huang urged me a few times, should I take Xiao Song to the mansion? No matter what, I was born in the mansion."

Zhou Li frowned: "Lao Fei turned to an outsider at a critical moment. Not only was Wang Dashuai angry, but Zhu Duli was also so angry that he gritted his teeth."

"But Zhangjiao Fei has already abdicated, and Senior Brother Huang is taking over now. Didn't he promise that he would reduce contacts with Xianju Kuocang Cave and Chisong Yushi Palace."

"I see, if I want to see Komatsu's idea, Lao Fei is behind the scenes."

"Hey, Zhangjiao Fei is also pitiful. He has already retired, let go of the hope of the Dao, and now he is dedicated to the development and inheritance of the Sihan Tianshifu."

"Humph." Zhou Li breathed out his nostrils, "Old Fei should have retired a long time ago, I really thought he had great talent and could hit the Heavenly Master! If it wasn't for his love for the stack, who wouldn't give him a third of his face, now, Lao Lian would be willing to give up. No one cares about him!"

Tucao for a while fee Miaowen.

The topic finally returns to reality.

Jiang Qin had already judged from her husband's attitude that he was not against it, so she said to Chi Qiaosong: "When you were promoted to the warrior realm, everyone was amazed at your talent for external skills, while ignoring your talent for internal skills.

But some won't.

I guess this time, Zhangjiao Huang wants to see you and may have plans to accept you as his disciple. "

Chi Qiaosong refused: "I already have a master, how can I change my family."

"Hao Bozhao is your martial arts external master, and Huang Zhangjiao is your martial arts internal master, and there is no conflict." Jiang Qin smiled, "I mentioned it to Hao Bozhao before, and he has no objection."

"Auntie, Master Huang wants to accept me as a disciple, can I refuse?"

"Why, you don't look down on the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion."

"Not really, I just don't think it makes any sense. I basically rely on self-study in my cultivation. It should be enough to ask you for advice occasionally. There is no need to go to a teacher."

Jiang Qin smiled and said: "Apprenticeship is not only a benefit, your martial arts talent is so good, Huang Zhangjiao is envious, I am afraid that I want to consider whether you can inherit his mantle."

"You mean?" Chi Qiaosong asked in surprise.

"Yeah, if you worship him as a teacher and then be promoted to a mage, when he abdicates, you will naturally hope to take charge of the Sihan Tianshifu." Jiang Qin has confidence in Chi Qiaosong.

The world may marvel at the fact that Chihashimatsu was promoted to the samurai realm before he was eighteen years old.

But as a feathered priest, she is more aware of what kind of internal talent a seventeen-year-old Taoist priest is, and it will definitely not be difficult for her to comprehend the great medicine in the future.

Then she added: "You cultivate both inside and outside, no matter whether you choose Dan Jin or big medicine, you must be perfect. If Zhangjiao can accept you as a disciple, he will definitely train you with all his strength."

Zhou Li said: "But there is one point, if you really want to take charge of the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion, you have to be promoted to a mage, I'm afraid that you can't be like us, wielding the strength of the force to traverse the battlefield, unrestrained and unrestrained.

If you want to realize the strength of the pill, you can deal with it; if you want to realize the great medicine, it is naturally a good choice to go to a teacher. "

Chiqiaosong thought quietly.

In fact, from the words of Zhou Li and Jiang Qin, he already understood that they prefer to follow the path of masters to achieve enlightenment, rather than the path of masters.

The master is more wanton, the master is more detached.

In the Republic of China, both routes can reach the top.

However, internal martial arts belong to middle martial arts after all, and external martial arts belong to lower martial arts. It can be seen from the essence of martial arts, internal skills are one level higher than external skills.

To change someone, it is definitely difficult to choose at this moment.

But Chi Qiaosong doesn't need to choose at all. What he cultivates is the best martial arts in the world. Whether it is internal or external, he wants it. He wants to form a perfect golden elixir.

So soon, he said, "Auntie, go and see Headmaster Huang."

Whether or not to apprentice needs to be determined in person, but the reason why he prefers the Sihan Tianshifu is because the Sihan Tianshifu controls the evil channels in the Pengli area.

If you can use the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion to continuously obtain the corpses of evil spirits, wouldn't the Dao of Immortal Cultivation immediately embark on the fast lane!

Sihan Tianshi Mansion is located on Longhu Mountain in Yiyang City. The car is parked in the small town of Sanqing at the foot of the mountain. People have to walk up the stairs to reach the main entrance of the main hall.

Chi Qiaosong followed Jiang Qin and held hands with Zhou Jinyao.

The Holy Land of Martial Arts has no religious attributes for a long time, so it is not popular for men and women to teach and accept. Many couples practice together in Taoist temples.

For example, Han Cuifen and Liu Shen from the previous Xiangyun Temple.

There is also Master Qi Miaomu, who wrote the marriage letter for Chi Qiaosong, who has many descendants and is regarded as a good fortune by the locals.

The grand hall is magnificent, and it is an ancient Huizhou style building. The two columns in front of the door are respectively written with "Dao Gao Long Hu Fu" and "Virtue Heavy God Gui Qin" couplets.

"Uncle Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Qin, the Taoists who cleaned the dust at the door all greeted her.

Jiang Qin nodded slightly, and then brought Chi Qiaosong and Zhou Jinyao into the hall. All the way, all kinds of Taoists and monks greeted Jiang Qin.

It can be seen that the steward Jiang, who is in charge of the female cultivator, has a high status in the Sihan Tianshifu.

After a while, a middle-aged cultivator came over, put his hands together and said, "Junior Sister Jiang, you are here, and Xiaoyao is here too."

"Senior Brother Han, I'll bring Chi Qiaosong, is the Headmaster here?"

"Zhangjiaozhen is meditating in Lingzhi Garden. Hearing that you are coming, he specially asked me to greet him and lead the way for Junior Sister Jiang, Xiaoyao, and fellow Daoist Chi Qiaosong."

The middle-aged monk Chong Chi Qiaosong smiled warmly: "My common name is Han Chen, and my Taoist name is Zhong Mingzi."

Chi Qiao Song returned the salute: "Zhong Mingzi Daoist."

Under the leadership of Zhong Mingzi, they soon came to the Lingzhi Garden. Jiang Qin said, "Xiaosong, you and Yaoyao are strolling in the garden. Let me tell the real master first."

Zhou Jinyao is familiar with the Sihan Tianshi Mansion: "Songsong, the Lingzhi Garden is beautiful."

The Ganoderma lucidum garden is the place where flowers and medicines are planted in the house~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The garden is in the shape of gossip, and each gossip area has a crane, deer, dragon, tiger and other withered sculptures.

Not only the scenery is beautiful, but you can also feel it when you breathe, and the spiritual energy here is also full.

Although it is not as rich as Pine Garden Small World, it is more than twice as rich as the ordinary area outside.

"When I was a kid, I liked to play in the Lingzhi Garden. Back then, there were little rabbits here, and the whole garden was full of little white rabbits. Later, the real head teacher thought that the little white rabbits were eating too much, so they let the little white rabbits eat too much. The white rabbit moved away."

Zhou Jinyao talked about the past briskly.

Chiqiaosong smiled and listened.

The two walked to a corridor without knowing it. There were many large and small stone basins hanging on the side of the corridor, and there were orchids of various colors and shapes.

Among them is a stone basin, which is larger than a water tank, placed on the edge of the cloister.

The mound inside was like a tomb, covered with moss, and on top of the mound, an unremarkable orchid was growing crookedly.

The situation does not seem very optimistic.

Chi Qiaosong was stunned for a moment, the familiar spirit root breath was emitting from this bluegrass.


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