What magic does Vajra Aranru really do, you need to wait patiently.

Chi Qiaosong discovered that even if this spiritual root was transplanted into twelve acres of fertile land, it would still remain half-dead with the blessing of fertile land.

Not rejuvenated.

Obviously, that's what it was, not that it was really half-dead.

"It's fortunate that it looks like this, otherwise Granny Hu would definitely be reluctant to give it to me... I got a spirit root for free, tsk tsk, I do have a relationship with Sihan Tianshifu."

He is in a good mood.


Looking at the three newly obtained spiritual roots, the five-hundred-year-old ghost spirit, the elm tree knot, and the vajra Aranruo, he became distressed again: "What if the luck is exhausted, how come the new spiritual roots have not blossomed and fruited? ?"

The ghost fruit, the elm string, and the corpse orchid have all stayed on the name and have not yet condensed.


These outer spiritual roots cannot be fertilized for the time being, and it is still unknown when they will bear fruit.

He shook his head: "It's still the colorful gourd vine and the phoenix sycamore wood. Without these two outer spiritual roots, my development would never be so smooth."

And thinking of this, he is even more grateful to Daan Wu and Xiao Chen Wu.

He decisively picked a lot of vegetables and fruits, left the pine garden, found Wudaomei who was playing, and a few cubs, and fed them all these vegetables and fruits: "Eat, eat, find Linggen, and return I have to count on you."

Three days later.

In the Mansion of the Heavenly Master of Sihan, the newly appointed Yiyang Municipal Minister was invited to observe the ceremony. Huang Facheng was in the Hall of Chuan Gong and officially enrolled Chi Qiaosong as a disciple.

Because Chi Qiaosong was unwilling to become a naturalized citizen, the apprenticeship ceremony was not solemn, but even so, many Taoist abbots from the Sihan Tianshi Mansion came back.

Hao Bozhao, Jiang Qin, and two great masters were also watching the ceremony.

"Master, please drink tea." Chi Qiaosong held a disciple's salute and offered tea to Huang Facheng.

After a cup of tea is finished, the apprenticeship ceremony is completed.

Huang Facheng had a very bad impression on the philistine of Chiqiaosong's bargaining before.

But he has already become a master and apprentice, so he solemnly warned: "You cultivate both inside and outside, don't let this talent down, and in the future, you should come to the Sihan Tianshifu frequently, and teach the Dharma for you personally for the master."

Chiqiaosong replied, "Yes."

Master Qi Miaomu, who was watching the ceremony, stroked his beard and said with a smile, "This is the unicorn son, entering my mysterious gate."

Beside him, another giant old mage wearing a Taoist robe kept a smile on his face, but a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at the other middle-aged giant mage sitting next to him.

The two of them sounded into their ears.

"Master, how do you view this son?"

"It does have good money, but it is a chess piece of the provincial government. How can it inherit the great treasure of my heir Han Tianshifu!"

"My disciples seem to be very satisfied with Huang Facheng's move."

"It doesn't matter, even if the Taoist family is not willing to fall, how can he be of one heart and one mind, and with a little guidance, he can be squeezed out of the Taoist inheritance sequence."

"Uncle Li doesn't know what to do, Master, please try to win Uncle Li more, otherwise this game of chess will really make life for Huang Facheng." Out of the corner of his eyes, the middle-aged mage glanced at another old mage.

Sihan Tianshi Mansion, a family of six masters.

In addition to Fei Miaowen, who has abdicated, there are Qi Miaomu, Chen Miaoguo, and Li Miaoshu in the Miaozi generation; Huang Facheng and Niu Fahong are the Fazi generation, of which Niu Fahong and Chen Miaoguo are masters and students.

The person who transmits the sound is exactly the master and the apprentice.

Chen Miaoguo said through voice transmission: "Li Miaoshu has a soft personality and has been vacillating between you and Huang Facheng. When I look back, I will try what he thinks in his heart."

After the ceremony, everyone moved to the side room to drink tea.

Liu Huang Facheng and Chi Qiaosong master and apprentice, talking in the hall of Chuan Gong.

It's just a simple talk about cultivation, Huang Fa's becoming a bit rigid, and Chi Qiaosong is not a familiar temperament, so the atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Soon Huang Facheng took out two books: "I asked Jiang Qin, you are very interested in Fu Luyi. This is "Fahai's Legacy Pearl", which is a supplement to "Yunji Seven Signs", many of which are Talismans are quite magical; the other one is the sect's secret "Blood Talisman to Save People", which uses blood to draw talismans to save people and save themselves."

This is a talisman book that cannot be bought in the market.

"Yunji Seven Signs" has already included many talismans and ritual rituals.

However, in the Holy Land of Martial Arts, there are naturally hidden Taoist Talisman Books, and the "Legacy of Fahai" is one of them.

And "Blood Talismans for Human Beings" is the blood talisman that Chi Qiaosong wants to learn the most. Drawing talismans with blood has a very good tracking effect and is an essential means of subduing demons and eliminating demons.

He happily smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

Immediately, Huang Facheng took out another black iron token: "This is the order of the Tianshi you want, but it is an iron order. All Taoist temples in the lineage of the Sihan Tianshifu must cooperate when you see the order."

Chi Qiaosong raised his brows: "Thank you, Master, now it's convenient for me to go out to conquer demons and exorcise demons!"

"It's a good thing that you want to subdue demons and eliminate demons, but you need to be careful and don't enter the deep mountains and forests. There are some evil powers there that you can't solve."

"I see."

"In addition, your celestial master order is an ordinary iron order, not the golden order of the head. Unreasonable request, the Taoist abbot refuses to hold the right, don't rely on the iron order to cause trouble."


"If you have any questions about your practice that you don't understand, you can come and ask me at any time. If I'm not in the mansion, you can ask other brothers and uncles for guidance in the Chuan Gong Hall... Of course, you can also ask your mother-in-law Jiang Qin. ."

After eating a vegetarian meal in Sanqing Town, the audience dispersed.

Because Zhou Li had already gone to Linchuan City to take up his post, Jiang Qin stayed in the Sihan Tianshi Mansion to practice, and Zhou Jinyao followed his mother and stayed to practice together.

So Chi Qiaosong drove Hao Bozhao back to Fuliang City.

"Oh, how could I have imagined that the real head teacher of the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion would accept you as an apprentice." Hao Bozhao put down the passenger seat and lay down on it, closing his eyes and resting.

Chi Qiaosong said while driving: "Sihan Tianshi Mansion is worried about internal and external troubles, and someone needs to stabilize the situation, and I happen to be the one who can stabilize the situation."

Hao Bozhao laughed: "You're blowing up."

"I, Jiangyou Yushu, still have a certain number of cards."

"Haha." Hao Bozhao smiled and suddenly became sentimental, "Even Commander Wang noticed you and gave you such a high evaluation."

Chi Qiaosong noticed a change in his mood: "What's the matter, Master?"

Hao Bozhao was silent.

After a while, he replied, "Where did you put that pair of words?"

"My parents are hanging in the villa." The villa in the second phase of Binxi Manor has been renovated, but it needs to be ventilated for a month to disperse harmful gases such as formaldehyde.

"Keep it well, this is a stepping stone. When you have the opportunity to meet Commander Wang, remember to be smart and bow to Commander Wang when you get the chance!"

"I don't plan to change doors."

"You're stupid." Hao Bozhao scolded, "If you don't seize this opportunity, I'll have to break your leg when you come back!"

"That's not what you said last time." Chi Qiaosong remembered that when he went to the Municipal National Martial Arts Center to study, Hao Bozhao asked him to be smart and learn from the great masters, but he did not allow him to change schools.

This time Hao Bozhao said: "This time and another~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The great masters are not worthy of your apprenticeship, but the masters are different, which means that after you apprenticeship, the whole big summer can almost walk sideways!"

"But it goes against my principles of being a human being."

"The principle of bullshit, you will remember my goodness in your heart when the time comes, and secretly leak some benefits between your fingers and give me and you a few senior brothers, it is not more cost-effective than hanging on a tree!"

Daxia's warriors are actually not that strict with respect to mentoring.

Especially when the martial arts school system was established before, the government directly abolished the inheritance of mentoring and apprenticeship. Although the martial arts school system eventually failed, the inheritance of mentoring and apprenticeship began to decline after all.

If there is no change in the family, it will be reviled by thousands of people.

"Master, don't think about it so much. When I am promoted to Grandmaster, I will definitely have endless benefits for you." Chi Qiaosong took it for granted.

Hao Bozhao muttered: "It sounds as good as the song, you think the master is selling cabbage on the street."

"For me, it's easy."

"Why didn't you find out at the beginning, your kid is so good at blowing."

The master and apprentice exchanged a few words. Hao Bozhao suddenly thought of something. After a daze, he came back to his senses and sighed: "I almost forgot, you are apprenticing to Master Huang, I am afraid that you will follow the path of a master in the future."

Chi Qiaosong smiled and said: "Master, whether it is a grandmaster or a heavenly master, it is not difficult for me. However, it is unlikely that I will inherit your mantle. You should supervise the second senior brother, he still has the hope of becoming a warrior. "

Hao Bozhao shook his head: "Your second senior brother doesn't need me to urge him. He is more self-conscious than anyone else... I'm delighted that he is, and I don't blame him if he doesn't."


Ask for a ticket~

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