""One-word Hand Locust Stone" is complete (can be refined and transformed into qi)..."

Back in Pine Garden, Chi Qiaosong immediately counted the gains this time, especially the battle with Yunzhuzi, the half-step celestial master, which allowed him to successfully practice the last martial arts "One-word Hand Flying Locust Stone" to perfection.

Directly select refining gas.

The buds at the top of Jianmu have bloomed to their fullest extent: "Refining gas 51.2%..."

The progress is more than 50%, but unfortunately there is no ripening option, that is to say, it is not possible to directly use fertilizer to complete refining and transforming gas, at least one must master martial arts and Taoism.

No harm done though.

The martial arts he currently masters are only short of "Three Days of Essence" to meet the needs of refining and transforming qi.

"Ren Qiongdan, Xiaozhi, come and help crush these evil corpses." Chi Qiaosong poured out the corpses of the nine colorful snake spirits in the red gourd.

One by one, the fertile fields are crushed one by one.

These gorgeous big snake spirits are relatively weak, the highest only gave seven bags of fertilizer, and the lowest only gave four bags of fertilizer. Add up to a total of forty-eight packets of fertilizer.

at this time.

The fertilizer warehouse has reached 219 bales, which is a quantity that has never been reached before, and it is also the first time that the fertilizer inventory has exceeded 200 bales.

"And the Snake King and the Snake Queen!" Chi Qiaosong was busy with trivial matters, and finally found time to deal with these two half-dead serpents.

The snake king, Bai Quanzhen, is a large white python.

Red Shinichi, the queen of snakes, is a big red boa constrictor.

It seems that Hong Zhenyi is even bigger than Bai Quanzhen, and the body length has reached 25 meters. This length and this thickness are not much smaller than those of the great water bug that transcended the calamity at the beginning.

"It's a pity." Tu Shanxi sat cross-legged on the black smoke. "These two snake spirits each got a real dragon's remains. If they take the right path, they may not be able to transcend the calamity."

"This is the law of fate. The overlord Zuo Shouquan, the dragon king Aoji, and the snake king Bai Quanzhen and the snake queen Hong Zhenyi are all typical representatives of talented people who have no fate."

Chi Qiaosong said coldly, "Since I chose not to follow the right path, I will only end up using it to fertilize the fields!"

Because Tu Shanlu had already interrogated the two snake spirits, including a series of questions such as how the Ten Thousand Snake Caves traded with the surrounding Taoist temples and how they transported the corpses.

Chiqiaosong also has nothing to add.

These two snake spirits were solved neatly with two swords. Compared with the overlord Zuo Shouquan, who was born in the blackened alien beast Overlord Xiao, these two snake spirits were made of ordinary snakes, and there was no important material on their bodies.


It directly crushed the fertile fields.

The fertile fields have been supplemented in two days. The snake king Bai Quanzhen contributed 24 bales of fertilizer, and the snake queen Hong Zhenyi contributed 27 bales of fertilizer, so that the fertilizer depot went straight to 270 bales.

Seeing so much fertilizer, Chi Qiaosong had only one thought in his heart: "I am inseparable from evil!"

And the biggest gain is not just these fertilizers, but the remains of the two real dragons - like the vertebrae of the Dragon King Aoji, these two are also the vertebrae of real dragons.

Bai Quanzhen's vertebra is the smallest, only two meters long; Hong Zhenyi's vertebra is second, about 2.5 meters; Aoji's vertebra is the largest, more than three meters long.

"Old Tu, it seems that this real dragon was at most 150 meters long." Chi Qiaosong carefully played with the two vertebrae and began to discuss the size of the real dragon again.

He had made judgments with Tu Shanru before.

If the three-meter-long vertebra of Aoji belongs to the tail vertebra, then the real dragon must be 300 meters long; if it is the lumbar vertebra, then the real dragon is about 150 meters long.

Tu Shanxi nodded and said: "Yes, these two vertebrae are smaller than Aoji's vertebrae, so it can be seen that Aoji's vertebrae should be the lumbar vertebrae... Bai Quanzhen should be the tail vertebra; Hong Zhenyi may be other parts. ."

"Even if it is only 150 meters, the real dragon is beyond imagination."

"I just didn't expect that the real dragon died, and the bones in his body either breed evil spirits or are picked up by evil spirits, which is also sad and lamentable." Tu Shanxi stroked his beard.

At this moment, on the big willow tree next to it, a human face turned into a human face: "Brother Chi, do you plan to integrate the remains of a real dragon into the small world?"


"Very good, the Pine Garden is a little smaller. If you can pick up a few more real dragon remains, there will be more places to move around."

"Grandma, do you think the real dragon's remains are Chinese cabbage? You can get three of them. It's true that I am lucky enough to have this luck." Chi Qiaosong complained.

But grandma said: "Your luck, at least among the characters I have seen, is the most prosperous one. Others can't pick it up, but Brother Chi, you can definitely pick it up."

Tu Shanxi also nodded: "Grandma is right, Brother Chi is a combination of atmospheric transport and is destined to soar into the sky."

This is widely recognized in Songyuan.

If not for the great luck, how could Chi Qiaosong get three auspicious beasts, three sun, moon, star, toads, and this tree root and even Dinghai Pearl.

Chihashimatsu himself knew this.

His real luck is actually these 14 acres of fertile land, and it is the golden fingers of this fertile land that gather the luck here bit by bit to achieve his current foundation.

"Lend your two auspicious words."

Chi Qiaosong lifted the remains of the two real dragons and put them in the room of the Chifu villa: "Then let me walk out of the avenue to the sky that no one can walk!"

It takes time to refine the remains of a real dragon.

Chi Qiaosong had to find his fiancee Zhou Jinyao, and explained, "Senior sister, I have learned something about martial arts, and I am going to retreat for a month to hit the orifice."

Zhou Jinyao knew the priorities and responded immediately, "Songsong, you can go into seclusion, and I'll plan the wedding."

Jiang Qin, the future mother-in-law, also said: "I have no clue about my practice now. It can be seen that "Jin Guang Da Bao Gao" has no relationship with me, so I will contact your parents more and try to set the wedding rules."

Jiang Qin had hoped to hit the mage realm before, regardless of age or cultivation, it is the best choice.

It is a pity that the qigong classics focus on fate, which does not mean that a genius can achieve enlightenment and success. If you want to realize the Tao, chance, talent, character, and luck are indispensable.

Leaving from the Sihan Tianshi Mansion, Chi Qiaosong explained to his parents again.

Then, the medicinal materials accumulated in Songyuan were transported to the Yixiang Medicinal Material Store, and the closure was officially announced.

He began to sacrifice and refine two real dragon remains by the method of blood refining. He had the experience of blood refining of the spine of the Dragon King Aoji before, and he almost achieved perfection with a breath of Qi.

After the blood refining started this time, I felt that the difficulty of getting started was greatly reduced.

The sun is shining.

The first Bai Quanzhen vertebra took ten days to refine all the 300 drops of dragon marrow inside, and one after another, the green fluorescent little dragons slammed into the sky of Pine Garden.

On the eleventh day, the vertebrae turned into fragments, forming a white illusory true dragon, which slammed into the sky and scattered.

Immediately, the fog around the boundary of Pine Garden began to be impacted by three hundred green fluorescent little dragons, which dissipated inch by inch and retreated. After measuring the land, the remains of this real dragon expanded one square kilometer of land for Pine Garden.

Xianming Mountain extends to the northwest corner. It is no longer a lonely mountain, and has already shown the trend of a mountain range.

Downstream of Longling Lake, a new river flows into the fog - only the current can pass through, and the fish and shrimp in the river cannot break through this fog boundary wall.

In other directions, the expanded land is wasteland that needs to be reclaimed.

As for the spiritual energy of Pine Garden, it has not increased much. It used to be ten times the concentration of the outside world, but now it has increased to twelve times at most.

"make persistent efforts!"

Chihashimatsu prepares to continue to sacrifice Hong Shinichi's vertebrae.

Taking advantage of the interval between the sacrifices and trainings, he went out to Pine Garden and spent two days walking around—meeting his fiancée, pouring over the medicinal herbs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then inquiring about Xiangyun Temple.

Only after inquiring, did I know that Xiangyun Temple was gone.

After a three-way wrangling between the Mokan County Governor's Office, the Sihan Tianshifu, and the Blessing and Longevity Palace, it was finally decided to abolish Xiangyunguan, which had no background. Then pray for the Wanshou Palace to occupy the original site of Xiangyun Temple and change its name to Chenmu Temple.

The Sihan Tianshi Mansion fought back hard, and did not let Chen Muguan get the right to handle evil affairs in Mokan County, but it was unable to prevent Chen Muguan from recruiting students in Mokan County.

As for the other Taoist temples in the province that had colluded with Wanshe Grottoes, the three holy sites of Sihan Tianshifu, Yuxu Gexian Temple, and Wanshou Chongzhen Palace jointly surveyed and caught many evil cultivators and executed them.

However, these are all quiet actions, and no media has learned the news.

"It has nothing to do with me."

After Chiqiaosong wandered around for a while, he returned to Pine Garden and continued blood refining the vertebrae of the real dragon's remains.

It took 14 days to refine the 400 drops of dragon marrow in this vertebra, and 400 small green fluorescent dragons slammed into the sky one after another. Then the vertebrae shattered, turning into a white illusory true dragon, which shattered the sky in anger.

After a while.

Four hundred green fluorescent little dragons impacted the fog on the border, once again expanding the land of one square kilometer for Pine Garden.

After three expansions before and after, Pine Garden Small World has reached an area of ​​four square kilometers, and the shape is still square, and each side is two kilometers long.

The Xianming Mountain extends into the Xianming Mountains, and a new river, the Suiyue River, extends from the lower reaches of Longling Lake.

That is to say.

Taking Longling Lake as the boundary, the upstream is called the Human River, and the downstream is called the Suiyue River.

"Now, Pine Garden Small World is almost equal to the area of ​​a small village, so let's just call it Pine Garden Village." Chi Qiaosong gave the current Pine Garden a new name.


Ask for a ticket~


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