The 351st chapter of the jade waist slave

The gate of Pine Garden returns to Chijia Mountain again.

The old pine garden is lush and lush. At this time, in mid-September, autumn has just entered, and the autumn tigers are still ravaging. Daanwu and Xiaochenwu have become frequent visitors to the old Pine Garden.

The four children of Xiao counsel five have stayed in Pine Garden and don't know where they have gone.

Moreover, Ren Qiongdan usually grabs a lot of Wudaomei, so they mix with each other and have no idea where the four children are - but this does not affect the life of the little counselor and the five couples. After the children are brought up, the children will be with them. No more involvement.

"Bold five, bold five, why have you been single for so long?"

Chi Qiaosong took out a large pile of vegetables and fruits from the pine garden, put them outside the old nest of Daanwu, and then reached out and touched Daanwu's shiny hair.

"Gee chi."

Daredevil five ate happily and didn't care about Chiqiaosong's ridicule.

After a while, the gate of the old pine garden opened, and Father Chi walked in with a shovel.


"Going out?" Father Chi put down the shovel and asked.

"Well, it's out."

"It's just right to leave the customs. There are still many places for you and Xiaoyao's wedding to make up your own mind." Father Chi washed his hands with water and asked, "Where do you choose that wedding room?"

"The second phase of Binxi Manor is just fine." Chi Qiaosong replied.

"Then where will you live after you get married?"

"She must live with me."

Father Chi said hesitantly, "Live in Pine Garden with you?"

Chi Qiaosong understands Father Chi's worries. In Father Chi's eyes, Pine Garden is a big secret, and it would be better not to be discovered by outsiders for the rest of his life. So far, only Father Chi knows about it in the family.


Chi Qiaosong has his own thoughts: "Dad, I am married to Zhou Jinyao. I won't tell her about Songyuan first, and I will bring her into the garden after I am promoted to the third master level."

"That's okay, just take advantage of this time, you two can still have a child for the rest of your life." In Chi Fu's opinion, Chi Qiaosong's promotion to master and mage will take several years.

In fact, Chiqiao Song is sure to hit the perfect golden pill this year.

However, these things don't need to be explained to Chi Fu, and it will not be too late to confess everything when the true impact of the perfect golden core is successful.

At that time, as a giant of a party, the world is no longer threatened, he can reveal his secrets to the fullest, and he is not afraid of anyone to **** it, and he does not need to continue to develop.

In the next month, Chi Qiaosong traveled to Mokan County, Fuliang City, and Sihan Tianshifu, preparing for the wedding and inviting guests.

And at the end of September, I took Chi's father and Chi's mother on a trip to Qunlongshan Township, Gugang County, Luxi City.

Some recognition, old tears.

In the end, under the persuasion of Chi's mother, the uncle, uncle, and uncle were all ready to defect to Chiqiaosong and move to Mokan County for development.

Unlike last time Chiqiaosong was just a warrior, the current title of Chiqiaosongjiang Youyushu is a famous sign in Qunlongshan Township, and no relatives can resist the temptation to defect.

"Big brother, second brother, Shengjun, I have told Xiaosong on the way, you and the third brother's family will all take root in Chijiashan."

Mother Chi talked about the negotiated arrangement: "Xiu Tian and I also live in Chijia Mountain. Our older generation guarded the mountain and reclaimed Chijia Mountain beautifully.

The children asked Komatsu to arrange, and they all went to work in the county seat.

Those who should go to school can continue to go to school. If they can be like Xiaowan, they will be admitted to university!

Sooner or later, Komatsu will go to work in the provincial government. At that time, he will definitely need help from his own people, and he will not be able to treat his family. "

The second uncle asked hesitantly: "Cuilan, with so many of us crowding in, it won't cause any trouble to Xiaosong... The three families add up to 10 or 20 people."

Father Chi smiled and said, "Is there any trouble, the family's business is very good, and there is no shortage of food and drink."

Yixiang Herbal Medicine Store is already planning to expand its stores, and even my uncle Wen Yixiang is still considering whether to go to another place, such as opening a branch in Fuliang City.

After all, the yield of fertile land in Songyuan is getting higher and higher.

Not only that, there are also many medicinal herbs planted in the ordinary farmland of Pine Garden. Under the nourishment of the rich spiritual energy, the quality and growth of these medicinal herbs far exceed the outside world.

With the support of such a medicinal herb garden, the income of medicinal herb stores is terrifyingly high.

In the past, the net income of 100,000 yuan a month could not be beaten to 500,000 yuan a month now, especially after the long-term medicinal materials mature, the income will continue to double.

This is not counting more and more elixir in the fertile fields.

Saburo Kinoshita has been transplanted back, and many varieties of elixir recorded in the "Pharmacopoeia" are not ready to be sold for the time being, but are prepared to be kept and propagated to expand the scale of elixir.

It is conceivable that, relying on the medicinal material store alone, the Lao Chi family will not worry about eating and drinking for the rest of their lives.


With the expansion of Yixiang Medicinal Material Store, the old Chi family plans to reuse Chijia Mountain as a medicinal material base to grow common kinds of medicinal materials on the mountain.

Therefore, manpower is needed, and it may not be enough to arrange everyone from Uncle Chiqiaosong's side.

After dispelling their worries, the uncle, uncle, and uncle didn't hesitate to pack their luggage. Chiqiaosong hired several vans to transport luggage.

Two days later, the group drove back to Mokan County.

Chi's father was responsible for arranging accommodation for his uncle's house, while Chi Qiaosong called his second uncle and explained: "Second uncle, my uncles came over and settled at the foot of Chi's family mountain.

You summon bricklayers and build a few rural courtyards at the foot of Chijia Mountain for them to live in.

In addition, the Panshan Road in Chijiashan was built, and the charcoal road leading to the road in Chijiashan was also renovated into a cement road. "

The second uncle of the half-step wrestler realm, his temperament is getting more and more calm.

There is less useless communication, and more time is spent on practicing martial arts, but after the shelf is lifted, it gets more respect, which makes the second uncle more immersed in it.


He cultivated hard every day, but his bright energy was still a little mouse, fragmented intermittently.

"Okay, I'll find someone to build a road and build a house right away." The second uncle replied happily. He had no opinion on the uncle's family coming to live in Chijiashan, and he didn't feel that the doves were occupying the magpie's nest.

But the second uncle suddenly said again: "Xiao Song, do you think the second uncle should get a driver's license and buy a car?"

"You can buy a car, but you have to study hard for your driver's license. Otherwise, you and my dad and uncle take time to go to the driving school to learn a car, and then buy a car for yourself."

If you have money at home, why not spend it?

The second uncle said happily: "Hey, my eldest nephew understands me. In fact, buying a car is not just for face. It is convenient to have a car when you go out. The medicine store also needs a car to buy goods."

"I see."

By the time the uncles and uncles were done moving, September had already quietly left.

Golden October has arrived.

The fertile fields condensed nine packets of fertilizer on their own, and the cakes of unicorns on both sides of the water and fire were exchanged for five packets of fertilizer. These fourteen packets of fertilizer have become fixed income for Pine Garden.

On Xiang Jiuxian's side, he bought two evil corpses for Chi Qiaosong from the black market in exchange for seven packets of fertilizer.

Originally, there were 285 bales of fertilizer in the fertilizer warehouse, but now it has directly exceeded 300, reaching 306 bales of fertilizer. There is so much fertilizer, which is unimaginable in the past.

Even after ripening a crop of manna tea leaves, there are still 301 packets of fertilizer left.


Compared with the manure piled up in the warehouse, what makes Chiqiaosong even more happy is that the Juyin money tree has grown two bunches of flowers again, and again bears the fruit of the coin bunch: "The first bunch breeds 1%, and the second bunch breeds 1%. %."

The spiritual treasure of Ming Qian is not known for the time being, but the fruit of the Yin-gathering money tree again represents these outer spiritual roots, which can bear fruit repeatedly.

In other words, the colorful gourd vine is also very likely to produce another seven-color gourd.

"If the second crop of seven-color gourds are used in the same way as the first crop of seven-color gourds, it would be somewhat repetitive; but if the second crop of seven-color gourds has new and wonderful uses, wouldn't it be wonderful!"

"In addition, if Fengqiwutong tree can also make a second crop, I can train all my younger brothers and sisters to become talents... and senior sisters, there is also hope of being promoted to mage."

Everything in the future is hard to say.

But as October just arrived, there was another happy event worth mentioning.

When the second uncle went to Fuliang City to purchase medicinal materials, he encountered someone selling spirit insects in the market.

This kind of spirit worm is usually bought and kept as a pet.

The second uncle asked about the price, and he bought it for only 30,000 yuan, ready to give it to the newlyweds Chi Qiaosong and Zhou Jinyao as gifts.

Chi Qiaosong gladly accepted the second uncle's gift.

By the way, the jade waist slave was taken to the fertile field. After communicating, I saw a golden light falling, and the butterfly spirit insect jade waist slave was instantly included in the sequence of spiritual animals and poultry.

At this point, the livestock and poultry in Liangtian have begun to take shape: "Jade Toad in the Moon Palace, Fire Toad in the Star Palace, Duke White Monkey, Sister Hua, Jade Waist Slaves, Golden Wing Envoy Bees, Di Qi Qiao Clan, You General Chicken Flock."

The unexpectedly bought spirit insects gave Chi Qiaosong a new source of spirit beasts and spirit insects: "Second Uncle, when you go out, go to the market more often, if there are suitable live spirit beasts and spirit insects, just Buy it back."

The second uncle nodded: "Okay!" +Add bookmark+

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