Fifty bales of fertilizer were spread, and the peach trees representing "Three Days of Yisui" were ripe.

Pick it up, eat it.

In the sound of Hong Zhong Dalu's general chanting, Chi Qiaosong has more than a few decades of experience in cultivating the "Three Days of Yisui". However, when "Mingzhen and Delusion" was completed, his Qi in his body had already reached perfection, and at this time there was no way to ascend.

after digestion.

He continued to turn his attention to the peach tree: "The unnamed new qigong is complete ("Xuanzhen Lingying", "Mingzhen Defang", "Three Days of Essence", which can be refined and transformed into Qi)..."

Three qigongs of the same level can be merged into a new internal qigong.

Chi Qiaosong had long imagined what this new qigong would be called, and as soon as he thought about it, he saw the information on the peach tree updated: "The "Enlightenment" is complete (refined and transformed into qi)..."

Introductory qigong, named "Induction Chapter".

These three doors are the qigong before the Yushi realm attained the Tao, the high truth and the Tao, hence the name "Enlightenment".

After choosing the refining gas, the "Wuzhen Chapter", which was developed only after 150 packs of fertilizer, provided a 30.0% progress for Jianmu, which made Jianmu quickly condense into a bronze luster.

"Refining gas 90.2%..."

From the wrench left by Master Luo, he obtained the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing", thus starting the construction of wood refining and refining gas, and now he has finally completed this stage of cultivation.

"There is only 9.8% progress. I still have one "Tian Lao Shenguang" that has not been completed. After completion, I can provide 9.0% progress."

That is to say.

He also has to practice a martial art to complete the final 0.8% progress.

"What kind of martial arts do you practice?" Chi Qiaosong thought carefully, he could have many choices.

For example, you can learn the art of side-by-side and make up for this 0.8% progress.

Ren Qiongdan's acupuncture method, in addition to "Ghost Gate Thirteen Needles" and "Huiyang Nine Needles", as well as "Eight Method Flowing Notes" and "Fei Teng Eight Methods", etc., can be practiced.

However, Chi Qiaosong really had no interest in acupuncture.

You can also learn a horizontal practice kung fu to complete the 0.8% progress.

There are various types of horizontal practice. He currently only integrates boxing and swordsmanship, and he can continue to integrate many martial arts such as leg, knife, marksmanship, palm and so on.

But these horizontal exercises are of little significance.

You can also learn a Qigong to complete the 0.8% progress.

This is also his most inclined choice - he can learn an internal skill of the same level as "Tian Lao Shen Guang".

For example, there is an esoteric qigong known as "Huangji Jingshi" in the Prayer for Longevity Palace, which uses easy techniques to infer the acupoints and meridians, so as to open up the two meridians of Ren and Du, and communicate the bridge between heaven and earth.

In addition, there is a qigong called "Nv Qing Gui Lu", which is at the same level as "Zi Wu Jing Zhu" and "Holding a Letter Three", which can practice fetal breathing and keep one.

Think before and after.

He finally made up his mind: "Let's start with "The Law of the Female Youth" and "The Emperor's Classics", especially practice "The Emperor's Classics" first, so that it can be integrated with "Guangsheng Ruyi" and "Tian Lao Shenguang" , so as to be directly successful, and promote the construction of wood to reach 100% progress."


The next day, Chi Qiaosong found Chenmu Temple.

As for Chi Qiaosong, a Yushu of Jiangyou, he came to ask him about the qigong of "Huangji Jingshi", and the Chuan Gong steward of Chen Muguan attached great importance to it. After discussing with the abbot, he informed the Palace of Blessing and Longevity, and finally nodded in agreement.


The 30,000 yuan that Chi Qiaosong spent is also an important factor.

"Fellow Daoist Chi, it stands to reason that you are a direct disciple of the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion. I pray that the Longevity Palace should not teach you the Fa, but if we want to have a good relationship with you, I will teach you the "Huangji" in person. Jingshi"." The abbot opened Yangzi and replied.

"Thank you abbot for teaching the Fa." Chi Qiaosong sincerely thanked him.

Among the sacred places of martial arts, the view of the door is deeply rooted. Not only are the spheres of influence divided, but the inheritance of the exercises is never mixed. It is not easy to open up to Chiqiao.

If not looking at the face of 30,000 yuan, if not optimistic about the future of Chiqiaosong.

It will never be so easy to spread the Fa.

In any case, since he had agreed to teach the Dharma, Abbot Kai Yangzi began to teach seriously.

And Chi Qiaosong also changed the time he used to go to Chengdong Martial Arts School to study "Three Days of Yisui" every day to take time to study "Huangji Jingshi" every day at Chen Muguan.

The blue gourd is invisible, and controls the golden light to come and go freely.

It didn't take him much time.

He even studied "The Emperor's Classics" and consulted "The Law of the Young Girl", for which he paid an additional 10,000 yuan.

In this way, until the end of November, the two qigongs started at about the same time. Among them, there are 15 packs of fertilizer in "Nv Qing Gui Lu", and 45 packs of fertilizer in "Huang Ji Jing Shi".

"Three qigongs in a row cost me more than 100 bales of fertilizer, and now there are only 215 bales left in the fertilizer storehouse."

Chi Qiaosong picked two peaches and wiped them clean one by one.

Hong Zhong Dalu has profound experience.

The information on the peach tree is updated: "The untitled new qigong is complete ("Holding a Letter Three", "Ziwu Jing Zhu", "Nv Qing Ghost Law", which can be refined and transformed into qi), the unnamed new qigong is complete (" "Guangsheng Ruyi", "Tian Lao Shen Guang", and "Huang Ji Jing Shi" are combined, which can be refined and transformed into qi)..."

"One is called "Xiang Er Zhu", and the other is called "Meridian Zhu"." Chi Qiaosong had long thought of the name of the new qigong.

Immediately, the thoughts and thoughts were displayed on the peach tree: "The Induction Chapter" is complete, "Xianer Zhu" is complete (can refine and transform Qi), "Meridian Zhu" is complete (can refine and transform Qi), "Wuzhen Chapter" is complete Consummation, "Fufa" is complete..."


"Not only are all necessary for building wood, but they also exceed the standard!"

Regardless of whether it exceeded the standard or not, Chi Qiaosong didn't have the heart to think about it at this time. He took a few deep breaths to soothe his excited emotions, and then chose two qigongs to refine and transform qi at the same time.

The flowers on the top of the building wood, and the tree trunk more than one meter high, are condensed into a real bronze luster in the refining gas.

Gaze at the bronze flowers.

Information feedback: "111.2% refining gas, which can hit the perfect golden elixir, and the current success rate is 100%."

At this moment, he already understood the effect of Jianmu.

In addition to helping him refine his Qi in a world where innate Qi is too expensive, he can also help him reach the next level. Exceeding the standard of refining and gasification progress can increase the success rate of hitting the level.

"No loss!"

Chi Qiaosong glanced at the entire 15 acres of fertile fields, only to feel that this journey was a lot of hard work, and he practiced hard day and night. Cultivating martial arts external skills, practicing martial arts internal skills, and practicing side-doors and left-path techniques, without stopping for a moment.

And all this.

All will be rewarded at this moment.

"Perfect golden pill!" He seemed to feel his heart beating powerfully in his chest, "Shangwu has achieved Taoism and levelled the world, and I will walk out of a real avenue to the sky in this world where immortal Taoism is cut off!"


He abruptly stopped the idea of ​​breaking through immediately.

I don't know how long it will take to hit the perfect golden pill. After all, there is no precedent before.

Father-in-law Zhou Li and master Huang Facheng talked to him about the promotion of enlightenment. One of them is the great medicine for enlightenment, and the other is the elixir of enlightenment, but they have the same goal.

"Gene Era"

After enlightenment, there is a qualitative change of rebirth.

As short as three or five hours, as long as ten days and a half months, the qualitative change can be completely completed.

Therefore, he needs to be fully prepared to prevent some changes due to his breakthrough.

He started at the second-phase villa of Binxi Manor, and said to his wife Zhou Jinyao, "Senior I plan to retreat again. This time the retreat is very important and may take a long time."

Zhou Jinyao was surprised: "Why do you have to retreat again, didn't you just retreat once before marriage?"

Chi Qiaosong pretended to be regretful and said, "There's no way, who made my martial arts talent too strong, and I've gained a little in the past, but this time I've made a lot of money. You guard your home and wait for my good news."

"All right."

"You have to adapt in the future. I will retreat or go out to practice from time to time." Chi Qiaosong hugged Zhou Jinyao and said that he enjoyed his married life very much.

But the focus of his life has never been the love of his children.

Zhou Jinyao said affectionately: "I understand naturally. I know that you have ambitions for the world and the country. As a wife, I will definitely support you unswervingly."

"Why is it a reward for getting a wife like this?" Chi Qiaosong raised his brows, "Why don't you just let me sell some strength!"


The newly bought solid wood bed can't help but make a rhythmic sound.

In a flash, two or three days passed, and Chi Qiaosong finally sorted out all the trivial matters and announced the retreat again. It was already the first day of early winter.

The cold wind is sharp, and the leaves are slender.

In the twelfth lunar month of the 4680 year of Emperor Yuan, Chi Qiaosong launched an attack on the perfect golden elixir!

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