In the first month of Emperor Yuan 4681, the whole country was immersed in the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

The sound of firecrackers and fireworks is played almost every night, and visiting relatives and drinking are the main themes. In this atmosphere, Chi Qiaosong and Zhou Jinyao are also busy for several days.

After being busy until the seventh day of the new year, I didn't get free time. I returned to the Pine Garden Chifu Villa and fell asleep in a quiet embrace.

"Songsong, how do you distribute this tea?" Zhou Jinyao shook two catties of freshly roasted nectar tea, "Are you going to share some with your relatives?"

At the beginning of the month, he spent five packets of fertilizer to ripen the manna tea leaves from the manna bushes.

At present, there are 255 bales of fertilizer in the 15 acres of fertile fields, and there is no place to use fertilizers for the time being. The classics of Heng Lian and Qigong have not yet been introduced, and there are not many fruits for spiritual roots.

But you can't stop saving fertilizer.

The martial arts of the three realms of corporal can be cultivated in a few dozen packs.

The martial arts of the three realms of the master may require more than a few dozen packs, but probably hundreds of packs.

"No, let's go back and get some wild camellia tea to make up the number." Chi Qiaosong thought for a while and said, "Nectar tea is a treasure, drinking it often can prolong life, and I will share it with you and my parents, as well as my second uncle and aunt in the future. "

The nectar tea bushes rely on fertilizers to ripen them four times a year, two catties per crop, but only eight catties of tea leaves can be obtained.

Chi father, Chi mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, second uncle, second aunt, little aunt, little uncle, these are eight people, which means that one person can only drink one catty of nectar tea a year.

A pound of tea leaves can barely quench thirst, and then evenly divide it, it is estimated that nectar tea will not work.

"Well, I'll pack it as you said."

"After the tea is delivered, let's set off for our honeymoon." Chi Qiaosong said with his wife in his arms, "The first stop is to take a stroll around the Yudou Mountains and go to the Xuankong Temple."

"Hangkong Temple? I've never heard of it."

"The Hanging Temple is in Wuyue Province. I went to the Hanging Temple to deal with some things by the way." Chi Qiaosong said.

The Taoist temple that had colluded with the Ten Thousand Snake Grottoes, some Taoist temples in the province, and a Taoist temple in Gumer City, under the cooperation of the three martial arts holy places, each cleaned up a group of evil cultivators.

Only the Hanging Temple outside the province.

Obviously the local government has been notified, but no action has been taken.

The Hanging Temple is located in Wushang City, which is affiliated to Ou Valve and is the first stop of Chiqiao Song's honeymoon. This is an ancient temple deep in the mountains, and the incense is quite prosperous.

Chi Qiaosong said that he would leave.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, he took his wife and drove the golden light to the Yudou Mountains.

Zhou Jinyao's internal strength level is only at the level of a layman, and she can't control the Dragon Girl of Shancai for a long time, so when she is tired, she returns to Songyuan Village to rest, and Chi Qiaosong gallops to Xuankong Temple alone.

That night, they arrived at the town closest to the Hanging Temple, called Yeji Town.

He put down the gate of Pine Garden, Zhou Jinyao and Ren Qiongdan took Tao Nuxin out of Pine Garden together, wandered around Yeji Town, and asked about the location of Xuankong Temple.

"Are you going to Xuankong Temple to add incense?" a local asked.

"Yes, uncle, where is the Hanging Temple?"

"Listen to your accent, I'm from out of town, then you must not know the way. In the mountains, you have to go a long way. It's best to find someone from the town to take you there."

"Then why don't you ask uncle to help us lead the way, I can pay you." Ren Qiongdan negotiated.

Who knew that the uncle shook his head into a rattle: "That won't work, it's too late, my daughter-in-law won't let me walk at night... Or wait until tomorrow morning and I'll show you the way?"

Chi Qiaosong nodded: "Alright, just stay in the town for one night."

"There is only one hotel in our town. There is an auspicious hotel at the back of the mountain in the south of the town. I will take you there." The uncle greeted a few people warmly.

Chiqiaosong would like to say that they can find a place to put the gate of Pine Garden, and they can solve the accommodation.

However, seeing that the uncle wanted to earn this money for leading the way, he did not forcefully refuse: "I came here for a tour, so I'll stay here for one night."

The uncle led the way warmly and came to the Lucky Hotel to check in.

Four people, two rooms.

Then the uncle left the address and made an appointment to come and lead the way early tomorrow morning.

Chi Qiaosong and four people lived in the room, and he put down the gate of Songyuan and said to the three daughters, "You all go back to Songyuan Village, and I live here alone."

"Songsong, let's go back together."

"It's okay, I still want to be active at night."

Chi Qiaosong was going to secretly take a trip to the mountain to find the location of the Hanging Temple.

"Then let's play poker together, and we'll go back to sleep when it's ordered." Zhou Jinyao suggested, not wanting Chi Qiaosong to be too boring outside alone.

The game didn't break until nine o'clock.

Chi Qiaosong stretched and was about to go out to find the Hanging Temple.

Suddenly, he raised his brows, his consciousness swept outwards instantly, and then in the backyard of the Lucky Hotel, he saw a strange thing that nimbly climbed up the building and came to the window of his room.


This can hit evil spirits, and Chi Qiaosong called out luck in his heart.

Pretend not to see this evil creature, then go to the bed, wait for the evil creature to gently open the window, then turn in, and approach him on tiptoe.

Through the observation of consciousness, Chi Qiaosong has already recognized what this evil spirit is.

"The body is like a pig, but the nose is like an elephant trunk. This is a rare beast tapir... No, this is not a beast tapir, this is an evil animal raised by humans, a post house monster!"

There are many kinds of evil spirits officially recorded in Daxia.

Among them, there is a kind of post house monster, which is mostly raised by evil cultivators. It is made into a different beast tapir by sacrifice of pig corpses, and it can obtain a little bit of tapir ability.

Legend has it that the beast tapir eats dreams for a living.

This artificially cultivated post house monster can also absorb yang energy in people's sleep. It was brought by evil cultivators to hunt for the yang energy of passing passengers. Passengers often do not know it, but they will become seriously ill later.

at this time.

The post house monster, which looks like a tapir, is already close to Chi Qiaosong's face.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to take in the yang energy of Chi Qiaosong, Chi Qiaosong reached out and grabbed the trunk of the elephant, and then a flame in his palm directly left a mark on the monster's nose.

Release your hand.

The post house monster immediately spread its hoofs and jumped down from the window.

Chi Qiaosong, with the purple and blue gourd on his head, jumped out of the window with the post house monster, then stepped on the golden light and followed behind the post house monster. The post house monster looked back while escaping.

No one was found to follow, the speed gradually slowed down, and then took small steps towards the mountain.

Looking back for a while in the mountains, and making sure that no one was following, the post house monster suddenly turned around and ran towards the Lucky Inn again.

"Dare to come?" Chi Qiaosong narrowed his eyes.

However, after the post house monster approached the Lucky Hotel, instead of going to Chi Qiaosong's room, he went straight to the chef at the Lucky Hotel, snorting like a pig.

The back kitchen door opened, and a bald man with a broken leg greeted the monster in the post house.

Chi Qiaosong also followed.

"Didn't get it?" The bald head grabbed the monster's nose and stretched out his hand to take it out, but he didn't take out anything. Instead, he found the flame mark on his nose, "What is this... sigh!"

Just as his hand touched the mark, he was immediately burned by the three attached real fires.

Then he was shocked: "What kind of fire is this, have you met an expert?"

The post house monster just hums.

The bald head thought for a while, and said to himself: "Since there are experts, just stop for a while, baby, open your mouth!"

Saying, the bald head took out a silver elixir from his pocket and threw it into the mouth of the post house monster.

"This is... Long Live Pill!" Chi Qiaosong recognized the pill at a glance.

Impressively, it is the Long Live Pill refined from human corpses.

He thought to himself: "This bald head must be related to the Hanging Temple. First catch him for questioning."

Immediately, he put his palms together with one hand and tapped lightly behind the bald head. The bald head didn't even have time to groan, so he fainted. Before the monster in the post house could react, he was directly killed by a dull thunder in the palm of Chi Qiaosong's palm.

Lower the gate of the pine garden.

He dragged the bald head in directly and called to Ren Qiongdan, who was still cleaning up the room: "Take some means and interrogate this bald head to see what relationship he has with the Hanging Temple."

Ren Qiongdan took the lead: "Okay, boss."

Zhou Jinyao walked out of the room: "Songsong, what's going on?"

"I caught the evil cultivator that may be related to the Hanging Temple, and I will let Ren Qiongdan try it for the first trial." Chi Qiaosong said, and called Xiao Zhi again, "Go, this monster in the post house crushes the fertile fields."

Zhou Jinyao urged: "You have to be careful."

The corners of Chi Qiaosong's mouth turned up slightly: "Don't worry, there are not many people who can hurt me, and tomorrow, I will investigate this Hanging Temple upside down, and not a single evil cultivator will be spared."

------off topic-----

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