Most of the monks sitting in the hall were not warriors, but ordinary people.

And these monks are all healthy people. They don't have broken limbs, no burning fingers, hanging lamps, or wearing pliers. They are responsible for studying the Dharma and then receiving pilgrims.

The real monks of the Hanging Temple are in the halls that are not open to the public.

Chi Qiaosong was holding a broken-arm monk named Shi Ruojun in his hand at this time. This Shi Ruojun was the most cowardly and cooperative among the many people looking for goods.

"This is the King Kong Hall, where the prisoner Shi Ruo is jealous... This is Senior Brother Shi Ruohui..." Shi Ruojun explained like a tour guide.

Chi Qiaosong's purple and blue gourd can be invisible in groups, so the two of them are hidden in the small void, watching the entire Hanging Temple.

"Where is Wu Daochang?"

"Wu Daochang's cave house is in Huanghua Cave. He was invited back by the abbot to make alchemy during this period of time. It should be in the alchemy hall. I don't know, the long live alchemy is all distributed by Uncle Shi Jishan, and we can't get in touch with Wu Daochang at all."

The prison and the mantle are all the deacon posts of the Hanging Temple. There are eight deacons to assist the abbot in managing the temple.

"Go to Dantang."

The purpose of Chi Qiaosong is to wipe out the evil cultivators and evil spirits in one go, so he must first catch a few leading people and prevent these people or evil spirits from escaping. Wu Daochang is one of the primary goals.

On the plank road, every time he met someone on the road, Shi Ruojun reported the other party's roots.

After entering the alchemy hall smoothly, after a while, the secret door in the alchemy hall was opened, and a corpse was transported in by the monks. Chi Qiaosong also followed with Shi Ruojun.

The entrance is a huge pill furnace.

"Why did the material come again, there is still no end!" A Taoist who was guarding the pill stove complained in a bad tone.

The monks immediately whispered back with a smile: "Grandpa Wu, during your absence, the long live pills were broken in the temple. It was hard to hope for you, and everyone worked hard to get such a good material."


Chi Qiaosong recognized the identity of this Taoist without reminding.

Inspired by "Little Daoist Qishu", it can be clearly seen that the Taoist person has a strong evil spirit, and it is the centipede master Wu Daochang of Huanghuadong.

He put the gate of Pine Garden behind Wu Daochang.

Then he raised his hand with a golden light, killed the monks who sent the corpse, and then suddenly grabbed Daochang Wu by the neck and pushed Daochang Wu into the pine garden. By the way, pull Shi Ruojun and follow along.

Being pushed into Pine Garden, Wu Daochang reacted immediately and prepared to escape.

But suddenly, he saw a majestic unicorn on the left and right sides, staring at him.

And in front of a villa behind him, a green dragon and a white ape stared at him equally viciously. Not to mention the fox who controls the black smoke and the nun who controls the black mist.

For a moment.

Wu Daochang's mind came up with the idea of ​​"Heaven and Earth".

He broke out in a cold sweat and didn't dare to stop at all. Black air erupted from his feet, and he was about to fly forward. However, the next moment, Chiqiaosong stepped into the gate and threw a punch.

True Qi stimulates the effect of the debut shadow, like a fierce tiger pounces.

He smashed Daochang Wu into the air, and smashed it into the soil, leaving a big hole in the shape of a human.

He has not cultivated the horizontal practice scriptures, nor has he cultivated into the qigong scriptures, but only by the master's true qi, he can crush any existence under the three realms of the master.

in the pit.

Wu Daochang suddenly showed his real body, which was a huge ten-meter-long centipede, but before the centipede could move, Chi Qiaosong fell from the sky.

Stepping the centipede essence into the mud with one foot.

The infuriating impact, the centipede jing suddenly slumped to the ground, no longer able to resist.


Seeing this, the fire unicorn looked at Chi Qiaosong, revealing the excitement of being eager to try. It used to be able to completely abuse Chi Qiaosong, but it is hard to say now.

The water unicorn tilted its head in boredom, and it has no interest in fighting.

Letting go of his feet, Chi Qiaosong said lightly, "Old Tu, this centipede spirit is handed over to you for interrogation, I'm leaving."

After he finished speaking, he picked up Shi Ruojun who was dumbfounded, and Chi Qiaosong stepped out of the pine garden and returned to the secret room of Dantang. The pill furnace is still refining medicinal pills, and there are cans of refined Long Live Pills on the shelf.

This kind of Long Live Pill uses human corpses as the main material, and has no effect of fertilizing fields.

Chi Qiaosong's infuriating qi oscillated, and directly crushed all these Wanzai Dan, and then extinguished the flame of the Dan furnace to destroy the medicinal liquid in the Dan furnace.

He was about to open the door of the secret room, but suddenly the door opened by itself.

Then an old monk walked in, and before he could see the situation clearly, the old monk said with a smile: "Daochang Wu, the poor monk will give you a treasure... um, Daochang Wu?"

The old monk did not see Daochang Wu, but only saw the bodies of monks lying on the ground.

In the next second, he felt that someone pushed him, and then his eyes flashed, and the rich spiritual energy rushed towards the door, and the water unicorn and the fire unicorn were tilting their heads to look at him.


Suddenly there was wind.

The old monk reacted with an agitated spirit, and he shouted angrily in an instant, golden light all over his body, especially the golden light flowing on his head, as if he was wearing a light bulb.

Papa, Chiqiaosong's slap, fanning the old monk's light bulb head.

The old monk staggered and almost fell, and the golden light on his body trembled, almost going out.

"Who is this old monk?" Chi Qiaosong asked Shi Ruojun.

Shi Ruojun was already stunned by Chi Qiaosong's powerful strength, and he said tremblingly when he heard the words: "It's Liaoyuan Shilu's evil master..."

Liaoyuan is also one of the eight deacons, responsible for the management of Yunshuitang, and Yunshuitang is the place responsible for receiving monks from all over the world to travel and study, and some large temples only have Yunshuitang.

While speaking, the old monk had recovered his senses and asked, "Who are you, why are you taking the poor monk!"

At the same time, he cast golden light to make himself dignified, with only one arm left in front of him, staring at Chi Qiaosong to prevent Chi Qiaosong from attacking again.

"Release the evil, right?"

Chi Qiaosong asked in a good time, "Don't you want to give Wu Daochang a treasure, why don't you show it to me?"

"What treasure, what Wu Daochang, the poor monk doesn't know what you are talking about, the poor monk is the Liaoyuan of the Xuankong Temple. If you take the poor monk, you are not afraid to offend my Xuankong Temple!"

"It's hardest to die one by one, but I'm in a hurry." Chi Qiaosong put away his joking mentality and directly attacked.

Shi Qing'e let out a loud roar, arousing more golden light, and flew back to Chi Qiaosong, this is a horizontal practice kung fu "Golden Bell Cover". Then yell again.

This roar seems to contain supreme majesty, and it is also a martial art "Lion's Roar".

When the roar sounded, against the backdrop of the golden light, a shadow of a lion rose behind him, and the shadow of the lion also roared, entangled with each other.

It was as if the entire Songyuan Village was filled with lion roars.

It's a pity that Shi Qing'e was only the third-class warrior, Chi Qiaosong waited for him to rush over, and pushed him out with a palm, then shot Shi Qing'e into the soil from midair.

"Crackling Under the three realms of the master, no matter if it is the evil Daoist Wu or Liaoyuan Shiying evil, they can't stop Chi Qiaosong's move.

With his consciousness swept away, he already knew where the treasure that Shi Qing'e said was. He landed on the ground, stepped on Shi Yan'e, and took out a small delicate wooden box from his cuff.

After opening.

Inside was a golden-black centipede curled up impressively, with a golden body and black stripes between each segment, and its head was even more golden and seemed to glow.

The golden centipede, about twenty centimeters long, was restrained by Chiqiaosong's true air, and dared not move.

But Chi Qiaosong can clearly feel that its spirituality is extraordinary, which is stronger than the spiritual aura of ordinary spirit insects, which makes him overjoyed: "Is this a flying centipede?"

The probability of insects becoming spiritual insects is much lower than that of beasts.

Moreover, because of the wide variety of insects and the mixed bloodlines, the traits after cultivation into spirit insects are not consistent, resulting in the types of spirit insects becoming very messy.

For example, the titles of elder sister Hua and jade waist slave.

Sister Hua is not only the seven-star ladybug that can be cultivated. After other types of ladybugs are cultivated, they can also be called Sister Hua. The same is true for jade waist slaves. Yellow butterflies, white butterflies, red butterflies, and blue butterflies can all be called jade waists when they become spiritual insects. slave.

Generally speaking.

The centipede cultivated into a spirit worm, collectively known as the hundred-footed dragon.

For example, Daochang Wu, who is being interrogated by Tu Shanxi, is probably a hundred-footed dragon who has embarked on the path of evil, and gradually refined his human image, thus mixing with evil cultivators.

At this time, the spirit insect centipede in the box is the alienated species of the spirit insect centipede - the flying centipede.


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