"Chief Master Chi."

After Granny Hu left, Qi Miaomu and Li Miaoshu came together: "As for the guests of the succession ceremony, we need to discuss with Headmaster Chi."

The Sihan Tianshi Mansion has its own guest list, which is basically the group that came when Huang Facheng succeeded the throne - of course, whether Xianju Kuocangdong will come or not is unknown.

"Is there a guest on my side?" Chi Qiaosong welcomed the two mages in.

After going through it in my head, I identified my guests: "It is divided into three parts, one is my relatives, the other is my foreign master and five senior brothers, and the other is my father-in-law's old friends."

"Then the Sihan Tianshi Mansion will send the invitation." Li Miaoshu said.

He and Qi Miaomu visited overnight, also to show affection to Chi Qiaosong and to clear up the previous misunderstanding.

It is very clear who will be the master of the Sihan Tianshi Mansion in the future. If nothing else happens, Chi Qiaosong can stay in this position for at least 60 years.

Sixty years and one Jiazi may be three generations.

The two masters themselves don't need to please Chi Qiaosong, but they have a lot of old friends and relatives, and they will eat Chi Qiaosong's face in the future.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

The two masters sincerely sought refuge, and Chi Qiaosong welcomed them with pleasure: "After I succeed to the throne, I will preside over the reforms of the mansion, and I also ask the two masters and uncles to help me."

"Haha, Master Chi's reforms are planned to be new, and I will naturally help you."

After chatting to see off the guests, Chi Qiaosong smiled slightly, as expected, strength is king, and he inherited the throne of Sihan Tianshi Mansion, which was much smoother than expected.

If it wasn't for his Immortal Slaying Flying Sword, I'm afraid these mages would never be so amiable.

Shake your head.

Instead of thinking about these things, he went back to his room and started making calls.

Call Master Hao Bozhao first: "Master, I have enlightened the great medicine, I have been promoted to the mage realm, and I have inherited..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Hao Bozhao on the other end: "It's Xiaosong, what the **** are you talking about, what is the medicine for enlightenment, and you are talking in your sleep."

"Haha, Master, what I said is true."

"It's really deceiving to be a master, isn't it?"

"Master." Chi Qiaosong did not differentiate, but said, "I am about to take over as the head teacher of the Sihan Tianshi Mansion. Five days later, on the 26th day of the fifth month, the ceremony will be the succession ceremony. Later, there will be external propagandists from the Sihan Heavenly Master's Mansion to send a ceremony invitation to Master."

Hao Bozhao couldn't believe it: "What the **** is going on with you, it's not funny at all to make such a joke with Master."

"Master, I'm never joking. Well, let's not talk about it for now. I have to call to inform others. Master, you can keep an eye on the outside world."

Phone busy tone.

Hao Bozhao, who was lying on the bed reading the newspaper, was reluctant to put down the phone for a long time.

The wife, who was looking in the mirror and applying the mask, saw him like this and couldn't help but ask, "Why did you stun Lao Hao, what did Xiao Song say on the phone, what are you kidding?"

Hao Bozhao then put down the phone, and then said thoughtfully, "It's strange."

"What's weird, what do you say?"

"Xiaomatsu called and said that he realized the great medicine of Dao and was promoted to the giant mage."

"What?" The teacher was startled, and then overjoyed, "Really, the giant mage, my mother, Lao Hao, is this true, Xiaosong has become the giant mage?"

"What's the name, don't call it, I feel like he's joking."

"What's the matter, why?"

Hao Bozhao frowned and said, "You're a master of the mage. He's a nineteen-year-old child. When he says that he understands the great medicine, he will understand the great medicine, right?"

"Isn't that what he said in person?" The wife doesn't understand these things. "Besides, Xiaosong's talent is in our Daxia, the most powerful one, what happened to the great medicine of enlightenment!"

"You know shit!"

After refuting a sentence of his wife, Hao Bozhao explained: "Be it a great master or a great wizard, there is a red line of age. I remember it seems to be twenty-five years old, and no one has crossed it since the founding of the country."

"Ah, is that so, that Komatsu is only nineteen years old... is he really joking?"

"That's what I'm surprised about. Komatsu doesn't seem like someone who likes to joke around. Besides, how can anyone call me to joke around in the middle of the night and even joke with my master? It doesn't make sense."

I didn't wait for Hao Bozhao to discuss it with his wife.

Then I received another phone call. It was the eldest apprentice Li Shou who called: "Master, Lao Liu called just now, saying that he is a master of Dao Enlightenment Master, do you know?"

"You also received a notice from Lao Liu?"

"Well, Master, is this true or false?"

"I don't know what to do either."

"Oh, this old sixth, because of him tonight, I won't be able to sleep... But Master, do you think it is possible for the old sixth to become a master of Dao Master?"

"It shouldn't be, the age is there."

Not only Li Shou, but also several apprentices called, and even at Li Shou's suggestion, a group of people went straight to Chi Qiaosong's house.

Binxi Manor Phase II.

The old Chi family was already in ecstasy. Chi Qiaosong called his parents. After that, Chi's father and Chi's mother couldn't sleep, so they called their second uncle and aunt.

Then get together and discuss the matter.

Without discussing anything, I saw Hao Bozhao came with five apprentices—the two were only a ten-minute walk away.

"Brother Xiutian, did Xiaosong call you?" Hao Bozhao went straight to the topic as soon as he entered the door, "Has he really been promoted to a mages giant?"

Father Chi hurriedly ushered people in, and then replied: "Old Brother Hao, Xiaosong did say this, let us prepare at home first, and he will send someone to pick us up in three days to take us to the Sihan Tianshi Mansion, and the rest will be Not much to say."

Li Shou heard this, patted his thigh, and said with joy, "That's it! Master, it's still possible for Lao Liu to joke with us, but he definitely won't joke with his parents!"

The fourth senior brother Bian Liao was even more dancing: "Haha, haha, my younger brother is a giant mage!"

How could he not be happy.

There is no hope for his own martial arts, and he will be in the realm of warriors all his life, but with the identity of the senior brother of the giant mage, he will be respected by others wherever he goes in the future.

This is called a man who attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

"Okay, fourth, don't scream." Although Hao Bozhao was also happy, after a long time of excitement, the threshold of excitement has been raised infinitely, and he has regained his composure, "The matter of Komatsu can basically be confirmed to be true, but we'd better Don't tell the outside world, Brother Xiutian, what do you think?"

Father Chi nodded: "I think so too... If I don't see Komatsu, I'm not at ease in my heart."

The second senior brother Ba Puze agreed: "That's the truth, just close the door and be happy. It's not too late to be happy again after the sixth son's succession ceremony."

Everyone chatted enthusiastically and didn't want to leave. Bian Liao simply said, "Well, Master, Uncle Chi, I'll order a late-night snack and bring it over. Let's have a late-night snack and drink some beer to celebrate."

"Okay, the fourth child, hurry up to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the provincial government compound.

In a villa, Zhu Guangshuang was wiping his spear, and his concubine came over and told him to go to sleep. He didn't even go there, just wiped the spear repeatedly.

Until a middle-aged man came in with a bottle of good wine.

"Supervisor." The middle-aged man put down the wine bottle, "I heard something good, so I came here to have a drink with the superintendent."

Zhu Guangshan put down his spear, and his eyes flashed like electricity in an instant: "Zheng Sheng, are you sure, Zhou Li's son-in-law has indeed been promoted to the Master of Mage and will take over as the head teacher of Sihan Tianshifu?"

Zheng Sheng praised: "It's absolutely true, I just finished the phone call with Zhou Li, and I also contacted my friends at the Tianshi Mansion... This Jiang Youyushu is really not simple. At the wedding, I saw that he was definitely not The thing in the pool, but who would have thought that he would soar into the sky, scaring people!"

"Beheading Wu Miaoding and Liu Faming, two giant mages, is even stronger than Niu Fahong. Is this the strength of the perfect medicine?"

"Supervisor, I think the perfect medicine is really good, but the reason why he was able to cut off Wu Miaoding and Liu Faming's arms is more because of the yellow gourd called Zhanxian Feijian."

"Yeah, this is a magic weapon." Zhu Guangshuang rubbed his spear, "I don't know if my Kuixing spear can stop the Immortal Slaying Flying Sword."

"Relying on external things, strong and strong, but also frivolous."

"That's not what you said, Zheng Sheng, you don't know if you are a martial artist. The giant mage is good at manipulating magic weapons, so as to create an effect of one plus one greater than two. This is also the root cause of internal power over external power." Zhu Guang Shan Su said, "The rising star has risen, and I have to forge ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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