Gumer City.

Qianligang in the north is a continuation of the Yudou Mountains; Xianxia Mountain in the south is a continuation of the Wuyi Mountains.

A valley is formed between the two mountains, and Gumer City and the four counties under its jurisdiction, Jianglang County, Shanchang County, Longqiu County and Qianjiangyuan County, are surrounded by the valley.

"Headmaster Chi, drink!"

"Pang Gong, do it."

Among the private elegant gardens in the city, the mayor Pang Sihai entertained Chi Qiaosong, and the two exchanged cups and drank a lot of wine. Of course, it was mainly Pang Sihai who was drinking, taking a bowl of sea bowls, the amount of alcohol was really scary.

Chi Qiaosong scanned with his divine sense and found that the master Pang Sihai really didn't use Dan Jinhua to get rid of alcohol, and it all depended on the strength of both kidneys.

"No wonder he married more than 30 concubines."

He had specifically inquired about Pang Sihai before, who was already a master of Shidan, comparable in strength to his father-in-law Zhou Li, and his greatest hobby was to marry a concubine.

Basically marrying home at the rate of one house a year.

It is said that there is a concubine who is still a fox spirit, and has even been published in the "Fox News", but the plot is not ups and downs, it is the kind of hit it off after seeing the color.

There is no prelude to the fox's repayment of gratitude and the son's night reading.

After the banquet, Chi Qiaosong stayed in Gumer City for one night, and the next day set off to visit Tianshui Temple in the suburbs. After arriving at Tianshui Temple, it was discovered that the abbot had already run away, and he even left with a group of Taoist priests.

Only some Taoist priests who lived in Gumer City stayed behind.

"Run away?" Chi Qiaosong had expected this, and directly asked the entourage to contact the Sihan Tianshi Mansion by phone, "Send someone over to receive Tianshui Temple, as many as you want!"

After inspecting the remaining four Taoist temples in the middle of the county one by one, it was found that the abbots of three more Taoist temples had run away, and only the abbot of Jiangshui Temple in Qianjiangyuan County was left behind.

"I visited Gumer City, and the five Taoist temples ran four Taoist temple abbots. Why didn't you run?"

"Reporting to Headmaster Chi, Xiaodao is from this county. He has always been sluggish, and he was often excluded from the main hall, so I heard that Headmaster Chi came to inspect, and Xiaodao was willing to stay."

"what's your name?"

"The daoist name is Yuanpinzi."

"Abbot Yuanpinzi, after this visit to Gumer City, all five Taoist temples will be brought under the jurisdiction of Sihan Tianshifu. Are you willing to sign up in Sihan Tianshifu, then you can still serve as abbot in Jiangshuiguan."

"Xiaodao is willing."

"Then it's decided." Chi Qiaosong smiled slightly, but he didn't expect to get a subordinate of Yu Shijing. "Tomorrow, Yu Shijing will come to serve as a mountain patrol and lecturer. I hope you will cooperate with the reform."

"Small Taoist decree, teaching a real person is exhausted by boat and car, it is better to take a rest at Jiangshuiguan. The vegetarian meal of this concept is a must in Gumer City."

It was rare to meet such a knowledgeable abbot, and when it was time for dinner, Chi Qiaosong stayed behind to try the vegetarian meal from Jiangshuiguan.

Now he basically only eats food from Songyuan Village, and the food outside is just for a taste.

The vegetarian meal was brought, and there was also self-brewed rice wine. Yuan Pingzi was doing his best to entertain when suddenly there was a Taoist exclamation from outside, Yuan Pingzi said embarrassedly: "He teaches the real person, Yuan Pingzi is not good at discipline, let these Taoists cry out in embarrassment. People are used to yelling."

Chi Qiaosong moved in his heart and said, "Call him over to ask questions."

Just when the Taoist exclaimed, as a master of the master, he swept his consciousness, and heard the Taoist shout—in the nearby Xianxia Ridge, a monster suspected of being the auspicious beast Pixiu was found.

Chi Qiaosong, who had already collected four auspicious beasts, naturally did not want to miss the opportunity to get another auspicious beast.

The Taoist walked into the room tremblingly, and under Yuanpinzi's questioning, he explained the matter: "Yes, it is the mountain people from Xianxialing who went into the mountain to collect herbs, and found a monster bigger than a tiger, with one horn and a head. Just like the head of the Dragon King, it still has a pair of wings, but it doesn't seem to be able to fly."

After listening to this, Yuanpinzi excitedly cupped his hands and said, "Teaching a real person, this seems to be somewhat similar to the legendary Pixiu!"

Chi Qiaosong squinted slightly, looked at Yuan Pingzi and Taoist, and said, "Leading the way, I want to see if it is a Pixiu!

If you get the Pixiu, this seat will give you a lot of rewards! "

When he came to Guji this time, if he could bring back a Pixiu, it would be a good omen. It would undoubtedly have a great blessing on his personal prestige, and it would also increase the luck of Songyuan Village.

Having seen the dragon, the unicorn, and the golden-bearded fish, he now has no doubts about the existence of the Pixiu.

Leaving the county escorts and his own entourage in the Jiangshuiguan, Chi Qiaosong took Yuanpinzi and flew directly to Xianxialing where Pixiu was found.

With a flash of golden light, he saw the mountain man in just a moment.

"Ah, Immortal Master!" When the mountain residents saw Chi Qiaosong, who was driving the golden light down, they hurriedly fell to the ground and kept kowtowing.

Chi Qiaosong held up the mountain people with his infuriating energy, and said warmly, "This seat is not an immortal master, but this seat is a real person taught by the Sihan Tianshi Mansion. Did you discover the Pixiu?"

In the face of such a big man, the mountain people stammered and could not speak.

There was a Taoist priest next to him, a disciple of Jiang Shuiguan, and he immediately said, "He taught the real person, and the disciple asked him in detail. At that time, he was not far from the back mountain and saw Pixiu preying on a black bear."

"Take me there."

The golden light rolled up and brought several people directly, relying on the guidance of the mountain people and Taoist priests, and soon came to the place where the Pixiu preyed.

The blood stains on the ground had already condensed, Chi Qiaosong's consciousness scanned and found that there was indeed a residual spirit beast in this place, which made him overjoyed, and he really hoped to get another auspicious beast.

"Poverty Yuan, take someone back, don't talk about the Pixiu thing."

"Yes, teach real people."

After sending away those who were in the way, Chi Qiaosong immediately sacrificed a purple and blue gourd to hang over his head, and then took out the purple and orange gourd to start a treasure hunt.

Now that he has divine consciousness, his ability to find and disappear has greatly increased, making it easy for him to hunt the remaining spirit beast aura along the Pixiu and begin to track down the depths of Xianxia Ridge.

"I'm afraid this Pixiu is so used to it that it doesn't even know how to hide its breath." He stepped on the golden light and kept tracking.

The breath is a little intermittent, but after it is interrupted, it is easy to resume it by walking a few more steps around.

In this way, after flying for tens of kilometers all the way, it has almost entered the depths of Xianxia Ridge.

The purple orange gourd, which had been silent for a while, finally began to spin.

Then point in one direction and fly all the way forward.

Chi Qiao followed closely behind the purple orange gourd, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he searched forward, bypassing a valley, and suddenly, a cave with sparse vegetation appeared in front of him.

"Pixiu Cave!" Chi Qiaosong was overjoyed.

It can be seen that the grass and trees around the cave have been trampled bare by the Pixiu. It can be seen that the Pixiu is invincible in the mountains and forests in this area, so it is so bold that even the entrance of the cave is not covered.

"You and I are destined to be together."

Chi Qiaosong put away the purple orange gourd, and his consciousness scanned the cave.

The cave is not very deep, so the divine sense can easily scan the internal environment of the cave. In the depths of the curved cave, a monster that looks similar to a unicorn is falling asleep.

Dragon head, tiger body, short tail, only one horn on the head, and a pair of slightly shorter wings on the shoulder blades.

"This should be Tianlu in Pixiu..." Chi Qiaosong thought to himself.

According to legend, the Pixiu also seems to be the blood of the unicorn, and they are similar in appearance to each other, but the unicorn is an auspicious beast with two horns, but the Pixiu has one horn or no horn.

Among them, the one-horned Pixiu, also known as Tianlu, can gather wealth.

Hornless Pixiu, also known as warding off evil spirits, can be judged from the name that it can settle down and settle down.

At this moment, it is Tianlu Pixiu who is sleeping in the cave. If it is brought into Songyuan Village, it will definitely bring a steady stream of wealth to Chiqiaosong—even if it fails to accumulate wealth, it is also an excellent omen.

But just as he was about to step into the cave, he suddenly moved his consciousness and found that someone was driving the black mist to approach the Huh? "

Chi Qiaosong paused.

I saw the people who came into the cave in a hurry, and then patted Tianlu Pixiu, who was sleeping soundly, and Tianlu Pixiu got up reluctantly.

Made a low growl at the person who came.

The visitor was dressed in plain white and translucent silk, his body was trembling with fat, and he said with a smile: "My dear, don't lose your temper, hurry up and go outside again. That Chi Qiaosong is as stupid as a pig. , We left such obvious traces that he could even chase him...I don't know where to chase it."

"Roar." Tianlu Pixiu still resisted.

The visitor suddenly changed his face, and scolded fiercely: "You are itchy, right?"

Immediately, he picked up the tactic in his hand, and Tianlu Pixiu fell to the ground in pain and rolled, vaguely seeing a sharp thorn emitting a faint light under the single horn growing backward.

It was this sharp thorn that made Tianlu Pixiu cry in pain.

When Tianlu Pi Yao's clothes softened, he lowered his head and slumped at the foot of the visitor, gasping for breath, and the visitor's face softened a little: "It's really true that you don't eat and drink fine wine, go outside to seduce, and seduce Chi Qiaosong to me!"


Ask for a ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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