For Zhu Guangshuang, Chi Qiaosong still recognizes him.

At least in the few years when he was developing, the environment in Mokan County was relatively stable in all aspects, and he could be regarded as a veteran of the Peng clan and an old subordinate of Zhu Guangshan.

When they got married, Zhu Guangshan came to give a speech.

Although there was some filth between each other because of the competition for the leader of the Hong clan, everything was solved when Zhu Guangshan left Jiangyou and became an apartment.

until now.

Although the nickname Zhu Paopao gave to Zhu Guangshan was still resounding, in the battle against the Rong Clan, Zhu Guangshan was considered a hard worker and supported him until he came out of the mountain.


After a little thought, he gave Zhu Guangshan the position of governor of Hercynian Province to Zhu Guangshan—Hong Clan—Hong Clan—the main force, and only Zhu Guangshan was the top master of Jindan, and was qualified for the position of governor.

Li Tong is also a master of Jindan, but there is still some time to settle before the peak of Jindan.

Gently raising his hand, Shen Nian lifted up Zhu Guangshan, who was kneeling on one knee, Chi Qiaosong looked at the rest of the group, and instructed: "You have all the credit, and the provincial government will ask for the credit for you.

Next, you will contact the provincial government, cooperate with Li Tong to send north and south together, and pacify Haixi Province. "

Zhu Guangshan cupped his hands and replied, "Yes, Commander!"

Now that he called Commander Chi Qiaosong, there was no longer any stagnation, but the sincerity from his heart. Chi Qiaosong's strength was beyond his reach.

Everything is up.

Chi Qiaosong glanced at the Taobao Pagoda in his left hand, and the golden-winged Dapeng bird on the seventh floor was sleeping peacefully.

The three-pointed two-edged sword, the golden crown armor, and the small flag embroidered with the word "fixed shape" have all been taken back by Qiong Zun.

So he nodded slowly to the crowd.

Immediately in the eyes of everyone, Chi Qiaosong's figure faded like a phantom.

In the feeling of everyone, it seems that Chihashi Matsumoto should not exist here. Now that the phantom has faded, it is more in line with the principles and principles of the operation of heaven and earth.

"Director Zhu, no, Governor Zhu Jun. Chen Tongze bowed his hands, "Congratulations to Governor Zhu on his high promotion, Pindao will return to Qixing Cave, prepare a little wine, and wait for the arrival of Governor Zhu at any time."

Zhu Guangshan smiled and returned the salute: "The commander ordered me to control Haixi Province, so I won't send Headmaster Chen and you all."

Chen Tongze led the mages from Lanyao Qixing Cave and left the scene in an instant.

Zhu Guangshan merged the masters of the Hong clan and the Rong clan together and began to advance to the Rongpu area. After preparing to communicate with Li Tong, he completed the jurisdiction of Haixi Province overnight.

in an instant.

The original battlefield was empty, and there was no other aura except for the wolves on the ground that had been affected by the battle.

I don't know how long it took, a red-butt monkey swung a branch, swung over quickly, and landed in the center of the battlefield, with a pair of eyes blinking quickly.

So soon its face was covered with folds, and one ear grew above and below the ears, which equals a total of six ears.


"That stupid bird was defeated. He couldn't even escape. It's going to scare my old monkey out of a heart attack!" The monkey pulled his earwax hard.

Almost got blood from my ears.

He threw the earwax on the ground, and then cursed: "This incarnation of supernatural powers is not easy to use at all. His grandma's, there is not even a single spirit monkey in a radius of dozens of miles, so I have to choose a hairy monkey as my incarnation! "

After scolding.

It looked left and right, its six ears vibrated in unison, collecting all the information on this battlefield.

While collecting, he exclaimed in shock: "The law of the heavens and the earth, the five thunders are rectifying the law, oh, there are also the five elements of the great escape, no no no, there are three heads and eight arms!

My goodness, he also said that Chi Qiaosong is not an exiled immortal, these are all four supernatural powers!

President Qi Shang, who founded the country at the time, only had four supernatural powers. No wonder the stupid bird fell into his hands. Alas, I have already reminded him not to send a bird's head a thousand miles away!

Hey, it seems that there is still magical power, but it's just... vague, the breath is so vague, I can't see clearly. "

The red-butt monkey jumped up and down on the battlefield, not knowing how much information was collected. The more information was collected, the more solemn its expression became, and its tone of voice became silent.

at last.

It sighed softly: "After all, the Tao of Heaven is still dominated by the Tao of Humanity. Every era has geniuses that overwhelm the contemporary era. I really have to think about it, how should I hug my thighs!"


The red-butt monkey sighed again: "There are very few aliens who have attained the Tao. I wonder if my old monkey can become a member of the Tao.

People in the world praise me for being good at listening to sounds, being able to observe things, knowing what is before and after, and seeing everything clearly, how can they understand the fear in my heart!”

After sighing, the red-butt monkey suddenly stiffened, the wrinkled monkey face quickly returned to smoothness, and its six ears quickly retracted to four, and then fell to the ground with a click.

When the red-butt monkey regained some strength, he immediately glanced back and forth, left and right, and almost jumped up in fright.

I don't know how I got here.


It was in a trance, and felt that its brain seemed to be a little brighter, and it was no longer the same as before.




In Songyuan Village.

The golden 12th grade lotus platform slowly condensed from the enlightenment stone, and then Chi Qiaosong, who sat cross-legged, showed a smile and raised his left hand slightly.

next moment.

The Taobao Divine Pagoda appeared in his left hand. On the seventh floor of the pagoda, a golden-winged Dapeng was sleeping soundly.

Kinoshita Saburo, who was weeding in the 24 acres of upper fields, was startled by the sudden appearance of Chiqiaosong: "Old, boss, when did you come back?"

"I'll go if I want, I'll go back if I want."

Chi Qiaosong said something a little Zen-like and a little bit of middle school, and immediately put the Taobao God Pagoda in the backyard of the Chifu courtyard, and got up and moved his hands and feet.

The body is still a little weak.

Mainly because of the battle with Qiong Zun just now, the power of supernatural powers and infuriating energy were all exhausted, and even the six power spirits were chewed up.

He walked among the upper fields, thinking about the battle just now as he walked: "In the final analysis, my divine power is not enough. Although I have perfect divine power, after all, there are only five divine acupoints that possess divine power, and one of them has a supernatural power. Not fully cultivated. Those great masters, great celestial masters, and alien venerables have all cultivated for a long time, and I don’t know how many orifices have divine power in them.


It's not that the more divine power, the stronger it is, and the divine power also needs to have corresponding magical powers to be stimulated.

Chi Qiaosong's supernatural power is less or less, but his supernatural powers are many and strong: "Especially my current magic supernatural power, the time pause for seven breaths is simply a one-on-one supernatural skill!"

Even the President Tai Zhongwen, the Minister of Internal Affairs Haishou Hongqing, and the official Minister Ming Gong Zhao, Qiongzun who could not stay.

Being caught by him alone, relying on the explosion of seven breathing time, directly into the Taobao tower to refine and refine, it can be seen how powerful the magic power is now.

In comparison, the magic power of the past, although it is also incomparable, it is only an auxiliary magic power, and it does not help the combat power very much.

At most, he can unscrupulously exert his full strength, without fear of death threats, and can erase this past timeline at any time, and then start all over again.

"The three-headed and eight-armed supernatural power is also good, but this supernatural power needs more magic weapons to cooperate."

Chi Qiaosong touched his chin, and suddenly began to feel that he was not rich enough, only two innate magic weapons, and the main weapon Kun Yujian was even an ordinary magic weapon.

"However, it will soon be enriched, three-pointed two-edged sword, golden crown armor!"

He looked at the Taobao God Pagoda, which had turned into a normal pagoda height. The golden-winged Dapeng bird was very conspicuous. On the seventh floor of the pagoda, a colorful mist flashed from time to time.

Provide more blissful dreams for Garuda.

"People love to dream, and so do birds." He was sighing.

Zhou Jinyao has already rushed over with his younger brothers and sisters: "Brother Chi, when did you come back, and how did you release the Taobao Pagoda? Xiaowu and the others are clamoring to climb up and play."

"That won't work, Qiong Zun is suppressed in the tower."

"Ah!" Zhou Jinyao was stunned and turned to look at the pagoda. From this angle, he finally saw the golden-winged Dapeng bird on the seventh floor. "Is that big eagle Qiong Zun?"

"Brother, where did you catch the bird, did you bake it? "Chi Qiaowu asked curiously, the children still didn't understand what Qiongzun meant.

"Wait first, this bird is old, wait until I steam him."

Chi Qiaosong captured a strong enemy alive, and now he is in a good mood, and it is rare to have fun with his younger brothers and sisters.

Chi Xiaoya, who was about to grow into a big girl, asked, "Brother, when will Songyuan Village open? Xiaoya still wants to learn origami with Sister Yueniang."

Chiqiaosong smiled and said, "It's open now."

At this time, Chi's father and Chi's mother also heard the movement and walked over from the villa next door: "Komatsu, when did you come back, how is the situation outside?"

"Qiong Zun has already been killed by me, and it is suppressed on the tower."

"What?" Father Chi was a little surprised, "Didn't you say that Qiongzun is very powerful, just as powerful as the Grand Master and the Great Celestial Master, how did you catch it?"

Chi Qiaosong laughed and said: "Parents, senior sister, this is because after I was promoted to the Celestial Master, my strength was already on par with the Great Grandmaster and the Great Celestial Master, and even looking at the entire cabinet of Daxia, I was able to beat my giant one-on-one in a duel. None."

Father Chi and Mother Chi looked at each other and couldn't believe it.

Zhou Jinyao's eyes were full of small stars: "Brother Chi, what do you mean, will you be able to enter Beijing soon?"

"In the past, the nine major cabinet giants are afraid that they will be changed to the ten major cabinets." Chi Qiaosong said, suddenly paused, and then smiled lightly, "No, maybe there are only eight major cabinets left."

"Why is this?" Father Chi didn't understand.

Chi Qiaosong explained casually: "The minister of internal affairs and the minister of officials have repeatedly prevented me from becoming enlightened, and even arranged to murder me. Now that I have completed the Tao, I naturally want to send them on the road!"

"Why do you have to fight and kill again?" Chi Mu said worriedly.

"It's just a matter of courtesy, Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about me. From today, no one in this world is my opponent, and no one can threaten me!"

Seeing many aliens in disguise rushing over, Chi Qiaosong said loudly: "From today, the gate of Songyuan Village will be opened steadily on the top of Longhu Mountain, and everyone can come and go freely. I will sit in it 24 hours a day, Keep everyone safe and make Songyuan Village a real holy place for spiritual practice."

With the magical powers of the past, even if his past life is thousands of miles away, once he receives the information, he can return to Songyuan Village in an instant.

Therefore, the opening of Xinyuan Village has become the meaning of the title.

The cabinet giants all guessed that he has a small world, and Yun Biqiong even said it himself. It can be seen that it is meaningless to hide Songyuan Village.

Looking at so many different species, Chi Qiaosong suddenly realized that there was one person missing: "Where's Sister Dan?"

"Sister Dan is in the Shabby Mountains." Zhou Jinyao said.

Chi Qiaosong immediately understood: "I'll go see Sister Dan."

Immediately, like a flash, the divine sense rolled him to the Shabby Mountains and found Ren Qiongdan, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of a mountain.

"Boss, you are here."

"Are you going to be robbed?"

"Yes, just a few days ago."

Chi Qiaosong threw the purple-yellow gourd, the purple-green gourd, and the purple-blue gourd directly: "I'll use it for you, if there is a second thunder calamity, then escape to the small void."

"Thank you boss." Ren Qiongdan was not polite.

Chiqiao's pine spirituality showed, and he quickly returned to the small square. After saying a few words to everyone, he left Songyuan Village, went straight to the top of Longhu Mountain, and then put down the gate of Songyuan Village.

Sihan Tianshi Mansion is located halfway up the mountain of Longhu Mountain, and Sanqing Town is at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

The gate of Pine Garden Village is on the top of the mountain and represents the highest status.

Originally, there was a sun-viewing pavilion on the top of the mountain, and there was a sheep intestine trail. The gate of Songyuan Village was located next to the sun-viewing pavilion.

After signaling that everyone could go out, Chi Qiaosong first rolled up his father and mother, his second aunt, his younger brother and sister, and the others, and flew back to the courtyard of Sanqing Town.

"Mom and dad, let's live a normal life in Sanqing Town from now on." Chi Qiaosong said.

The battle between Daxia warriors is more disciplined and will not harm the family. After all, everyone has relatives, so the safety of parents and relatives is enough to guarantee.

"Xiao Song, I can't help you and your mother very much. You should pay more attention to yourself, discuss with your father-in-law, mother-in-law, and aides. Don't rush in just because you have the ability." Father Chi urged.

Chi Qiaosong responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I have it all in my heart."

Immediately after a scroll of divine sense, he returned to the top of Longhu Mountain—the speed of divine sense was several times faster than that of the lucky boy, and it took almost only a blink of an eye to go from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Many aliens from Pine Garden Village have appeared around the Sun Viewing Pavilion.

Chi Qiaosong directly called the construction manager Huang Jiulang: "Go back and connect with the Sihan Tianshi Mansion, build a large square on the top of the mountain, and build a holy gate directly as the entrance along the outline of the gate of Songyuan Village. Then, a winding road will be built to facilitate the transportation of goods from Songyuan Village down the mountain. "

Huang Jiulang replied, "Don't worry, boss."

Chi Qiaosong said to the crowd again: "Go back and discuss with the headmaster and elders of the Sihan Tianshi Mansion, and let the Sihan Tianshi Mansion manage the reception standards of Songyuan Village on your behalf, and open the relaxation garden village to the outside world. Please hurry up. Let’s discuss it, and discuss the regulations and rules for entering the village of Songyuan Village as a holy land of enlightenment.”

"Yes!" The aliens responded.

"Commander." Li Miaoshu, the elder on duty of the Sihan Tianshi Mansion, came first.

Then Jiang Faqin, Granny Hu, and Fei Miaowen also rushed over—the other elders were still out of town and could not rush over immediately for the time being.

Chi Qiaosong said to Jiang Faqin and Granny Hu: "Mom, Granny Hu, Qiongzun has been resolved, and I decided to open Xianyuan Village. You two help me take charge of this matter, and by the way, I also bring Shizu and Elder Li into the village. Go for a walk in here and get a feel for what a real holy place of practice is."

Jiang Faqin said in surprise: "Qiong Zun is this solved?"

"I've been promoted to a Celestial Master, so I can naturally solve Qiongzun. Now Qiongzun is being refined in my Taoist Pagoda." Chi Qiaosong didn't say much, and after explaining the matter, he left first.

Jiang Faqin did his part to become the temporary head of Songyuan Village.

First let Jinxiagu and Granny Hu lead a group of fox spirits to act as temporary guards at the gate of Songyuan Village, and then personally lead Fei Miaowen and Li Miaoshu to visit Songyuan Village.

After stepping through the gate where the two spaces meet, Fei Miaowen and Li Miaoshu looked at each other and felt a novel experience.

Not to mention the more than 20 times the concentration of spiritual qi that rushed to the face, it was unbelievable. When walking, you could almost feel the texture of the spiritual qi immersed in the skin.

One after another, green dragon marrow spirits soared in the air from time to time, passing by in a flash.

The spirit beast buffalo eats the weeds on the field ridge quietly, and its huge size is very impactful; a group of spirit beasts roosters and hens swaying with their chicks; buzzing thumb bees, busy flying Flying to and fro to gather honey; in a canal not far away, spirit beast ducks swim happily and quack.

Twenty-four acres of upper fields are surrounded by fences, and visitors are temporarily not allowed.

Jiang Faqin pointed to the seven-story pagoda behind the courtyard of the Chi Mansion: "Master Fei, Master Li, in the highest level of that pagoda, there should be Qiongzun, an alien venerable."

Li Miaoshu looked at the golden-winged Dapeng bird, took a deep breath and said, "That's a different kind of venerable person. I only recently learned that an alien kind of person can cultivate into a venerable person, just like the great masters and great celestial masters among human beings. We are handsome. Even the venerable aliens were easily won, and the Great Celestial Master is probably not enough to describe."

Fei Miaowen shook his head and did not speak.

He is also unbelievable. Since Chi Qiaosong succeeded as the real person of Sihan Tianshifu, almost everything has impacted his three views, making it difficult for him to understand.

I don't understand why Chi Qiaosong is so young to be able to master Dao, I don't understand why Chi Qiaosong is so powerful just after mastering Dao, I don't understand why Chi Qiaosong dares to fight for the position of the leader of the Hong clan.

I don't understand why Chi Qiaosong can really unify the Hong clan and even kill the veteran master Wen Fenglin.

So much so that I still don't understand why Chi Qiaosong can easily be promoted to the Celestial Master. We must know that he has spent decades in the position of the head teacher of the Sihan Celestial Master's Mansion, and still stops at Master Jindan.

What is even more incomprehensible is that Chi Qiaosong has just been promoted to Tianshi, and even the venerables of the aliens have been captured and suppressed, and it can almost be said that he is directly invincible in the world.

Despite the name of Qiong Zun, he heard about it not long ago.

But I have heard that even Yun Biqiong, the Great Celestial Master of Daxia martial arts, can't do anything about Qiong Zun.

Even Qiong Zun supported the Rong clan in a grand manner and made waves in Haixi Province. The nine giants in the cabinet had no choice but to let it go.

But it was such a powerful alien who was suddenly captured by Chi Qiaosong and imprisoned in the Taobao Pagoda for refining.

Doesn't this mean that Chiqiaosong is stronger than the cabinet giants. Naturally, Chiqiaosong is the strongest person in the world, no one.

Seeming to understand what Fei Miaowen was thinking, Li Miaoshu said with emotion, "Senior brother, times have changed."

Jiang Faqin laughed and said: "Yeah, no one thought that it would enter the era of Chi Qiaosong so quickly. I thought it would take more than ten years to settle down."

Li Miaoshu then praised: "Faqin, you have discerning eyes and pearls. In the future, when Dashuai Chi comes to Beijing to aspire to the top, he will definitely become the pillar of the sky for decades or even hundreds of years in the summer. Your Yaoyao has the life of the first lady!"

Great masters and great celestial masters can live to be 150 or 60 years old.

Chi Qiaosong is only 21 years old now. If nothing else, it is really possible to take charge of the power center of the Republic of China for hundreds of years - of course, he can only be re-elected as the president for two consecutive terms.

Being complimented, Jiang Faqin was in a good mood, and took the two elders of the division to visit Songyuan Village.

They visited the water unicorn, the fire unicorn, Xiaoqing, the red dragon, the white dragon, the scorpion, the red dragon, the Tianlu Pixiu, and even the Kui Niu exposed in the Longling Lake, and they all said hello.

He also chatted for a while with Ling Shouzi, who was playing with Xiaojin, a golden beard and squid.

After such a circle, Fei Miaowen finally said with emotion: "I have many dissatisfaction with Tuer Facheng, but there is only one point, passing on the position of the head teacher to Chi Qiaosong is a thousand-year-old inheritance in the mansion. The most important choice."




Jiangyou provincial government.

Chi Qiaosong sat in the office, and the members of the government affairs team came in and out. All matters and appointments were signed and stamped from here, and then communicated to Jiangyou, Haixi provinces and the Oujiang area.


One is energized and sent to the whole country.

"Jiangyou Provincial Government: We are pleased to announce that after a period of hard work, Haixi Province has successfully completed the unification and will be governed by the flood clan together with Jiangyou Province. We believe that under the governance of the flood clan, both provinces will gain sustained and A stable development environment allows people to enjoy a stable and happy life.”

Not waiting for the media across the country to react.

Another power-up was released shortly after.

The content of the call was very brief: "Haixi Provincial Government: Comrade Zhu Guangshan is hereby assigned to supervise the military affairs of Haixi Province."

Afterwards, Zhu Guangshan, in the name of the governor of Haixi Province, published a nationwide electrification, and the content of the electrification was nothing more than three points.

One point is to thank Chi Qiaosong, the head of the Hong clan, for his trust, two points to express his personal attitude of sincerity and fear, and three points to build a prosperous and stable environment for people's livelihood in Haixi Province.

A few electrifications were like a set of combined punches, stunning people big and small who were concerned about the situation in Jiangyou and Haixi.

Newspapers hurriedly worked overtime to publish and print numbers, radio stations hurriedly revised their manuscripts, Jiangyou and Haixi provincial stations were busy recording programs, and CCTV was also quickly confirming the authenticity of the news.

"How could this be, Qiongzun blocked the door, how did Chi Qiaosong unify Haixi?" Xu Xiangfo, the general commander of the common clan, has been eating fast and reciting Buddha recently.

After getting the news of the power-on, he was stunned on the spot.

He was still looking forward to the rise of the Rong Clan, and then competed with the Hong Clan Sandpiper and Clam, and then he pulled the tiger skin of the Shen Clan to see if he could take advantage of the situation to benefit the fisherman. Who would have thought that the Rong Clan would collapse directly.

He quickly called Tao Yan, the governor of the Shen Department in Wuyue Province: "Tao governor, the Hong clan unified Haixi, what's the situation?"

Tao Yu hurriedly said, "I'm also understanding the situation. I'll let you know when I have news."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy beeping tone on the phone, Xu Xiangfo's mental state was in a state of confusion. For several months, the state of fasting and reciting Buddha's cultivation was all disturbed by these few power-on calls.

However, not long after, he received a call from Adjutant Tao Yan: "Commissioner Xu, the governor asked me to tell you. Chi Qiaosong was promoted to the Celestial Master, and Qiongzun was captured. It's unstoppable. It's time for you and the commoners to make a decision, don't have any more illusions."

"How is that possible, Qiongzun!" Xu Xiangfo was in a hurry, "Damn your master Tao Yan, how did you tell me the previous episode, and kept guaranteeing that Qiongzun's strength was amazing, and Chi Qiaosong was ruined for half his life!

The adjutant retorted unhurriedly: "That is when Chi Qiaosong did not break through, Qiongzun could suppress it, but Chi Qiaosong broke through unexpectedly, no one expected."

"He doesn't unite Haixi, how can he attack the Celestial Master!"

"That's not known."

In view of the special situation of Chi Qiaosong and the cultivation experience of the Celestial Master, everyone thought that Qiongzun was holding back the luck of Haixi, so they blocked Chi Qiaosong in Jiangyou territory.

Just relying on a province of luck, it would take at least a dozen years of water mill work to hit the Celestial Master.

No one would have thought that Chi Qiaosong was promoted to a Celestial Master so quickly, and then he chopped melons and vegetables, and directly blasted Qiong Zun in front of him, capturing and suppressing him.

"Commissioner Xu, the momentum of external expansion has been cut off, and it is your best choice to apply for asylum." After the adjutant finished speaking, he politely hung up the phone.

But Xu Xiangfo was so angry that he threw the phone directly.

In fact, he was angry with Xu Xiangfo, and everyone in the Shen Department was not so angry.

Songhu Superintendent Ren Guangzhi is the leader of the Shen family, a figure among the masters, and he has also gone to the underworld to obtain magical powers. He is known as the future great master and is the next cabinet candidate of the Shen family.

At this time, Ren Guangzhi hung up the phone with a gloomy expression.

Immediately, a confidant of staff asked, "Commander, what did the Master of Diplomatic History say?"

"Let's wait and see what happens, UU reading Now the officials are in the underworld, Gao Kuiying can't take charge of the situation, so we can only wait!" Ren Guangzhi's face was sinking, "Now Chi Qiaosong has captured Qiong Zun, the cabinet The seats are already set, everyone, how can I adjust the layout of my application department so as to avoid the impact of the rise of the Hong clan?”

The staff fell into a collective silence for a while, mainly because the news was too random, and everyone hadn't had time to play the draft.

Chi Qiaosong captured Qiongzun, and the Hong clan occupied land in two provinces, which directly disrupted the situation in the entire Daxia.


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