Golden Horn, I want you to help me practice! "

"Bai Niangzi, I want you to help me practice!"

"Huo Qilin, I want you to help me practice!"

"Da Huang, I want you to help me practice!"

"Xiaojin, I want you to help me practice!"

"Mrs. Red..."

In Songyao's third cave, Chi Qiaosong sat cross-legged on Mrs. Red Jiaohong's head, and the True Spirit Nascent Soul pulled out the old Yelong corresponding to Mrs. Hong and swallowed it in one bite.

Immediately, a rune-like aura rose from the red dragon and was absorbed by Chi Qiaosong.

Thoughts turned into red-scaled dragons, old and sick, and then everything was disillusioned, and the shackles of fate nested in the red dragons had been broken.

"Moo." Mrs. Hong gave Chi Qiaosong a slight nod.

It has been practicing for hundreds of years since it was transformed into a dragon, and it can be felt in the dark, this change of liberation from the shackles of fate.

Chi Qiaosong waved his hand, and his spiritual sense rolled him and flew towards Longling Lake.

At this time, on top of Jianmu, the information was updated again: "Practice Spirituality Returns 0.022%, Immortal Ban 2.46%..."

He didn't care, the progress that these old leaf dragons could provide was too little. In the blink of an eye, Longling Lake had arrived, and Kui Niu's head floated comfortably on the water.

"Kui Niu, I want you to help me practice!"


Kui Niu rolled his eyelids.

Chi Qiaosong fell onto its head, and the true spirit Yuanying began to grab the dragon of luck corresponding to Kui Niu. This dragon of luck was hidden in the depths of time, and it took a lot of effort to catch it. Compared with the small old leaf dragon corresponding to the divine beast and the spirit root, this dragon of luck is very thick, and it is not much better than the dragon in Jiangyou province.

It's just that it seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, and it can only see the scales and half claws on its body through the rolling fog, and it is impossible to spy on the whole picture.

"Qi Luck Root Dragon Kui, the master and subordinates have been determined, and they can assist in the cultivation of spirit and return to emptiness."

"Root Dragon!"

"It turned out to be a root dragon!"

Chi Qiaosong was extremely surprised: "As a wild beast, Kui is actually a root dragon!"

It's not Yelong, not Zhilong, not Ganlong, but Rootlong. This level is too high.

After thinking about it carefully, Chi Qiaosong had a general understanding: "Xianqi, barren beasts must be directly connected with fairy energy, and even fairy energy is generated by using barren beasts as nodes, otherwise barren beasts would not be able to breed root dragons."

Practicing the spirit of returning to the virtual world works.

The True Spirit Nascent Soul couldn't swallow the old root dragon in one bite, and could only bite it in small bites.

And Kui Niu also kept flying out of the dense air composed of runes, and the true meaning of countless Taos was condensed from it, unfolding and dissipating in Chi Qiaosong's spiritual thoughts.

Cultivation lasts indefinitely, from day to night, and night to day.

Chi Qiaosong sat cross-legged on Kui Niu's head like this, constantly extracting the true meaning of Kui Niu's body, and the true spirit Yuan Ying also bit the old root dragon in small bites.

During this period, Yun Biqiong had returned and brought three auspicious beasts. A khaki dragon, a phoenix with red feathers, and a fragrant lion with a dragon head and a lion body.

"Aunt Yun, Brother Chi has entered into meditation, do you want to wait for him to wake up?" Zhou Jinyao asked.

Yun Biqiong has already taken back the three magic treasures, and the auspicious beasts are also arranged in the Xianming Mountains. Hearing the words, he said, "No need, it's a waste of time to greet and greet, I'm leaving."

Wait until Yun Biqiong left for a week.

Chi Qiaosong just woke up from the state of cultivation. He was not immersed in cultivation all the time and knew nothing about the outside world, but he was unwilling to interrupt the continuity of his cultivation.

His spiritual sense was scattered around, and when there was a disturbance, he could react immediately.

For eight days like this, Chi Qiaosong practiced with the help of Kui Niu, and finally completely refined a thick old root dragon and scattered it into the supernatural acupuncture point of the True Spirit Nascent Soul.

Building on the wood: "Practice the spirit to return to the virtual 1.024%, the immortal ban 2.46%"

"Give me a progress of 1.002%, which is equivalent to saying that a single dragon is almost a little progress. Well, this way I can't slow down the progress of my cultivation."

A province is a dragon of human roots.

There are forty-eight provinces and seven municipalities directly under the central government in Daxia. If you swallow the human roots of these provinces and cities, you will basically be able to make more than half of the progress.

I just don't know what is the difference between the progress of the human root dragon who has been governed for one year and the human root dragon who has been governed for several years, and whether it can be condensed again after swallowing it.

three months later.

"Practice Spirituality Returns Void 4.856%, Immortal Ban 2.58%..."

Chi Qiaosong glanced at Jianmu, nodded calmly, and ended this stage of cultivation.

Unlike martial arts, which uses luck and karma to cultivate, so it needs to be constantly involved in human affairs. Immortal Tao is detached and carefree, so it will take a long time to sit for a while.

He traveled all over the Jiangyou territory and the mountains and rivers in the Oujiang area for three months, and practiced with the help of the dragon of luck in places that had been suppressed or ruled for more than a year.

Among them, Genlong, a person from Jiangyou Province, has given two points of progress because he has been in governance for two years.

The mountains and rivers in the territory have also given a lot of progress, plus

The progress given by the Oujiang area, which has been under governance for one year,

Push the progress to as much as five percent.

"If it happens once a year, the cultivation will be faster than expected!"

With emotion, Chi Qiaosong looked at the increasingly profound Xianming Mountains again. In the past three months, the Hong clan launched a mighty Taoist mission into the mountains.

Killed countless evil demon kings and obtained six real dragon remains.

One vertebra and five ribs can expand Songyao Dongtian.

After the expansion, the Songyao cave reached 115 square kilometers, especially the third cave became larger. It's just that the aura has not grown too much, and it is still maintained at twenty-two times the concentration of the outside aura.

"Brother Chi, everyone is here, just waiting for you to preside over the meeting." Zhou Jinyao flew in from the first cave.

"Okay, I'll go right now."

Chi Qiaosong changed into a general's uniform and quickly rushed to the first cave.

The construction of the first cave was completed two months ago. At this time, from the air, Songshan Villa was hidden among tall trees and flowers. Most of these flowers and trees were transplanted from the outside world.

Many people are powerful.

In order to build Songyao Cave, the provincial government and major martial arts holy sites have all contributed money and resources, and some local wealthy businessmen have also provided great sponsorship for their children to practice.

I don't know how many ancient trees, flowers and plants in the deep mountains were dug up and all moved to the top of Longhu Mountain.

In order to ensure that these ancient trees, flowers and plants can survive, Kinoshita Saburo and Wujo, the two wooden guests, were almost tired in the past three months, and finally completed the task.

The Wild Beast Avenue runs straight through the first cave.

The Songyao Dojo on the left is built like a landscape garden, with small single-family villas scattered in various heights, and several high-rise buildings scattered among them.

There are already Taoists stationed in it, as service personnel, to maintain the operation of Songyao Dojo.

On the other side is the Chuan Gong Hall, which is magnificent and solemn. It has both a wide square and towering ancient trees. Although it is a new building, the ancient meaning cannot be hidden.

It was specially designed by a master architect, combined with the characteristics of the heaven and the earth, and tailor-made.

When Chiqiao Songluo arrived at the entrance of the Chuan Gong Hall, a group of people suddenly crowded over, some calling for the general, some for the commander, and some for the headmaster.

Chi Qiaosong nodded slightly: "Let's all go in for the meeting."

"Please sir."

Chi Qiaosong took the lead, and the group crossed the square and came to the conference hall of the Chuan Gong Hall.

The outside of the hall is very simple, but the inside is very modern. On the round conference table, everyone's nameplates have been placed, and the first one is naturally Chiqiaosong.

He did his part to sit in the top position, and when everyone sat down, a staff member immediately closed the door of the conference room.

"Cough cough."

Chi Qiaosong coughed twice, and the people who were still talking quietly before quickly became quiet.

The assistant team headed by Ren Qiongdan is responsible for the minutes of the meeting.

There was a notebook in front of Chi Qiaosong. He glanced at the memorandum recorded on it, and said, "Songyao's first cave has been completed, and the access standards for Songyao Dojo have also been agreed. Today, we are gathering everyone to prepare The management members of the first Songyao Dojo were elected, with the title of 'First Block'."

Everyone had already received the news, so they were not surprised.

Chi Qiaosong continued: "After the reform of the Great Martial Arts School, all martial arts holy sites will develop towards universities. Songyao Dongtian is different. It is not a brand-new university, but a higher level than a university. A place for further study. If you have to make an analogy, you can compare it to a graduate school.”

Ordinary universities will set up a graduate school for advanced education after undergraduate and junior colleges.

The Graduate School aims to train postgraduates and grant master's and doctoral degrees.

Therefore, after developing the Holy Land of Martial Arts in the direction, Songyao Dongtian has become a graduate school in the direction of cultivation, which can be used for both advanced studies and scientific research.

To reiterate the nature of Songyao Dongtian.

Chi Qiaosong went straight to the topic and said, "I am going to delegate the management authority of Songyao Dojo to the management committee, and I will not participate in the management personally. However, Zhang Yueniang will replace me as the head of general affairs and preside over the daily life of Songyao Dojo... As for the others As for the candidate for the first seat, everyone brainstormed and recommended each other. No one knows what the future of Songyao Dongtian will be like.”

But Chi Qiaosong definitely has big thick legs, so everyone invested 12 points of enthusiasm for the first position, canvassed each other for votes, and finally elected all the members.

A total of nine first seats.

Although Chiqiaosong did not participate in the selection, these first lists are still a manifestation of his will.

For example, the first person to teach the practice was to promote Fei Miaowen to the top after being instructed by Chi Qiaosong; Zhang Yueniang, the first person in general affairs, naturally needless to say, Zhou Jinyao's good best friend; Serving Chiqiaosong will naturally be rewarded.

The other first seats are also those who are aware of current affairs, and all the masters and mages who took refuge in Chi Qiaosong early.

"The first one is elected once every five years. The nine of you, as the first head of the Songyao Dojo, the main goal is to find out the correct operation of the Songyao Dojo during the construction."

"Please don't worry sir."

When the first candidate was selected, Chi Qiaosong let go and let everyone do it.

Neither he nor his wife Zhou Jinyao had a title in Songyao Dojo, mainly because he had to practice, and Zhou Jinyao had also reached a critical juncture in his practice, and was attacking the warrior realm.

"Senior sister, Zhang Yueniang is in charge of Songyao Dojo, so you should focus on your cultivation in the future, and strive for an early enlightenment."

"But Brother Chi, I still think that the husband and the child are more important, and the parents on both sides have urged him several times.

Chiqiaosong comforted: "This matter can't be forced, we have worked hard, but after all, the chance is a little short, maybe now is not a good time to have children."

I do not know why.

He and Zhou Jinyao still have no children so far. Both of them have been checked and they are very healthy, but they have never been successful.

"I learned some joyful Zen with Sister Tu'er. She always has a nest all her life. Brother Chi, should we give it a try?" Zhou Jinyao's eyes were shining.

Naturally, Chi Qiaosong would not give the other party any kindness.


June has passed in a flash, and July has arrived.

After Yun Biqiong sent three mythical beasts, Chi Qiaosong got clues of the beasts again, and a big gorgeous tiger with dragon horns appeared in the deep mountains.

Chi Qiaosong went to the deep mountain by himself, spread out his spiritual thoughts in the mountain, and after some searching, he found this tiger with dragon horns in a cave.


Long-horned tigers are slightly larger than elephants.

"It should be the charter." Chi Qiaosong glanced at the colorful tiger in front of him, and roughly figured out its roots and feet, "Oxian, one of the nine sons of the dragon, has left a blood charter beast, and this tiger should be the one of Oxen. Bloodline Descendants Charter.

So he smiled slightly: "You don't have to be nervous, it's your blessing to meet me, I am the immortal master Chi Qiaosong, the master of Songyao's cave, and I'm here to give you the opportunity to practice in the cave, let's go and return to Songyao with me. Cave Heaven."


Chartermon vigilantly blew up the hair on its back.

It is the root of the beast, and its keen intuition tells it that although the human being in front of him looks ordinary, he has an unfathomable dangerous side.

"Alas, trust cannot be established overnight, and I'm not too lazy to spend my time. When you enter Songyao Cave, you will naturally be able to awaken."

A volume of divine thoughts.

The Charter Beast had no ability to resist, so it was swept up by the divine sense, unable to move or shout.

Chi Qiaosong rode on its back like this, and patted its big head lightly: "Those who know the times are Junjie, Charter Beast, come home with me."

Seeing the powerful strength of Chi Qiaosong, Charter Beast resolutely surrendered and lowered his head after struggling for ten seconds.

So Chiqiao loosened his spiritual sense, and it honestly carried Chiqiaosong to the direction of Longhu Mountain. The speed was not very fast, but at least it could fly with air.

"You have horns on your head. I also had a horned mount before. It's called a golden horn, so you can call it a silver horn." Chi Qiaosong became interested.

Chartermon doesn't feel like there is any match for the name Silver Horn.

But it still responded softly, as if it had recognized the name of Silver Horn.

Admiring the scenery all the way, in a short while, we crossed half of Jiangyou Province and came to the top of Longhu Mountain.

At this time, if you look at the top of Longhu Mountain from a distance, you can see a seven-story pagoda.

However, this pagoda is very tall, a full 180 meters high.

And on the tower facing the rising sun, there is a huge arch with a height of 50 meters. The arch is solid and cannot be opened and closed, and there are four large characters carved on it.

"Songyao Cave Heaven."

There is a huge square around the tower, and there are rows of quaint buildings around the square. You can see many facade rooms under the buildings, which are being renovated.

What Song Kee Roast Duck Shop, what Qingfeng Baozi Shop, what Songhe Pharmacy, what Xinxia Bookstore, what Parking Hotel.

It seems that the entire top of the mountain has both the remoteness of the temple and the vividness of life.

"Fly directly to the gate, Yinjiao." Chi Qiaosong ordered.

Yinjiao turned his head and glanced back at Chi Qiaosong, and expressed his confusion at his instructions. The gate looked like it was made of rocks, and it would be a big bump to hit the head.

"listen to me."


Yinjiao was helpless and slammed into the stone arch with his eyes closed.

However, instead of knocking out a big bag, a thick aura hit its face, almost liquefying on its face, causing it to open its eyes instantly.

In front of him is a brand new scene, magnificent buildings and lush green plants, making Yinjiao dizzying.

"Come on, go straight along this road."


Yinjiao gave a cheer, and quickly flew over the Wild Beast Avenue, and then came to a gate in front of it. It thought it would change the scene again, but the result did not change.

Between Songyao's one, two, or three caves, it's just an ordinary door.

While flying, Yinjiao turned to look at the entire second cave of Songyao. There were basically no buildings here, only some simple small houses.

The grass head **** was running around in the field, the jade rabbit and the fox spirit nodded and greeted, and the big willow branches rolled up the bucket to water.

Ling Shouzi, who was carrying a tortoise shell, waved his hand in the air. He had already discovered Chi Qiaosong. As for the big tiger that Chi Qiaosong was riding, Ling Shouzi didn't care.

There are too many anomalies in Songyao Cave, which is not unusual.

After passing through the third gate, you will enter the third cave of Songyao. There is no uniform farmland, but there are large areas of orchards, tea gardens and other planting industries.

Under the guidance of Chiqiaosong, Yinjiao flew into the Xianming Mountains and landed in the Pine Garden in the valley.

A white phoenix was drinking from a small pond beside the pine garden. After seeing Chi Qiaosong and Yinjiao, the white phoenix flapped its wings slightly to say hello.

"Dabai, you drink yours, this is Yinjiao, and I will practice here in the future."


Dabai nodded and quickly spread his wings and flew away.

"It's a big white, and it will be a companion in the future. Don't randomly create right and wrong." Chi Qiaosong mentioned Yinjiao, and then communicated with the twenty-five acres of land.

Just in the previous May, Uedian was promoted to 25 acres.

At this time, a dense air flew out and landed on Yinjiao's body. Yinjiao looked at Chi Qiaosong in surprise, and then nodded with a complicated mood.

Chi Qiaosong smiled in satisfaction, staring at the twenty-five acres of land.

The sequence of seeing the divine beasts has been updated: "...Jiaolong·Huangjiao, Phoenix·Red Phoenix, Suan·Xiangshi, Suoya·Charter."

"That's right, it's really a blood charter beast of Biqi." Chi Qiaosong patted Yinjiao's big head, "Go and find a place in the Xianming Mountains to dig a cave by yourself."


Yinjiao agreed, and the royal air flew away.

"There are already twelve divine beasts." Chi Qiaosong sighed a little, and unknowingly gathered so many divine beasts.

Before Yun Biqiong gave him three heads, namely a Huang Jiao, a red phoenix and a fragrant lion.

Huang Jiao is an ordinary Jiaolong, but the attributes are slightly different; Chifeng is the descendant of the Phoenix bloodline, representing benevolence;

Like the Charter, Xiangshi is the descendant of the nine sons of Longsheng.

Legend has it that the real dragon gave birth to nine offspring, each of which looks different.

Among them, Longzihu is like a lion, and its descendants have the appearance of lions, but their body is full of fragrance, hence the name Fragrant Lion; Longzihu is like a tiger, and his descendants look like big tigers , Because of its fair character and clear distinction between good and evil, it is often used in official documents, hence the name Charter.

"I don't know if I can gather all the blood descendants of the True Dragon Nine Sons. If they are doesn't seem to be of much use." Chi Qiaosong couldn't help laughing at himself.

At this time, a golden light came flying.

It was Ren Qiongdan who stepped on the lucky boy: "Boss, the governor of Zhu Guangshan is here to report the work."

"Invite him to the Chi Mansion."

Chi Bridgesong said.


The first and second caves of Songyao are not open to the public, so to meet the subordinates, Chi Qiaosong is arranged at the Chifu mansion on the top of Songshan Mountain in the first cave.

When he arrived at the mansion, he saw Zhu Guangshuang feeding the fish by the pool.

"The Governor Zhu is very elegant." Chi Qiaosong walked over slowly.

Zhu Guangshan immediately threw away the bait in his hand and hurriedly greeted him: "Master, this cave is a paradise, the environment is so good, every time I come here, I linger."

"When you want to retire, you can come and live in Matsuyama."

"Then I have the cheek to agree."

The two laughed and chatted a few times. In the past, Chi Qiaosong was Zhu Guangshen's junior, but now Chi Qiaosong is Zhu Guangshen's immediate boss. The changes in the world are embarrassing.

But Zhu Guangxian is already enjoying it now.

Dignity and face are worthless, and the Hercynian Governor is too fragrant.

"Commander, all the warlords in Nanyue Province have surrendered. Due to the reputation of the commander, there is no decent resistance, and the warlords in the two surrounding provinces will no longer intervene."

"Well, you summoned them to gather at the provincial capital of Nanyue, and I will personally go over to preside over the overall situation tomorrow." Chi Qiaosong was not surprised at all.

From the moment he broke the Yuan Ying of Wen Fenglin, the commander of the Tuo clan, he had already regarded Nanyue Province as something in his pocket.

Now, there is no need to go to Nanyue Province in person, just give an order, the masters of the Hong clan flooded into Nanyue Province, and the warlords in the surrounding provinces quickly retreated.


It is also because Lingnan Province, which is next to Nanyue Province, belongs to the Guangxi warlords, and the back of the Guangxi warlords happens to be Yun Biqiong.

Therefore, the Gui clan, who had been planning for more than half a year in Nanyue Province, knew that after the Hong clan had marched into Nanyue, several grandmasters came together and immediately retreated cleanly.

Zhu Guangshan replied: "Commander, why don't I and Li Tong accompany you to Nanyue. By then, the Hong clan will have three provinces and the Oujiang area, which is enough to be called the Hong clan."

"Alright." Chihashimatsu agreed.

The big Xia warlords, the big ones are called the clan, and the small ones are called the clan.

Basically, a warlord who owns less than one province can only be called a certain clan; only a warlord who owns more than three provinces can be called a certain clan - there are exceptions. The warlord who controls Temasek City only owns this one. The municipality directly under the central government is called Puxie by itself, because behind it stands the great Celestial Master Li Wen.

Li Wen, the Great Celestial Master, is also the only giant who has publicly held a position among the warlords. He is a consultant of the Pu clan.

Now that the Hong clan meets the standard, and Chi Qiaosong, the immortal master of the top generation, is in charge, it is logical to be called the Hong clan.

Chi Qiaosong directly instructed: "You and Li Tong go to prepare first. The backbone of the Hong clan will take time to rush to the Nanyue provincial capital tomorrow. We will hold a meeting collectively."

"Yes, sir."

Zhu Guangshan didn't stay in Songyao Dongtian for much longer, and left after reporting the work.

Chi Qiaosong did not continue to practice, but was going to visit Sanqing Town to accompany his parents, Chi Fu and Chi Mu, who still lived in Sanqing Town.

The main reason is that Songyao Dongtian is not suitable for ordinary people to live in. It is okay to come on vacation occasionally. After living for a long time, it is inevitable that you will get Reiki disease.

Of course, don't be afraid to get it. The reform of Reiki disease has been carried out like fire in Jiangyou, Haixi and other places.

What's more, in their own Songhe Pharmacy, there is Songhe Hall, which treats Reiki diseases and incurable diseases.

Just as Chi Qiaosong was walking down from the top of Longhu Mountain, he suddenly heard a voice transmission condensed into a thin line: "To disturb General Chi, the old monkey heard that the general likes to drink tea, so he wanted to invite the general to have a cup of tea."

"Old monkey?" Chi Qiaosong froze, his spiritual sense spread out, but he couldn't find the position to send out the sound transmission.

"The old monkey is an anomaly. It is inconvenient to show it in front of people, so he is waiting for General Chi on the hill next door."

"it is good!"

Chi Qiaosong smiled slightly.

The old monkey's sound transmission method successfully attracted him, so he flew directly to the mountain next door.

When it landed on the top of the mountain, I found that a table had been set up on the top of the mountain, and a hairy-faced monkey was imitating humans to make tea, but the method was very rough.

At a glance, you can tell that you have learned a fur in a hurry.

"Please take a seat, please take a seat, General Chi!" The Mao-faced monkey grinned.

Chi Qiaosong frowned. His spiritual sense scanned it and found that the fur-faced monkey was just a spirit monkey, without any special features.

Seemingly discovering Chi Qiaosong's doubts, the hairy-faced monkey grinned, "I'm just an incarnation here, a little spell that's not worth mentioning."

Chi Qiaosong sat down: "Since you are inviting me to drink tea, why don't you meet in person?"

The hairy-faced monkey replied: "To tell the truth, I am afraid that General Chi will kill me. After all, my ability is not half that of that Dapeng bird. If I really want to be hit by General Chi a few times, I am afraid that I will die early. already."

"Ba Zun, Yuan Zun, Shu Zun, Gu Zun, or Ya Zun?" Chi Qiaosong frowned and guessed.

"Hey, General Chi don't have to guess, I'm not some kind of Venerable, I'm just an old monkey, I haven't dealt with humans very much, General Chi, you are the first."

"Okay." Chi Qiaosong no longer struggled with the identity of the other party, "You are looking for me just for tea?"

"General Chi speaks quickly, well, my old monkey doesn't talk too much." The Mao-faced monkey stopped learning how to make tea, scratched his cheeks, and said, "I have calculated my own hope of enlightenment. But since you appeared, General Chi, I actually counted a glimmer of hope."

Chi Qiaosong listened silently.

The hairy-faced monkey continued: "That's why I paid attention to you, until you suppressed Qiong Zun, I knew that if I wanted to become enlightened, I could only come to you, General."

"What can you do with me?"

"I don't know, but what General Chi wants to do, my old monkey may be able to help me, so that I have a good impression in front of the general, and I may become enlightened in the future.

Chi Qiaosong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Have you ever heard of old monkeys, giving charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake?

"Oh, the general's words embarrass me. My old monkey is not here to crawl. I know that the general is going to do something big, and I have the confidence to help the general!"

"Help me with what?"

"Well..." The hairy-faced monkey thought for a while, "Just help the general to calculate the time and place of the birth of the next wild beast, and prove that my old monkey is also useful.

"Can you estimate the time and place where the wild beast was born?"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, at least it can be approximated."

"I'm very curious. Before, Qiongzun's son Penglaike actually knew about the birth of the Kui beast and arranged it in advance. Could this be news from you, old monkey?"

"No no no, the general has wronged me, that's the news provided by the stinky monkey!"

"Stinky monkey?"

"Hehe, born with four monkeys, there is only my old monkey in the world right now, and that stinky monkey, whose blood has been passed down to this day." The hairy-faced monkey directly shook out the other's old book, "That stinky monkey seems to be called Huai Zun by you humans. , born on the Huai River, self-proclaimed to have no support, and loves to provoke others into trouble.”


Chi Qiaosong remembered that when he was chatting with Yun Biqiong, he had mentioned Huai Zun.

However, I have only taken it roughly. After all, most of the current cabinet giants have never seen these alien venerables, and they have only been described in the underworld records of the cabinet.

"Where is Zun Huai?" Chi Qiaosong asked The great master of refining human beings and the great celestial master to feed back divine power, he couldn't do it.

But refining the aliens, especially the aliens who still have hatreds, naturally has no burden at all.

The hairy-faced monkey shook his head and said, "This is hard for my old monkey. Although my old monkey is good at listening to music, he can only hear superficial content, but I can't find where this stinky monkey's nest is."

Chi Qiaosong did not insist, and said indifferently: "Well, you can calculate the time and place of the birth of the next wild beast as the basis for our cooperation."

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