Apart from a table and a stool, there were no other furnishings in the thatched hut, and the table and stool were also covered with dust. It was obvious that no one had sat there for a long time.


A bad premonition immediately appeared in Chiqiaosong's heart.

I thought that this large oasis would be inhabited by human survivors from the Earth Immortal Realm, but Spiritual Mind swept the entire large oasis, but no human was found.

There are small animals such as civet cats and badgers, as well as monkeys and antelopes.

"Huh?" He suddenly discovered that one-third of the trees in this large oasis surrounding the huge lake were banyan trees with spiritual roots.

Banyan trees with aerial roots that can grow into a forest alone are typical.

He stretched out his hand and touched the trunk of a tree made of aerial roots. Immediately, he knew the soil in the sea, and a message was sent back: "The spiritual root of the banyan tree, the ancestor of the banyan tree, has opened its spiritual wisdom and is currently in a normal state."


Chi Qiaosong exclaimed.

This was also the first spiritual root he had ever seen that had opened up spiritual wisdom, and its state was also normal, completely different from other weak spiritual roots.

Immediately, he patted the root of the air and shouted: "The spiritual root of the banyan tree, the ancestor of Wanrong, since the spiritual wisdom has been opened, can you let go of the consciousness and communicate with me?"

The root of the banyan tree seems to be motionless.

Chi Qiaosong shouted a few more times, but still did not respond.

I don't know if it's the banyan tree's spiritual roots that can't communicate, or if I don't want to be with Chi Qiaosong.

Seeing this, Chi Qiaosong did not continue to urge, but strolled around this large oasis. It can be said that the ecological restoration of this oasis is quite good.

Not only plants, insects, herbivores, but also carnivores live safely.

If this place is relocated to Xianxiang, the ecological environment of Xianxiang will immediately rise several steps, and after there are predators, the ecological balance will be maintained well.

He also used his spiritual sense to sweep the huge lake, and found that there is also a stable ecology in the lake, from plankton to carnivorous fish.

It's just that there are no human beings here, and there are no traces of human life.

"Except for the thatched cottage."

Chi Qiaosong touched his chin: "If it wasn't for the thatched hut built by humans, then there would only be the root of the banyan tree, the ancestor of the banyan tree. But it built the thatched hut, does it mean that it wants to live by itself? Say, the spiritual root of this banyan tree is very likely to be able to transform into a human!"

After examining the entire oasis, Chiqiaosong also found the taproot of the banyan tree's spiritual roots.

It was a huge tree trunk located in the shallow water of the lake, at least ten meters in diameter, and it was estimated that hundreds of people might not be able to hug it.

Although the height of the banyan tree is no more than 200 meters, the canopy is continuous, surrounding the lake, and the total area is at least several square kilometers.

It can be said that such a huge spiritual root, Chiqiaosong is the first time I have seen it.

Seeing this, Chi Qiaosong patted the thick trunk of the banyan tree spirit root again: "The banyan tree spirit root, come out and see, I already know your existence, why hide."

Banyan tree did not respond.

Chi Qiaosong continued: "I am an immortal who flew to the lower realm. I have been groping in the immortal realm for almost a year, and I have built a shelter full of spiritual roots. I need your help."

See the banyan tree still no response.

Chi Qiaosong couldn't help frowning, and he said indifferently: "If you don't come out again, don't blame me for taking extraordinary measures, the world's spiritual roots cannot escape my means!"


The soil in the sea of ​​consciousness flashed again.

At this moment, the banyan tree, which stretches for several square kilometers, finally felt a force coming and was about to seal it up.

So a simple and deep voice rose slowly from all directions: "Hold on, human immortal, I will answer you."

Chi Qiaosong immediately calmed down and snorted: "Liang Jie destroyed the immortal world, our only remaining human beings and spiritual roots should be united, but you are dawdling!"

On the trunk of the banyan tree, the bark suddenly wrinkled irregularly, forming an old face.

The old face looked at Chi Qiaosong and sighed: "I don't want to, but I have encountered humans covered in gray mist a few times and came to my habitat.

, dig my foundation, so that I have to be on guard. "

"Humans shrouded in gray fog?" Chi Qiaosong quickly understood, "That's a fallen immortal, a ghost trick created by the Infinite Tribulation Demon."

"Infinite Tribulation Demon?"

"It's those big pustules out there."

"Oh." The old face of the banyan tree nodded.

This situation made Chi Qiaosong puzzled and said, "Bong Shu, looking at your situation, it seems that you are not very clear about the calamity?"

"I know that the calamity has happened before I have opened my spiritual wisdom. When I open the spiritual wisdom, the world will only be left with my place to live." The old face said slowly, "I only It can grow and grow as much as possible, and rely on the clear water of this lake to protect the life on this land.”

Hearing that the spiritual wisdom of the banyan tree's spiritual roots opened up after the calamity, Chi Qiaosong couldn't help sighing.

Very disappointed.

Obviously, it is impossible to find out more information from the spiritual root of the banyan tree.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality and comforted: "It's not easy for you either."

"As long as the ghost face doesn't come to dig my foundation, I don't think it's easy. I grew up here, and the destruction of the outside world means nothing to me."

"Uh... The calamity will destroy the whole world sooner or later. If you still have this mentality, it will be over sooner or later."


"Yes, the Infinite Tribulation Demon is about to rule the entire Earth Immortal World. When it contaminates everything, it will be the moment when the Heavenly Dao restarts. Do you think you can still live?"

The old face frowned: "I didn't think about it."

"It's too late to think about it now. By the way, Banyan Tree Spirit Root, since you've already opened your Spirit Wisdom, how long has it been since the beginning of this calamity?" Chi Qiaosong asked.

After pondering for a moment, the old face gave the answer: "I don't know how long the calamity has been opened. Nearly half a million days and nights have passed since the day I opened my intelligence."

"500,000 days and nights, that's more than 1,300 years."

Converting the time ratio between the immortal world and the small world of the lower world, that is, more than 13,000 years, which roughly matches the ancient times recorded in the small world of Daxia.

Chiqiaosong nodded.

Then he asked again, "How do you avoid the calamity that destroys the heavens and the earth?"

"I don't know, I just remember that when I first opened my mind, it was dark and poisonous, and my body was extremely weak, but over time, I not only did not die, but became healthier. So you see, I can now breathe out fairy energy. , to shelter the many little lives in the place where they live."

"Well, do you have resistance?" Chi Qiaosong pondered slightly.

Obviously, the spirit root was not able to breathe out the immortal energy from the beginning, forming the immortal energy domain, but only after a long time to contend with the poison of the amount of robbery, it gradually became resistant.

If this is the case, the possibility that there are human survivors in the immortal world will be reduced again.

After all, most of the spiritual roots can absorb immortal energy from the beginning, so humans can use the spiritual roots to avoid the calamity, and then create a large-scale spiritual root shelter.

If it can't be done at the beginning, then humans can't even build a shelter.

Shaking his head, Chi Qiaosong stopped thinking about this question, but continued to ask the banyan tree spirit root what happened in the calamity, and learn as much information as possible.

It is a pity that the spiritual root of the banyan tree was not long before the birth of wisdom.

And when it was first born, the world was destroyed, leaving it alone, a banyan tree, which has grown up to this day, and has hardly had the slightest connection with the outside world.

"So, how did the big banyan tree, these flowers, trees and insects come into being?"

"I was the only tree at the beginning, and then some grass came out, and then there were small flowers blooming, and then many bugs began to burrow out of the soil..."

The root of the banyan tree fell into memory, and slowly recounted: "Until one day, a heavy rain poured down, and after the rain, small animals such as mice appeared. I don't know where they came from, but I went Every heavy rain after that will be accompanied by the appearance of some small animals and flowers."

"heavy rain?"


"What's the situation, animals and plants can still come out under heavy rain?" Chi Qiaosong didn't understand.

The root of the banyan tree obviously can't explain it, why is there such a thing?

What happened, was it a coincidence or was it really rain that brought new life.

"By the way, Big Banyan Tree, do you have a name?"


"Well, you are the ancestor of Wan Rong, so I will call you Rong Zu in the future." Chi Qiaosong gave the other party a random name and continued, "I am going to move your living place to my fairyland. You don't have to worry, I won't hurt you, Xianxiang is countless times better than here, you will know when you go."

In fact, Rongzu didn't want to move. It lived here for countless years and didn't feel anything wrong.


This is not a question of whether it wants to move or not. Chi Qiaosong, who owns the soil, has absolute control over it, and cannot allow it to decide whether to stay or go.


Chi Qiaosong flew directly back to Xianxiang, took all the Xumi rings, and ran back again.

Then, firstly, the animals here are moved, from small beasts to insects, from fish and shrimps to mayflies, connected to the lake water, as long as they can be moved, they will all be moved to Xianxiang.

It took nearly half a month to transport all the life in this oasis, together with the huge amount of lake water.

In the end, only Rongzu was left, and he was not alone here----because a tree is a forest, no matter how you look at it, you can't see the feeling of being alone.

"Rongzu, it's your turn."

"Alas." Rong Zu's old face just let out a sigh.

It doesn't know whether what Chi Qiaosong said is true or not, but with the flickering of the soil, its intelligence was first sealed, and then the huge body began to shrink.

In the end everything was sealed.




When Rongzu's spiritual wisdom can turn again.

It suddenly found that it had appeared in a place similar to the previous environment, and even the shape of the lake was similar, but there was a ditch connected to another lake.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.

Immediately, the old face appeared, Rongzu looked at everything curiously, and next to Chi Qiaosong stood Shu Xinfeng, Tao Nuxin, Chun Yu Nong, Tan Luo An and others.

"Hmm." Rongzu hesitated, "The environment here is really good."

"Hello Rongzu, welcome to Xianxiang." Shu Xinfeng said with a smile, "Now our Xianxiang has more and more members, and the area is getting bigger and bigger!"

Just a single root of Rongzu has expanded the fairyland of at least fifteen square kilometers for Xianxiang.

"Gugua!" Tao Nuxin hugged Xiaobai and motioned for Xiaobai to say hello to Rongzu. As for Xiaohong, this toad has a bad temper and doesn't give much face.

"There are so many familiar auras, but there are so many spiritual roots here." Rongzu sighed.

It has lived alone for more than 1,300 years, and no one has communicated with it. At this moment, I suddenly feel that life has other colors besides growth.


Its gaze was fixed on a tree dozens of meters high not far away: "What tree is that?"

"It's Jianmu."

"I feel the incredible power of the stalwart from it, and being able to live by its side has a huge ... meaning to me."

Rongzu's figure is countless times larger than Jianmu's.

But compared to the strength of Jianmu, Rongzu, who is a spiritual root, is not enough to look at.

"Anyway, Rongzu, you can stay in Xianxiang in the future. I've restored this Rong Lake according to the lake where you lived before, almost one-to-one."

Chiqiaosong said with a smile.

Apart from the Hulu Lake, he dug another Rong Lake and opened a canal in the middle. With the help of the power of the water hyacinth root, the water quality of the two lakes was purified.

Tao Nuxin suddenly asked, "Rong Zu, are your fruits edible?"

"You can eat it." Rongzu replied, "I can bear fruit anytime, anywhere. In the dry season of my habitat, I will bear a lot of fruit for those little beasts to eat."

"And such good things?" Chi Qiaosong was delighted.

I immediately picked a few banyan fruit to eat, the taste is quite sweet and refreshing, although there is no special effect, but after eating one fruit, you will have enough satiety

Abdominal feeling.

Can survive for days without going hungry.

Basically, after Rongzu was established, there would be no food shortage crisis in Xianxiang.

After settling the spiritual roots of the banyan tree, everyone did not stop, and began to continuously cultivate the transplanted flowers and trees—fish, shrimp, small animals, and insects were easy, but the flowers and trees had to be planted one by one.

Chiqiaosong did not do such chores.

After looking around the fairyland that was gradually becoming a fairyland, he decisively set off to fly north, all the way through the beholder domain and into the hand demon domain, and finally rushed to the place where Rongzu lived before.

The lake has been dug up by him, and even the silt at the bottom of the lake has been dug away.

Losing the shelter of Rongzu, the place has been filled with the poison of calamity, and several civet cats and lizards transformed by black mist are pecking in the lake pit.

Seems to be looking for corpses to eat. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Standing on the edge of the big pit, Chi Qiaosong pondered: "Heavy rains have brought all kinds of lives. Is this the way of heaven's self-salvation?"

Through Rongzu, he finally figured out the origin of the formation of the oasis.

Not from before the destruction of the Immortal Realm, it has continued to this day, but after the spiritual root developed resistance to the poison of the calamity and began to breathe out the immortal energy, it slowly formed.

"If you say that, in fact, the way of heaven in the immortal world has never given up and continued to operate." He raised his head to look at the sky, and the dark clouds were still dense.

Occasionally, the sun can be seen in the gaps in the clouds, and it is tightly entangled by the blood-colored tentacles.

"Then, what should I do to make the Dao of Heaven run..." He couldn't think of it, but he was certain, "If I can find a way to eliminate the Infinite Tribulation Demon, I should be able to quickly restore the Dao of Heaven! "

Think for a moment.

He didn't waste any more time. Under the black robe, a crow was transformed into a crow, and he continued to fly north on the crow.

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