"Fellow Taoist, you are here to sell...is it you?"

In the business world, all you have to do is know how to judge people. Even if you only meet them once, you have to leave a general impression.

Be more proactive and familiar with each other in future meetings, and if you go back and forth, won't this long-term business be done?

Meihua is the waiter at this second and third grain station. She is mainly responsible for soliciting customers, negotiating prices, weighing and selling grain.

"You remember me?"

Chen Mo was a little surprised. It was a bit surprising that he could still remember the incident.

"Last year, he brought 800 kilograms, but he sold us 200 kilograms!" Mei Hua was still very concerned about the potential Ling Zhifu, "Didn't we sign a verbal agreement? I waited for more than a month, but no one came. Come here... Just as I was thinking about it, you came!”

"Something happened and I was delayed for a few days."

Mei Hua looked at the stacks of grain bags on the cart and asked, "How many kilograms will they sell to us this year?"

"What's the price of food?" Chen Mo asked.

"I'm not here for nothing." The grain harvesting season has passed, and there is no need to hide it at this time for fear that other spirit growers will hear, "In the future, as long as you come here, our first, second, and third grain depots will all be ten How about a better deal?"

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

It is still not possible to bargain on the price of grain collection.


"How many kilograms does it sell for?"

"I've sold them all to you, weigh them."

"All? Sold them all to us?" Mei Hua was very surprised, "Then you don't have to pay the introduction fee?"

"It's finished."

"Hiss!" Mei Hua took a breath.

This truck of food probably weighs 600 kilograms. Taking into account the 10% introduction fee and the 50% food tax, does that mean that the other party has so much food at 40%?

After all the calculations, the harvest is estimated to be 1,500 kilograms!

Doesn’t that mean you have to have eight or nine acres of spiritual land?

Half a wealthy family!

Chen Mo didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so big. Fortunately, he didn't bring more than 1,000 kilograms in one trip, otherwise he might have caused some speculation.

"This year will be a good year."

"Wait a moment, I'll weigh the food for you."

Mei Hua was overjoyed. In the past, it was good for a Lingzhifu to come and sell dozens of kilograms of grain, but she didn't expect that he would actually sell more than 600 kilograms to them!

The actions at the 1, 2 and 3 grain stations were very swift.

After making sure that there is no problem with the food, start weighing it.

618 pounds.

I counted 620 and directly brought a bag of 62 taels of spiritual sand.

Simple and neat, the main thing is efficiency.

Chen Mo took the spirit sand and nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the waiter behind him stopped him.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

Chen Mo's expression froze and he turned his head dissatisfied, "This is not auspicious words!"


Mei Hua naturally didn't know why and looked at the other party blankly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The other party looked around first, and after confirming that no one was around, he pulled Chen Mo to the corner of the house.

"What's the matter?"

"Fellow Taoist, do you need seeds?"

How does it feel to be benefited?

Chen Mo did not refuse in a hurry, but asked: "Do you have one?"

"There are a few." Mei Hua didn't dare to say too loudly, let alone too full.

After all, this is the monopoly business of Niu's shop, and rashly cutting off their customers and cutting off their financial resources will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among the shop owners.

"How to sell it?"

"Eight taels per catty!"

"So expensive! Niu's shop only costs 5 taels per catty!"

"Shh!" Mei Hua made a silencing gesture. "The situation is different this year! It seems that you haven't discussed the seeds with Niujia Shop yet."

"How do you know?" Chen Mo began to trick the other party into talking about it.

"This year they have doubled the price of seeds!"

"What, how is that possible!"

"He grows it for 10 taels per catty, and we sell it for 8 taels. How about that? Do you want to consider buying from us?"

"Are you harvesting seeds too?" Chen Mo suddenly asked.

This question stunned the other party.

Aren't we talking about buying seeds? Why did you suddenly ask about selling seeds?

Mei Hua nodded blankly.

It is true that they have one or two breeders, but the breeding rate is average, about 60-70 pounds.

In previous years, Niu's shop sold seeds at a ratio of 50 to 1. There was absolutely no way they could lower the price to do this business.

But this year the opportunity came. Niujia Shop thought that it was the only one in the store, so they doubled the price of seeds. In order to harvest a group of spiritual growers who bought seeds from their home, they directly harvested 8 taels per catty, and then 8 taels per catty. Sold by two to one pound!

It’s just a matter of losing money and making a profit!

Of course, it cannot be considered a complete loss. As long as there is a steady demand for seeds, the breeders who cooperate with them can continue to practice the "Qi Crossing Technique". If things go on like this, after they improve their magic, the seed production rate will be greatly improved!

"Then if I have seeds in the future, can I sell them to you?"

"Yes...that's what happened." Mei Hua suddenly realized, "Are you a breeder?!"

"Keep it secret!"

Chen Mo replied with a smile.

In order not to appear shocking when the time comes, we need to get vaccinated first.

It's better to be mysterious.

“What’s your breeding rate?”

"Keep it secret and I'll come back to you when I have the seeds!"

After that, Chen Mo didn't waste any time and walked out of the grain station under the blank eyes of the other party.

"Are breeders so common these days?" Mei Hua muttered.

Another 62 taels of spiritual sand were deposited, plus the remaining 5 taels yesterday, and now Chen Mo has a considerable fortune.

When passing by the Wenxiang Pavilion, the beautiful monk in a tube top approached again:

"Daoyou, do you want to relax?"

"Do you want money?" Chen Mo asked back.


This is the first time I heard someone ask if it costs money!

Wenxiang Pavilion is a gold-consuming cave. If it doesn't cost money, what do you want?

"Yes... yes."

"If it costs money, I can't afford it."

Chen Mo waved his hand and left.

If it's free, he will consider it, but if it costs money, then forget it!

Going north, Chen Mo stopped when passing by a street stall.

He suddenly thought of Wang Lixia and what she said: "Buy a copy of "Gengjin Yizhi" when you have money."

The other party is already dead, and this sentence can be regarded as a dying advice.

For an old man who has been farming for decades, you should listen to him!

Chen Mo searched for a while and finally found the small vendor who sold magic spells on the street.

"Daoyou, do you want to buy magic spells? These are all spells engraved by Qingyang Sect. They are honest and genuine."

What is the difference between genuine and fake?

It's just that the copyists are different.

Chen Mo flipped through it casually and found the book "Geng Jin Yi Zhi" that was pressed at the bottom. He asked, "Authentic or fake?"

"Of course it's real! I, Old Wu, never sell fakes!"

Chen Mo flipped through it and read it once. As expected, there was an extra line of words on the magic spell column:

[Geng Jin Yi Zhi (Not yet started): 0/50]

From this point of view, this magic spell should be real.

"How much?"

"Ten taels!"

"Two taels of spiritual sand, will you sell it?"

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