The aphids that covered the sky were like army ants, rising and falling again after gnawing at a spiritual field.

But this time, they came for Xiao Changhua's ten acres of spiritual land!

On the horizon, the light of the scorching sun is blocked. Occasionally, a few beams of light shine down, making shadows blurry and flickering.

Xiao Changhua's face was gloomy.

This year he had just acquired Wang Lixia's five acres of spiritual land, and today he encountered a once-in-ten-year insect plague. This was really unspeakable luck.

For Ling Zhifu, the more spiritual fields he contracts, the higher his harvest will be, regardless of food payments and rent.

But so are the risks.

When Xiao Changhua had five acres of spiritual rice, he lost a thousand catties of spiritual rice.

Now ten acres has doubled!

A year's hard work has been in vain, and there are no training resources in the coming year. How can he break through the fourth level of Qi refining and successfully become the disciple of Ziyunfeng?

Only in this way can we successfully get rid of the lowly status of Ling Zhifu?

Seeing the swarms of aphids arriving, Xiao Changhua remained as still as a mountain.

He stood at the head of the field like a statue, waving his flaming palm at the swarms of insects flying in the sky.

However, in the face of natural disasters, manpower is limited.

When his flaming palm struck the aphid, only a few sparks appeared, and then it was completely extinguished.

Occasionally, some were directly hit, died suddenly and fell to the ground, but this number was nothing compared to the swarm of insects in the sky.

The swarm of insects avoided where Xiao Changhua was standing and landed in the ten acres of spiritual field behind him.

The monk who entered Taoism through martial arts fell into a trance for a while.

He turned around, and millions of aphids behind him were gnawing at all his assets, and also at his bleeding heart.

But...what else can be done?

Xiao Changhua gritted his teeth and stopped struggling pointlessly until his lips were bitten with blood...until the insects gnawed away all his crops.

there is none left.

Completely gone.

A year of hard work was completely in vain after this insect disaster.

Ling Zhihu?

What a ridiculous identity!

Xiao Changhua lowered his head, clenched his fists with both hands, and silently walked back to his cabin.

Swarms of insects flap their wings and fly high.

This time, we went straight to the spiritual fields of Chen Mo and He Zhiping.

At this moment, Chen Mo was extremely calm. At the moment when Xiao Changhua was fighting against the insect swarm, he had already made a plan.

give up!

Yes, he must give up something in order to gain something.

With his current strength, even with Geng Jin's finger, he would not be able to protect five acres of spiritual land.

Therefore, Chen Mo's goal is very clear.

Two acres!

Even if it was only two acres, he would do his best to protect it.

He stood in the two spiritual fields closest to the wooden house and the most fertile land. Facing the infestation of insects, his hands were instantly covered with a layer of light gold.

When aphids arrive, golden light lights up the night.

Wherever Geng Jin pointed his finger, swarms of insects fell to the ground.

The originally dark sky was suddenly torn open by Chen Mo.

On the other side, He Zhiping had too much time to think about himself. He, who also knew how to use a golden finger, was also struggling to protect a piece of spiritual rice from the insect's mouth.

However, he is only in the proficiency stage of Geng Jin Yizhi, and he is still capable of fighting against the aphids in the adult stage. Can he deal with the mature stage?

That's like scratching an itch!

Finally, after resisting for a moment, he gave up.

He Zhiping sat dejectedly in the spiritual field, and the light came over.

He looked in the direction of the light and saw a majestic figure stretched infinitely.

Countless aphids corpses fell like a heavy rain, and behind that figure, the spiritual field was saved!

"Chen Mo!"

"His golden finger!"

He Zhiping put his hands on the insect and stood up with his pupils trembling.

He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, unable to believe or accept that the opponent's Gengjin Finger was so powerful!

Back then...if he had attacked him in this way, he would have been penetrated in an instant, and he would not have been able to leave at all!


Why is he so strong?

In front of He Zhiping, Chen Mo was like a god descending from heaven, with streaks of golden light shooting out from his fingertips.

A large number of aphids died with each blow.

But he is the only one who knows the real difficulties here!

With all his strength, the spiritual energy in Chen Mo's body was consumed like a deflated rubber ball.

As a last resort, he took advantage of every opportunity and held a mouthful of spiritual sand in his mouth. While using the Gengjin Finger, he ran the Qi Nourishing Technique to replenish the consumed spiritual energy.

However, this is a drop in the bucket.

Time passes little by little.

He Zhiping seemed to have forgotten that his spiritual field was completely deserted. He looked at Chen Mo with extremely complicated emotions.

On the other side, Lan Ling, whose face was ashen after witnessing the power of the insect plague, seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw for a moment and saw hope.

That’s right!

As long as Chen Mo is willing to take action, her spiritual field will be saved!

He will agree.

He will agree!

Doesn't he want to become a Taoist companion with me?

Agree, agree, I agree!

Lan Ling muttered to herself, and an abnormal blush appeared on her face.

The insect plague is still spreading.

After He Zhiping's spiritual field was eaten away, the aphid swarm took off again and headed straight for Lan Ling's spiritual field.

At this time, exhausted Chen Mo lay directly on the ground.

Just when he was lying down, a smile finally appeared on his lips.


Although it was not much, it was still saved.

Just when he was about to take a good rest, a figure rushed over.

He jumped on him without saying a word.

Chen Mo frowned and kicked the man away.

He heard a "ouch", and soon, the other party came over again.

"Help me, help me."

"Get out!"

Chen Mo snorted coldly.

He couldn't do this kind of limit-challenging thing a second time!

However, Lan Ling was relentless.

After all, this was her last hope.

"I promise, I promise to be your Taoist partner, help me, help me save the spiritual rice."

"Sorry, my strength is limited."

Chen Mo didn't want to pay attention to the other party at all.

"No! You must help me!"

"Please, please, I'm willing to do anything."

Lan Ling turned her head to look at her spiritual field, watching the spiritual rice being eaten bit by bit, tears in her eyes.

She used both hands to tear off her shirt and said:

"Give it to you, I'll give it to you now, and it will be yours in the future. You can do anything for me. Don't you want me to be your Taoist partner? I'll give you my body."

There was a cry in her tone.

She didn't want to be sold into the black mine because she couldn't pay the grain and rent.

She had heard that it was a desperate situation for cultivators and even a hell for female cultivators!

She didn't want to go, she didn't want to go!

"Take me, take me."

"Please, please."

Chen Mo glanced at the other person, and faced with the delicate skin and upright breasts, he was not moved at all.

He went to Wenxiang Pavilion and slept with Yuxi, but he would never put himself in danger for a woman!

He slowly got up, ignored Lan Ling who was taking off her clothes while crying, and walked towards the empty spiritual field with his hands behind his back.

"Please... please..."

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