Farming Space Makes Me Rich

Chapter 609 Untitled

When Xiao Lingyu rushed to the door of the village chief's house, he heard someone say loudly, "That place is obviously mine, and I planted two trees there as a sign."

"Bah, those two trees were planted by the brigade when they were on business before, so why did they become yours. Let me tell you, my land is past those two trees."


All in all, it was a riot.

"Shut up!" The village chief said calmly and dignifiedly, "Enough, who owns the land, it's not up to you to arbitrarily decide. Take out your land certificate and follow the land certificate. The big and the young, the measurement is, what is there to fight for now, what is there to fight for."

The village chief was right.

The two noisy people didn't say much after listening to them.

After all, the two plots of land between the two of them are connected, and they are so big. As long as the two families take out the land certificate and measure them separately, they will know the size.

There's nothing arguable about it at all.

However, the problem is that both of them lost their land certificates.

When re-applying, they all want to get a little more land for themselves.

That's where the current dispute arises.

"You have lost your own land certificate, but the records of the year are still preserved in the village committee's archives, and none of you should try to get more land for yourself." The village chief said sharply.

The faces of the two families turned red and embarrassed.

"This...this...I clearly remember that my land has five-six points." One of them muttered embarrassingly, "But now it's measured, but it's only five-fifths."

"It's not a question of whether you remember or not!" the village chief said solemnly, "This is a matter of showing evidence. Otherwise, anyone can say it with white teeth. Isn't that a complete mess?"

Others also echoed, "It's true."


When Xiao Lingyu and Xiao's mother rushed over, they heard such a discussion.

Mother Xiao, "..."

Xiao Lingyu, "..."

There's nothing to worry about.

This Xiao Liang said in a hurry, which surprised them.

The mother and daughter fell, and they were quickly noticed.

Someone immediately asked, "Ling Yu, this land has been measured, when can we get the money?"

This is the concern of the vast majority of people.

"Yeah. When can we get the money?" someone else asked.

With them, they have calculated it. This time, the rent can be rented for many times the mountain.

With all this money, what can't you do?

As for taking shares, most villagers are reluctant.

For them, who knows if Xiao Lingyu can do it. In case of failure, then they are not tossing around.

Therefore, the money is still in hand first, and it is more secure.

As for the future, even if they fail, they have no reason to refund the money, do they?

Most of the reasons for the villagers who choose this way are that the current situation they are in has limited their eyesight, and their eyelids are too shallow.

"Lingyu, we don't want the money, we just want to use the money to invest in shares!" Some people heard the analysis of Xiao Lingyu and the village chief and others, and felt that it was very feasible to invest in shares.

If the project fails, they don't have much to lose.

But if it is successful, it will be a good thing for future generations.

"Ling Yu, just like my land, how many shares should it hold?"

"Ling Yu, I'll use some of the money as an investment to invest in shares, is it okay?"


Everyone didn't wait for Xiao Lingyu to respond, and they all started asking questions.

Xiao Lingyu waved her hands and said, "All uncles, aunts and aunts, don't worry. This matter will be done in the next few days. It's just a process, and I hope everyone will cooperate well."

"Cooperation, of course!" Everyone present nodded.

Xiao Lingyu did this just like giving money to everyone.

Although Xiao Lingyu rented these lands in the name of rental, the villagers did not need to move at all. Whoever owned the land still owned the land, and whether they wanted to farm or farm the land. In addition to what to plant, you need to follow the instructions.

After all, in order to become a farm tourist destination, everything must follow the principle of beauty.

Of course, what you grow is your own.

Who is not happy to hear such a good thing like a pie from the sky.

Xiao Lingyu reminded again, "Also, I hope you all think carefully these days, whether you take the money directly in your hands, or use the money to invest in shares. Village chief, then please make a statistic."

The village chief smiled and said, "Haha, what's the trouble, this is my job. Okay, don't hang around here, go home, and think carefully about whether you want to take money or invest in shares."

The same village head also kindly reminded me, "Actually, I suggest that everyone invest in shares. If you invest in shares, you will wait for the dividends to be paid every year, which will benefit future generations.

As for taking the money, hehe, it seems like a lot of money now, it is more than enough to buy a house and marry a wife, and even have the extra money to buy a car.

But how many years later? Is this more money?

Just like a few years ago, our workers could only get a few yuan a day, about ten yuan, but now, for a day's work, you can get thirty yuan.

But don't think that thirty yuan is a lot, you have to think about it, the price of rice has risen, the price of oil has risen, the price of pork has also risen, and the price of everything has risen.

Calculated like this, the thirty yuan is not as good as the ten yuan in previous years. The same year ago, the pork was only 1 yuan and 51 jin. Now, it is 56 yuan per jin. As wages go up, so do prices, but the money is still that money.

Three years ago, 10,000 yuan was more than enough to build a house and marry a wife. But the current 10,000 yuan is not enough to build a house and marry a wife. Ling Yu, this... what is this called? "

Xiao Lingyu said with a smile, "This is the devaluation of the currency!"

"Currency devaluation?" The villagers were at a loss. They really don't understand.

Xiao Lingyu explained, "The money in your hands is still this money, but the price of goods keeps increasing. Of course, this is only the normal growth and depreciation of national conditions, and it is accumulated over time.

As the village chief said, three years ago, for 10,000 yuan, you could marry a daughter-in-law and build a house. Three years later, for 10,000 yuan, you could only build half a house or marry a daughter-in-law. But three years later, I can't even see half of the house, and I can't get a wife. "

The village chief said, "This money still has to be invested in shares. It is more cost-effective to use money to make money. You can only wait for the depreciation in your hands!"

After listening to the words of the village chief and Xiao Lingyu, most of the villagers fell silent.

They all understand these principles, but they are worried that after investing the money into shares, if it fails, isn't the money all wasted?

"Okay, everyone, go back and think about it, think carefully, three days later, come to me to do a statistic!" said the village chief.

After everyone went back one after another, the village chief said to Xiao Lingyu, "Ling Yu, is there any problem with this project? I heard..." He also heard that this project is not very easy in the city.

Xiao Lingyu said with a smile, "Village chief, don't worry, everything is resolved."

The village chief immediately said excitedly, "Okay, that's good, that's great!"

Now Taoyuan Village has not officially become a tourist destination, but because of the flowers all over the mountains and fields, some tourists have come continuously.

However, for tourists going to the mountain now, Xiao Lingyu didn't ask people to charge a certain number of house fees.

After all, they came one by one, and there were a lot of things that were trampled and trampled, so Xiao Lingyu must have suffered some losses.


Ten days later, Xiao Lingyu received the news that the project approval application had been approved. Whether it was the leader of Qian Da in the county, the cadres in the town, or other acquaintances and friends, they all sent congratulations at the first time, and said that they fully supported this project. Project development, if there is any need, feel free to speak up.

Xiao Lingyu thanked them one by one.

At the same time, the thirty jars of health fruit wine sent to Z City really swept the entire upper class circle.

Li's mother loves face, and after agreeing to others, she forced Li Xuefeng to ask for health fruit wine again.

Li Xuefeng ordered 20 jars directly from Xiao Lingyu, of which 12 jars were promised by Li's mother to those relatives and friends, and the remaining 8 jars were reserved for his own use by Li Xuefeng.

However, those who drank those wines found that they worked very well.

In the past, they envied Li's mother becoming young and in good spirits, but now they feel the same way after drinking this wine.

Feeling younger and younger, oh, already younger!

Therefore, after learning that Mama Li still has this health-preserving fruit wine at home, everyone's eyes lit up, and they wanted to get this health-preserving fruit wine from Mama Li.

Although Mama Li has a few jars of health-preserving fruit wine at home, she is also very tight on food now, but she doesn't dare to respond easily, or she will be scolded by her son and husband when she returns home.

Later, someone wanted to find out the source of the health fruit wine from Mama Li.

It's just that Mama Li doesn't know either.

Li's mother also wanted to get the source of the health fruit wine from her son's mouth, but she didn't think of her son who had always been obedient to her, but Ren refused to tell her, so angry that Li's mother couldn't eat for several days.

Mother Li said, "Son, which friend did this health fruit wine come from?"

Li Xuefeng said impatiently, "Mom, I already told you, this is just an ordinary friend."

Mother Li's face sank, and she said with some dissatisfaction, "Son, is there something strange about the source of these wines? Why can't you tell me?"

Li Xuefeng asked sharply, "Mom, what can I tell you? Don't you want to buy them in large batches and give them to those?"

Mother Li said embarrassedly, "Why not? Didn't you say that these wines are not expensive at all? Only 200 yuan a jar, we bought them and gave them to relatives and friends. It kills two birds with one stone, how wonderful, don't you think so, son!"

Li Xuefeng, "..."

Damn people are getting younger, but this brain is getting more and more whimsical.

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