Gu Fei bit her lip and wanted to laugh, but then she thought that for Sister Dan, this was not a funny thing, but a sad thing.

Although Sister Dan did not look sad, she was just angry.

Gu Fei rolled her eyes. Should she kindly tell Sister Dan that Mr. Zhou was hiding behind?

It was also a very pleasant thing to watch someone get beaten.

Before Gu Fei could think it over, Sister Dan laughed first, "Xiao Fei, I scared you."

"Men are all the same."

"My family's one is pretty good. He treats me well and has a good temper. I can beat him or scold him. I told him not to take a concubine, and he didn't take a concubine. He just couldn't help it and liked to mess around outside."

Gu Fei understood that Sister Dan was actually very satisfied with Mr. Zhou.

If Mr. Zhou insisted on taking a concubine, Sister Dan would have no choice.

Men of this era don't have the idea of ​​being loyal to their wives in their minds, let alone being a couple for life.

Especially for men with wealth and power, it is natural to marry a wife and take a concubine.

It can be seen that Mr. Zhou respects his wife.

Sister Dan sighed, "What can I do? People are bound to have some problems. My family is just a little bit better, and I can't control my belt. I can only be vigilant and keep a close eye on him every day."

"Xiao Fei, I tell you, you haven't found a husband yet, so you don't know how powerful it is. Men must be controlled tightly, and you must never let go."

"If you let go, something will go wrong."

Gu Fei nodded vigorously and decided not to tell on him.

These two people are like Zhou Yu fighting Huang Gai, one willing to fight and the other willing to be beaten.

Maybe the couple likes this one chasing and running.

There are millions of people in the world, and there are millions of ways for couples in the world to get along.

As long as they feel good, others don't have to interfere.

Sister Dan sat for a while, drank a cup of chrysanthemum tea brewed by Gu Fei to clear the fire, and went back with the firewood stick.

After a long while, Master Zhou finally came out.

He looked at the door for a while, but didn't see Sister Dan. He walked to the counter and sat down with a smile, "Has my tigress been here?"

Gu Fei smiled and nodded, "Master Zhou, don't wear your pants backwards next time!"

Master Zhou smiled embarrassedly, "Miss, mistake."

"I haven't thanked Miss Xiao Fei for helping me yet."

"I'm leaving first. I'll go to your sister Dan next door when I have time."

As soon as Master Zhou went out, a carriage came to the door.

Xiaolu ran ahead and welcomed the guests in, and Tie Niu also took the initiative to drive the carriage in from the side door.

It was a middle-aged couple who asked for a medium-sized room.

Before the city gate was closed, several waves of guests came one after another, and five or six rooms were occupied.

At the end of the Xu hour, although there was no curfew in Ping'an City, there were not many people on the street.

Gu Fei called Tie Niu and Erlang to the door.

This inn has two doors.

One layer is a carved wooden door, and the other layer is a wooden board.

There are slots on the top and bottom of the door, and the door panels are marked with numbers such as one, two, three, four, five, etc. When putting on the door panels, put them one by one into the gap in front of the slot head according to the numbers, and then push them to the bottom.

Once the door panels are put on, they cannot be opened from the outside anyway, and the opening of the slot is inside.

It is very safe.

After putting on the door panels, Gu Fei and Sanlang took a lantern and walked around the yard.

On the wall of the yard, Gu Fei had people pull many circles of wire, and copper bells were tied to the wires. As long as someone climbed over the wall, they would inevitably touch the wires, and the copper bells would ring, which was also a simple alarm system.

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