Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm

Chapter 435: Bragging without drafting

But the old lady became more and more enthusiastic as she talked, tugging at the satin clothes on her body, "This dress was made for me by my second daughter-in-law, and this gold hairpin and gold earrings were all bought for me by my second daughter-in-law."

The old lady said as she proudly plucked her gold earrings.

Then he pointed at the mother-in-law next to him and put money on his face without any guilt, "The second daughter-in-law also bought this to serve me. She originally said she would take me to live with the second son, but I didn't want to. She I bought it because I was afraid that no one would take care of me.”

The old lady quickly smiled at Mr. Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang curled her lips calmly, "By the way, my eldest grandson is eighteen this year and passed the scholar examination last year. The teachers in the school said they had never seen such a smart child."

The old lady's mouth twitched, thinking that she didn't have a promising grandson at home. Although Gu Qing went to study, he didn't even have the reputation of being a scholar. She smiled unnaturally, "Congratulations to you. If you pass the exam, It’s even worse when it comes to raising people.”

Mrs. Zhang regained her confident smile, "No, Autumn will be over in more than a month, and my eldest grandson is also planning to die."

"Speaking of your second child, I remember that he was quite smart when he was a child. It's a pity that he only passed the exam as a boy student."

When the old lady heard that this meant belittling the second child, she was very unhappy. She thought for a while and said, "My family is where my little granddaughter can make a living. She is handsome and can make money like me when she was a girl. Now in Open a shop in the city."

Mrs. Zhang laughed, "Like you? I'm afraid he's not very handsome either."

"By the way, your little granddaughter, I remember she's not that old yet, is she a teenager? Can she open her own shop?"

The old lady stared, "My little granddaughter is not that capable anymore. I am not bragging. I am almost seventy, and I have never seen a girl who is more capable than my little granddaughter."

"Speaking of which, my granddaughter earned more than half of the second son's family business."

The more Ms. Zhang heard, the more she didn't believe it. A teenage girl who didn't even dare to raise her head when talking could earn money and coax ghosts!

Seeing Mrs. Zhang's disbelief, the old lady called her aunt over and took Mrs. Zhang around Gu Fei's house.

Mrs. Zhang went in and took a look. The two courtyards were neatly tidied up. There were several servants in the house, and it looked like that.

Mrs. Chen was also a face-saving person, so she brought many good things out to entertain the guests. After lunch at home, Ms. Zhang said she would go to the city to see Gu Fei.

The aunt refused to come because she had something to do, so Gu Zhong had no choice but to come with two old ladies.

Mrs. Zhang looked around and asked, "Xiao Fei, do you own this inn?"

Gu Fei nodded.

Mrs. Zhang added: "Does this house belong to you? The location is good, are you afraid that you won't be able to afford a few thousand taels of silver?"

Gu Fei smiled and said, "Absolutely."

"I heard that you have several other shops? What are they?"

Gu Fei said: "A silver shop, a grain and oil shop, and a rouge shop."

Mrs. Zhang was dubious, and said with a sigh: "I really can't see that such a great fortune has been made at such a young age."

Gu Fei chatted with her for a few words and then went to work on her own.

The two old ladies chatted all afternoon, and Gu Zhong fell asleep listening to it.

When it was almost time for dinner, Gu Fei ordered the chef early to cook some light and soft dishes and treat them to dinner.

After dinner, Mrs. Zhang was determined to drag the old lady back to live with her for a few days, so Gu Zhong sent the old lady there.

The mother-in-law who was waiting on the old lady also went with her.

In the evening, when Gu Fei was about to call Tieniu to close, she saw Xiao Yu wearing a black robe and coming in from the door.

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