Yang Cheng had a rest today, otherwise he wouldn't have time to go to Gu Fei's shop.

Seeing Ms. Zhang's face look bad when she came in, and bringing back a lot of the gifts she had brought, Mrs. Xu's heart sank, "Why, her family didn't agree?"

Mrs. Zhang was furious, "I was very moved when I saw Mrs. Chen, but her second daughter-in-law came over and said a few words to her, but she refused!"

"Bah, no matter what, I just want to see what that girl can do."

Yang Cheng's face turned red next to him, "Her family doesn't agree? Her family actually doesn't agree?"

Mrs. Zhang quickly comforted her grandson, "Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. When you win the election, wouldn't it be a hundred times better to hire an official lady?"

Yang Cheng went back to his room angrily and sat in front of the window. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. He had been going smoothly since he was a child. He was smart when he was studying since he was a child. He was often praised by his master in school.

He is the eldest grandson at home, and he looks like a ball in his eyes. He has never been hit like this before.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He originally wanted to get up and go for a walk, but instead of walking, he ended up at an inn.

Gu Fei was holding Sister Yu and chatting with Sister Dan when she suddenly saw the young man who had been here in the morning come in again.

He stared at her angrily.

Gu Fei took one look and ignored it, continuing to listen to Sister Dan's gossip.

Yang Cheng was ignored and couldn't help but walked over and glared at Gu Fei: "You woman, you are so shameless. My daughter's family should stay at home and do embroidery and needlework! How can you show your face!"

Sister Dan and Gu Fei looked at each other, and Sister Dan sneered: "Where did this lunatic come from, talking nonsense!"

Gu Fei glanced at Yang Cheng lazily, "Tieniu, there is someone here who is not clear-headed. Get him out quickly."

Tieniu came over and stood in front of Yang Cheng with his arms folded, half a head taller than him.

Yang Cheng looked at him, "You, you, you -" After a long pause, he mustered up the courage to stick his head out from Tieniu, pointed at Gu Fei and said, "A woman like you will never be able to get married in her lifetime!"

Tieniu's eyes widened, and Yang Cheng turned around and ran away in a panic.

Gu Fei only thought that he was a lunatic and had no idea what was going on behind the scenes.

August has entered in the blink of an eye, and the weather has become a little cooler.

That evening, when most of the customers in the store had left, Gu Fei was working in the general ledger, when suddenly a person stood in front of the counter, blocking the light.

Gu Fei looked up and said, "Ah, Mr. Su, I haven't seen him for a few days."

Su Chen smiled gently, "Miss Gu, you are busy first. I will talk to you later. I have something to tell you."

Gu Fei nodded, "Master Su, please sit down first. I'll be done with it soon."

Su Chen didn't sit down, walked outside the door and looked up at the moon.

The moon is just a crescent moon, hanging crescent in the night.

Gu Fei finished settling the accounts and walked to the door, "What do you want, Mr. Su?"

Su Chen stared at her for two seconds and said, "Miss Gu, the moonlight is nice tonight, let's go for a walk."

Just walking around, Gu Fei saw that Su Chen was worried, so the two of them walked forward. Su Chen remained silent along the way, and unknowingly they reached the Jinshui River.

There are still many flower boats parked on the river, and faint laughter can be heard from the other bank.

Su Chen stopped and suddenly said: "I will end tomorrow."

Gu Fei patted her head. No wonder there were a lot of scholars living in the store recently. It turned out that the provincial examination was about to start, and she had forgotten about it.

She smiled at Su Chen and said, "With your talent and learning, you will definitely win the title of Toad Palace."

Su Chen's face suddenly turned red and his whole body tensed up, "Gu, Miss Gu, I, I plan to send someone to the girl's house to propose marriage after Qiu Wei, if she can reach high school."

"I wrote to my father a few days ago, and my father has agreed."

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