Outside, Shituzhu and the others, as well as Saipan and Pochai, all got up and were leading horses in the stable.

Now that there are four more people and there are not enough horses, there is no other choice but to buy them in the market town.

Xiao Yu asked Gu Fei and the other four people, and thought for a while, "Then two people riding a horse can go as fast as they can."

If the horse is tired, the best you can do is to give it up and buy a new one. Now you have to run as far away as possible.

Gu Fei nodded and saw Sanlang and the others had changed their clothes and came out.

Shitou rolled his eyes, stepped forward quickly, told Saburo and the others to ride for two, and then arranged for everyone to get on the horse.

The people have been arranged, and each of the stones and pillars has a person.

Gu Sanlang and Chen Ping rode a horse.

Pochai, Saipan and Xiao Yu all have one person and one horse.

Only Gu Fei was left standing.

Gu Fei was about to ask Chen Ping to change and ride with Sanlang, when Xiao Yu reached out to her from the horse and said, "Come up."

She hesitated for a moment, and instead of asking Chen Ping to switch with her, she reached out to grab Xiao Yu's hand and flew up.

Xiao Yu suddenly grabbed the horse's belly and rushed out, and the group of people galloped through the dark night.

Gu Sanlang watched the girl get on Xiao Yu's horse. Although he didn't know Xiao Yu, he had seen the stone and heard some things when he was in Ping'an City. He could easily guess Xiao Yu's identity.

But even if he is the prince, he can't ride a horse with a girl!

He stepped forward on his horse, and just as he was about to ask Chen Ping and Gu Fei behind him to change, he saw Gu Fei reaching out and hugging Xiao Yu's waist.

Gu Sanlang was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a sour taste in his heart, as if his cabbage was about to be eaten by pigs.

Full of displeasure, he fell silent and fell behind.

Gu Fei sat behind Xiao Yu and hugged his waist tightly.

His waist was strong and powerful, and her nose was filled with his breath.

It's not a fragrance, it's just a particularly nice, intoxicating scent.

Xiao Yu in front was in a high mood at the moment.

Soft little hands were wrapped around his waist. If he wasn't in a foreign country, or if he wasn't worried about pursuing soldiers, he would have wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

He liked this feeling, the feeling of her holding him, relying on him, trusting him with all her heart.

Along the way, Gu Fei's meaning to him has become different.

She is not only the girl he likes, she is also a comrade and partner who can fight alongside him.

He couldn't help but have an idea in his mind, he really wanted to carry her and run forever.

It's getting brighter.

The morning sun shines down, bringing light and warmth to everything.

Saipan then rode his horse and ran to Xiao Yu's side, "Sir, there is a market town ahead. Why don't you take a rest there and buy a few more horses?"

Although Xiao Yu was reluctant to part with this sweet moment, he still nodded.

It didn't take long to arrive at the market town. At this time, it was the busy time of the morning market.

A few people found a small shop and had breakfast. Stone and Pillar went out and sold all their tired horses at low prices.

In addition, horses were bought, and everyone bought some dry food and water to continue their journey.

Traveling all the way and staying overnight, the return journey was much faster than the journey here. Three days later, in the afternoon, we arrived at Uka City, which borders the British Empire.

Saipan sent everyone to the city gate, then happily said goodbye and went home.

This trip lasted only about ten days, but I earned more than fifty taels of silver, which was enough for the family to spend for several years.

After the group of people here said goodbye to Saibai, they were about to leave the city when they saw many soldiers at the city gate, checking people who were leaving the city.

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