Everyone crowded to the door and looked out.

I saw a group of people coming from a distance.

While watching, Sister Dan rushed over from nowhere and hugged Gu Fei, "Oh, Xiao Fei, you are finally back. I miss you so much."

Gu Fei chuckled, "Do you really miss me? I'll give you a good gift in a while."

Sister Dan clapped her hands and said, "Xiao Fei said the good stuff will definitely be the same."

As he spoke, the sound of the suona got closer and closer.

Gu Fei raised his voice, "What is this for?"

Sister Dan also answered at the top of her lungs, "The daughter of the Protector of the Country is getting married to the eldest son of Prince Qi. This is a dowry!"

After a while, the team was seen getting closer and closer.

Two rows of young men were wearing brand new black satin robes with red belts around their waists.

The boys worked in groups of two, carrying the red-painted boxes and walking forward neatly.

At the front is a three-foot-tall red coral with jade-like texture and bright red color. Its branches stretch out like a small tree.

Sister Dan clicked her tongue in Gu Fei's ear: "This piece of coral is worth at least tens of thousands of taels of silver."

The boy carrying the coral passed by, and on the carrying box behind was a mutton-fat jade-carved Guanyin, more than a foot tall, white and greasy, as warm as gelatin.

Then there were two Ruyi handles about one foot long placed on a lifting box. One was jade Ruyi and the other was suet-fat Ruyi. One was green and the other was white. When placed together, the visual effect was very strong.

Both sides of the road were crowded with people, and everyone’s eyes were about to fall off.

Gu Fei was also dazzled. Another jade incense burner, jade vase and other jade objects were carried over, followed by a gold bucket, a gold Ruyi, and a gold abacus.

Then I saw a few tiles placed on a red paint carrying box with a big red word "happy" on it. Compared with the gold and jade in front, it was very inconsistent.

She asked Sister Dan, "Why do you need to put tiles? Is this a custom?"

Sister Dan pursed her lips and smiled, and said in her ear: "This represents the dowry house of the mother's family. A piece of tile represents a house or shop."

Gu Fei paused for a moment and counted the tiles. There were as many as ten tiles.

Then there is a piece of sapphire, also made into the shape of a tile, covered with the word "happy" cut out of red paper.

Sister Dan touched Gu Fei and said, "This should represent Luanyuan."

Further back, there was another strange lifting box with a few pieces of garbage wrapped in red paper.

Gu Fei looked at Sister Dan, waiting for her explanation.

Sister Dan lived up to her expectations, "This takara represents the field. It's hard to say. There are big and small takara. Generally, the small one represents one hundred acres, and the big one represents one thousand acres."

Gu Fei counted again with itchy hands. Six pieces of dirt equaled six thousand acres of land.

Then there were some boxes, with the lids open, and you could see silks and satins of various colors, furs, and clothes from all seasons, being carried one after another.

Then there are many dressing boxes and jewelry boxes.

The last two boxes were not opened, and each contained a gold ingot and silver ingot.

Sister Dan said: "This is the money in the box."

"Most people just put a few pieces in a box and that's all. In her case, it's just a whole box."

Gu Fei was stunned. Oh my goodness, this lady protecting the country is really rich and incomparable to the country!

The dowry procession has no end in sight.

The sound of the suona also gradually faded away, and most of the people watching the excitement on the street moved forward.

Sister Dan hugged Gu Fei's waist and said, "I just counted, one hundred and twenty dowries. With this dowry, I'm afraid there are three to four hundred thousand silver."

"There are also some furniture and other things. They must have entered the house a long time ago. It is probably not a small sum."

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