Soon, the medicine was picked up and boiled, and the maid brought it in.

After a while, the maid came out with a sad face, "The young master refused to drink the medicine."

Prime Minister Su left to avoid suspicion because Xiao Min was here. At this time, only Xiao Min was outside.

Xiao Min hurried in and saw Su Chen lying on the bed, with his eyes open, staring blankly at the top of the bed.

She whispered: "Chen'er, mother sees you, drink the medicine quickly."

Su Chen heard her voice, his eyes moved slightly, and he turned his head to face the bed.

Xiao Min called again, "Chen'er, get up and take the medicine."

Su Chen closed his eyes and said in an extremely cold voice, "Madame Xia, let her go out."

Madame Xia responded and looked at Xiao Min, "Princess, Prime Minister Su said that the young master's illness needs to be rested. I think the princess should go out."

Xiao Min suddenly got angry. She had had enough of this old woman's temper.

She slapped Nanny Xia fiercely, "Bitch, how dare you come to meddle in my affairs!"

"I'm talking to my son, and you dare to obstruct me!"

"It's all because of you bitches who said something nonsense to Chen'er, which made Chen'er alienated from me now."

Nanny Xia looked at Xiao Min expressionlessly for two seconds, and suddenly raised her hand and slashed Xiao Min's neck hard. Xiao Min's head tilted and she fell to the ground softly.

Prime Minister Su heard the maid say that Su Chen didn't take the medicine, and just rushed over. He saw this scene and couldn't help but twitching his mouth.

Nanny Xia held Xiao Min steadily and said to Prime Minister Su: "Prime Minister, please forgive me." Then she dragged Xiao Min out.

Prime Minister Su sighed in his heart. King Qi was a wise man. If Nanny Xia didn't have the King Qi's instruction, how could she be so bold? It's just that this princess is too unbecoming. It's a pity that his nephew has such a cold-blooded mother.

Prime Minister Su only thought that Xiao Min angered Su Chen, so he didn't want to take the medicine.

He walked to the bed and whispered, "Chen'er, get up and take the medicine quickly. Your body is weak now, so you need to relax and rest."

"Don't worry, since you don't like to see your mother, I won't ask her to come over in the future."

Su Chen was completely desperate.

If his father was the most important pillar in his life, then Gu Fei was his second pillar.

Su Chen had not recovered from his father's death, and now the second pillar collapsed.

With his father gone and Xiao Fei marrying someone else, he really didn't know what was the point of living.

Recalling every bit of his past with Xiao Fei, every picture that remained in his mind, it was heartbreaking to think about it.

His hand slowly reached his waist, where a purse was hanging.

There were two small face figurines in the purse.

One was him, and the other was her.

But there was no point in keeping them now.

Prime Minister Su didn't know what Su Chen was thinking, and stood by the bed and urged him, "Chen'er, get up and drink the medicine."

Su Chen closed his eyes and whispered for a long time, "Uncle, I will take the medicine, let me calm down first."

Prime Minister Su sighed and went out. After thinking about it, it's not right. Chen'er has been in mourning for more than a hundred days. It shouldn't be too sad for a while. It was clearly because he mentioned the prince's wedding that Chen'er vomited blood.

Could it be?

Prime Minister Su was shocked and hurried out to ask the servant who followed him from the Prince of Qi's Mansion. The servant didn't know much, but he also went to the inn with Su Chen several times. He was there on the day of the Lotus Festival.

So he told Prime Minister Su what he knew.

Prime Minister Su couldn't help but sigh.

Since ancient times, the word love is the most hurtful!

But as an uncle, he couldn't enlighten his nephew about this matter, so he could only pretend not to know.

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