The two sat at the table and discussed in detail for a long time, but they couldn't figure out who the kind person who saved them was.

I didn't care anymore. At dawn, I asked the store where it was, sent the waiter to the pawn shop to buy some old clothes to wear, and each of them hired a carriage and hit the road.


Gu Fei and Xiao Yu stayed in Qisha Mountain for more than ten days, and they were going back to Ping'an City.

That night, when the three of them were having dinner together, Gu Fei said, "Master, we plan to go back tonight. Would you like to live with us in the palace?"

Palace Master Yan shook her head slightly, "I won't go to the palace. I don't even want to live in Taiji Palace, let alone the palace?"

The intrigues and intrigues bothered him the most in his life. If he had the time and energy, wouldn't it be better to use them in studying knowledge?

Gu Fei couldn't bear to leave her master, "Master, go ahead. Don't worry, I'll arrange a quiet yard for you, and no one will disturb you."

Now that I have just started teaching junior high school chemistry, Palace Master Yan is very interested.

Palace Master Yan was a little hesitant. He didn't want to go to the palace. He was impatient to deal with powerful people, and he didn't like to spend his energy on socializing with people. However, Gu Fei had just started teaching chemistry in junior high school. He was very interested and was waiting to learn more. Listen to the lecture.

Gu Fei took his arm and shook it a few times, "Master, let's go. Living in the mansion is not the same as before."

"Don't worry, the prince and princess are very kind to me. They will never say anything or disturb you."

Palace Master Yan couldn't stand Gu Fei's coquettish behavior and thought for a moment, "Wait a few days and I'll take the maids there."

Gu Fei then laughed and said, "Then I will wait for Master in Ping'an City."

After eating, Xiao Yu put away the dishes and washed them. The two of them said goodbye to Palace Master Yan and walked out.

The two of them were not in a hurry, holding hands and walking slowly.

As he walked, Xiao Yu felt something was wrong. Just now he was walking on the path at the foot of Qisha Mountain. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the street in front of the palace.

There are no shops on this street. On one side is the prince's palace and on the other side are the mansions of Xiao Yu's two uncles. Few people walk there after dark, and the street is almost empty at this moment.

The two held hands and walked to the side door of the palace.

When the boys guarding the door saw the two of them, they bowed respectfully and quickly ran inside to report.

The two of them entered the second door, and the servant rushed over, "Your Majesty, the prince is in the princess's courtyard. He wants you and the prince to go there first."

Originally, when I came back from a long trip, I had to freshen up and change my clothes before going to visit my parents.

Otherwise, if you are not well-groomed, you will be disrespectful to your parents.

But the prince had a lot to say to Xiao Yu, and the princess really missed her son and daughter-in-law. After hearing the letter, both of them only said one thing, "Call them over quickly."

After sending the boy away, the prince and princess stretched their necks and looked at the door.

After a while, the curtain at the door was lifted, and a pair of beauties walked in.

When the princess saw the two of them, she couldn't help but shed tears. Xiao Yu and Gu Fei both knelt down and said, "Greetings to my father, the queen, mother and concubine."

The princess hurriedly stood up and pulled Gu Fei up, "My son, get up quickly. You will suffer a lot when you go to the capital."

The prince looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes shining with joy.

Some time ago, when he heard that Xiao Yu was imprisoned in the clan mansion, he almost overturned the table. If he had not received a letter from Xiao Yu soon, telling him not to act rashly, he would have already planned to send people to Beijing to rescue Xiao Yu. .

He waved to Xiao Yu and was about to speak when a maid said from outside the curtain: "Your Majesty, Concubine Li sent someone from the yard to say that Concubine Li is not well."

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