When Gu Fei left, Qiongniang almost collapsed from her legs.

The maid outside came in and quickly helped her lie down on the imperial concubine's couch.

Qiongniang thought about what had happened just now, and for a moment she remembered the numb and itchy feeling all over her body when her acupoints were tapped. It was really worse than death. If it happened again, she really couldn't bear it.

She gradually remembered how scared she was when she first entered the mansion, met the princess, and knew that she was going to seduce the prince.

In her heart, the prince and the princess were all figures in heaven, so she was respectful to the princess at the beginning.

It's just that as time went by, the prince loved her so much and was so obedient to her, the aura brought by his status gradually faded. She felt that the prince was just an ordinary person, even if he was noble and powerful. , aren’t you being held in her hand obediently?

Even the princess recoiled from her, and she couldn't help but want more.

Although she can't have children, can't she adopt an adopted child?

I heard that my sister-in-law is pregnant again. She can take over her brother-in-law's child and raise it under her own name in the future. When the prince comes a hundred years later, she will have someone to rely on.

Since she had made this calculation, she worked harder and harder to win the prince's favor. Only by gaining the prince's favor could she gain more.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Fei came back, a ladle of cold water woke her up.

Even though she is now the concubine of King Qi, in the eyes of some people, she is still just a bought slave.

She also remembered what Nanny Zhang had told them back then, not to rely on the master's favor and ignore the mistress. These wealthy families have plenty of ways to kill you.

Qiong Niang shuddered, she was so proud that she forgot all these words.

She had no doubts about what Gu Fei said. She was still only fifteen years old. She didn't want to die. The prince couldn't be with her twelve hours a day, and he couldn't protect her.

At this time, the maid was serving Qiong Niang. Seeing that she looked haggard for a while, one side of her face was slightly red and swollen, her eyes seemed to have been crying, and even the ointment she had just applied on her face was gone. She couldn't help but ask: " Madam, what did you do here just now? Why did you become like this?"

Qiong Niang suddenly raised her head and glared at her fiercely, "Don't meddle in things that shouldn't be yours. Xiaohong just got slapped. Do you want to give it a try too?"

The maid quickly shut up, silently fetched water, twisted a cold handkerchief and put it on Qiong Niang's face.

After a while, he brought ointment over and applied it on her.

Gu Fei had already returned to the house and was sitting in the house, missing her Qin'er very much.

If Qin'er was there, she wouldn't even have to move her hands. Alas, Qin'er would have to wait a few days to arrive.

Gu Fei got up early the next day to pay her respects to the princess, planning to take a leave and return to her parents' home.

When they arrived at the princess's room, the princess was sitting in front of the dressing mirror combing her hair. Qiongniang stood beside her with a low eyebrow, holding a dowry for the princess.

Gu Fei raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly: "You can teach me."

Qiong Niang lowered her head further and said, "I have met the Crown Princess."

The princess saw Qiong Niang coming over early in the morning, greeted her, and insisted on serving her. She knew that this must have been taken care of by Xiao Fei.

I was happy and worried at the same time.

Fortunately, Qiong Niang should not dare to be arrogant in the future. What is worrying is that if Gu Fei uses such methods, won't all Yu'er's concubines be tortured to death by her?

Suddenly, I thought, I have suffered the disadvantages of my concubine all my life, why should I let Xiao Fei suffer such disadvantages again.

It is not a good thing for wives and concubines to quarrel, make the house uneasy, and even kill their children.

Besides, as much as Yu'er liked Xiao Fei, he would never take a concubine.

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