In the palace, the Crown Princess can be said to be the most lovable master now.

The imperial concubine was beautiful and kind. She smiled broadly at everyone she met. She was also generous and rewarded anyone who did things for her with plenty of money.

Upon hearing this, the boy quickly said: "Just wait, I will go in and give you a message."

The boy ran to the second door and let the little girl at the door go in to report.

After waiting at the door for a while, Lian'er followed the little girl out.

Lian'er casually gave the boy a handful of copper coins, went to the door with the boy, and took Xing'er into the house.

If it were any different than usual, Xing'er would have looked around carefully when she came back to the palace for the first time.

But at this time, all her attention was spent on walking. While enduring the pain, she had to try hard not to let others notice that she was walking strangely.

Gu Fei had just returned from greeting the princess and was having breakfast.

As soon as Lian'er and Xing'er entered the door, she realized something was wrong.

Myolie was wearing the hotel uniform. She had always required the waiters in the store to dress neatly.

Xing'er's clothes were not only wrinkled, but also looked dirty, and her hair didn't seem to have been combed.

Her face was even more haggard. A teenage girl looked inexplicably old.

Gu Fei was wondering why Xing'er suddenly came to the door, and her face remained calm, "Sister Xing'er, have you had breakfast? How about we share some?"

Xing'er shook her head, looked at Gu Fei, and suddenly knelt down straight towards her, "I have something to ask of the Crown Princess."

Gu Fei raised her brows slightly and waved her hand. All the maids in the room went out and the door was closed.

Gu Fei stood up and helped Xing'er up, pulled her to sit down, and said softly: "If you need anything, just tell me and see if I can help."

The resentment and humiliation that Xing'er had been holding in all night finally broke out at this moment. She threw herself into Gu Fei's arms and cried loudly.

Gu Fei patted her gently and waited patiently for her to finish crying.

Xing'er cried for a cup of tea before she managed to hold back her voice. Gu Fei handed her the handkerchief and whispered, "What happened?"

Xing'er tightened the veil and buried her head deeply. She endured all the shame and spoke intermittently about what happened last night.

Gu Fei's face turned blue when he heard that. That bitch Shanzi was so crazy that he did such a thing!

Myolie finished speaking shyly and calmed down.

"I was afraid that he would lock me up, and I was also afraid that he would ruin my reputation outside, so I had to stabilize him first."

"I don't dare to go home either. I haven't been home all night. My mother will definitely make a noise when she sees me like this."

"I know you are the only one who can help me."

Gu Fei patted her gently, "Very good, you handled this matter very well. It was right to come to me."

"I will definitely help you with this matter."

She looked at her softly, "What do you want to do?"

Xing'er dug her nails into her flesh, her eyes gleaming with hatred, "I want him to die, I must want him to die!"

Gu Fei nodded, "Okay, you can stay here for the next few days."

"I'll send someone to your mother's side to tell her."

"Don't go to the store recently, and you don't have to worry about other things. I will take care of them. You need to take good care of yourself first."

She whispered: "Let me see if there is any injury on your head."

Xing'er lowered her head and remained silent. Gu Fei stood up and looked at the back of Xing'er's head, but there was no blood. He reached out and touched it and found a big bump.

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