Shanzi stared at Xing'er. He couldn't believe that Xing'er, who had said she wanted to marry him not long ago, now looked at her with hatred in her eyes.

She lied to him!

She actually lied to him!

It was in vain that he was sincere to her and thought about her heart and soul.

And Gu Fei, he has always hated this woman. This woman is really not a good person, and she actually caught him!

As soon as Gu Fei lowered her head, she saw Shanzi's eyes. The resentment in those eyes was almost as much as Xing'er's.

Sure enough, some people never feel that they are wrong.

She looked at Shanzi with cold eyes, "The most useless man in the world is a man like you."

"Insulting a woman with violence is a crime worthy of death."

She kicked him hard on the head. Feeling annoyed, she picked up a chair next to her and smashed it hard on his back.

After a few hits, Gu Fei threw the chair away and asked Xing'er panting, "Do you want to do it yourself, or let me do it?"

Myolie was shaking all over.

Suddenly I didn't know where the courage came from, "I, I will do it myself."

Gu Fei took out a dagger and handed it to her.

Xing'er held the dagger in her hand and approached tremblingly.

At this moment, all the resentment in Shanzi's eyes had disappeared, leaving only deep fear.

He knew that Gu Fei was a murderer without batting an eyelid, and he was going to die!

He is only nineteen years old and he is going to die!

He wanted to beg for mercy, he wanted to say that he was wrong, but the cloth tied his mouth tightly and he couldn't even say a word.

He could only roar like a beast from his throat.

He thought of his mother, Du Juan, and his newly born child. If he hadn't been obsessed last night, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Xing'er suddenly squatted down and stabbed Shanzi's neck with the dagger in her hand.

While pricking, I cried, "Beast, you are just a beast."

Xing'er was clueless and stabbed down crazily with the dagger in her hand.

At first, Shanzi was still making sounds in his throat. Gradually, the sounds became smaller and smaller, and then disappeared.

Blood all over the ground.

Myolie was still crying and poking again and again.

Gu Fei pulled her away and said softly: "It's okay. He is dead. He can no longer hurt you in the future."

Xing'er collapsed on the ground, her crying gradually turning into gasping.

She suddenly knelt down and kowtowed vigorously to Gu Fei, "Xiao Fei, I will never be able to repay you for your kindness in this life. I will repay you even if I wear a grass ring in the next life."

As he spoke, he stabbed the dagger into his chest.

Gu Fei had already been on guard when he heard what she said about the afterlife.

As soon as she moved her hand, Gu Fei, as fast as lightning, grabbed her wrist and twisted it, causing the dagger to fall to the ground.

Gu Fei pulled her up, pushed her down on the chair and sat down. Xing'er trembled slightly, "I have no shame to live anymore, why do you need to save me?"

Gu Fei pressed her shoulder and said softly: "Are you stupid? You just fell in love with a scumbag. This scumbag hurt you and you took revenge. Why would you want to end your life?" life?"

Xing'er covered her face, "I should have died a long time ago. It would have been nice to die after hitting a pillar last time. Now I am no longer clean. I don't deserve to live."

Gu Fei sighed softly and coaxed in a lowered voice: "Fool, no one knows about this matter except you and me. What are you afraid of?"

She knew that it was useless to tell Xing'er not to care about other people's eyes at this time.

In this era, if something like this happens, a woman with integrity should die on her own.

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