Gu Fei knew that the hurt Xing'er suffered last night could not be completely eliminated by her few words.

She must go through a period of pain, and only with the passage of time will the scars slowly fade away.

After leaving the house, Gu Fei told Qin'er, "Throw it to the mass grave."

After sending Xing'er back to the guest room, she asked someone to fetch water for her to take a bath. Xing'er was splashed with a lot of blood.

After returning to the room, Gu Fei found that her shoes were also stained with blood, so she changed her shoes quickly.

After a while, Lian'er came in and reported: "Princess, the servant outside came to report that Yu Danniang wanted to see you."

Gu Fei said happily: "Please ask her in quickly."

Yu Danniang was Danjie's name, and Gu Fei hadn't seen her for a long time.

Not long after, Danjie came in with a young woman and several maids.

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when she saw Danjie.

Danjie's figure was much more bloated than before, and her lower abdomen was slightly bulging.

Dan Jie smiled, "Greetings, Crown Princess."

Gu Fei hurried over to pull her, "You are so polite to me."

She looked at the woman next to her, "Who is this?"

The woman bowed, and Dan Niang smiled and said, "This is the wife of Young Master Zhu, her maiden name is Cui Ying."

Gu Fei smiled at her, "Sister Ying, please sit down."

Cui Ying hurriedly said, "No, no, Crown Princess, just call me Cui."

Gu Fei pulled Dan Jie to sit down, "You are pregnant, and it's hot, why don't you stay at home? What are you doing out?"

Dan Jie waved her hand, "It's been more than four months, it's okay, it's good to walk more."

The maid served tea, and Dan Jie waved to her maid to come over.

The two maids each held a box.

Sister Dan smiled and said, "Isn't the ship that went out to sea back? Yesterday, our boss picked out some decent things and urged me to send them to the prince's wife."

Cui Ying beside her also asked the maid to bring two boxes over, "Our boss did the same. When the goods arrived, she picked out some good ones and put them aside, saying that she would give them to the prince's wife for her enjoyment."

Gu Fei smiled slightly. She was now more experienced in the ways of the world. She knew that Mr. Zhou and Mr. Zhu were grateful for the trip to the sea and to maintain their connection with the palace.

The bigger the businessman, the more power is behind him.

If she accepted this thing, it meant that she and the palace would protect the two families to a certain extent. If she didn't accept it, it meant that the previous cooperation would end here.

She nodded and smiled, signaling the maids to take the box.

Sister Dan and Cui Ying were relieved to see Gu Fei accept the box.

Gu Fei thought for a moment and said, "Now, the prince has entrusted the fleet of the palace to me. If you two families are willing to go out to sea in the future, you can follow the fleet of the palace and take care of each other." Cui Ying and Dan Jie looked at each other and were overjoyed. They both stood up and saluted, "Thank you, Princess, this is great, this is really unexpected." They were secretly amazed in their hearts. It has only been a short time since the princess got married, and she can hold the fleet of the palace in her hands. It can be seen how favored she is in the palace and how high her status is. And she is just a peasant girl with no background in her family. Gu Fei said angrily, "Why are you two sisters so polite? Sit down and talk." Dan Jie intended to maintain her relationship with Gu Fei, and smiled and talked about gossip, "The princess may not know, but the old man Huang gave birth to a big fat boy this year. He was so happy that he set up a banquet for several days. He said he wanted to invite you over, but he didn't dare."

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