Fast And Furious: Nuclear Super Run At The Start

Chapter 247 The speed of the turtle

The devil track just now is really dangerous. .

Usually a cliff with rolling stones on one side.

There is also cross wind blocking, which makes the vehicle more unstable.

Under such threats, Li Ang was still able to handle it with ease.

This has to be admired by his driving skills.

Really great.

It is simply admirable.

Words cannot describe that scene at all.

Give them ten courage, and it is impossible to pass these corners at 300 hours.

Even if you go through a curve, you will fall off the cliff.

With luck there may be two.

Three at most, no more.

This is not a game. If you fall, you can start over and gain experience.

There is only one life.

If you can't go through, you can't go through.

Lying down forever, it is impossible to accumulate experience.

So many people are afraid.


Some people were also dissatisfied when they saw Li Ang playing so smoothly.

They also have to show off their skills.

Li Ang can pass, they can pass.

"Look at me!"

A man drove over.

It was a cliff bend.

Hit the brakes, drift, and go 140 per hour!

Seeing that he was about to successfully turn the corner, a gust of wind blew over.

The swing of the car was too large, and it fell off the cliff with a bang.

Yoyoyo made a rumbling sound.

The person who saw it screamed and closed his mouth.

Watching this scene in shock.

really fell.

They hurriedly looked to the bottom of the cliff, and saw a blaze of fire.

The car exploded and people couldn't live.

already dead.

This time, the challenger is even more afraid.

Horrified by Li Ang's driving skills.

Contrast hurts.

Only then did they know how powerful Li Ang was.

Certainly they can't compare.

The gap is too big.

It's the difference between a god and a novice.

suffered a thousandfold blow.

It's really hard!

The big guy who played against Li Ang is also there.

He witnessed the whole process of the man falling.

He widened his eyes and felt cold all over.

I regret playing against Li Ang.

This section of the road really cost him his life.

Through this section of the road, it proves how big the gap between him and Li Ang is.

...for flowers,

It's really not fun.

But only bite the bullet.

In the end, I only dared to drive to the 60s or 70s.

It's hard to go any faster.

I'm afraid it's about to fall.

At this speed, I'm going to laugh out loud.

Compared with Chen Xiu, the two are not on the same level at all.


To die of laughter.

"Hahaha, I drive faster than him."

"You still want to challenge Li Shen with me at this speed!"

"Stupid, can't drive, let me drive."

"I'm dying of laughter, this turtle is so fast?"

"As for being scared like this?"

A lot of people laughed and laughed when they saw it.

I thought he had a lot of skills.

He didn't expect that just one devil's way could scare him like this.

Before and after comparison, I know how powerful Li Ang is.

The self-confidence he showed was awe-inspiring.

Couldn't help but applaud him.

His game was an entertaining show.

No one will be his opponent.

It can only fall at the back and become his stepping stone. factory,

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