Fast And Furious: Nuclear Super Run At The Start

Chapter 83 How to Remove the Virus

As the racing god of the East Coast, Toby asked himself that his skills were no worse than anyone else.

As long as you give him a good car, it will definitely not belong to others.

But meeting Li Ang made him silent.

In racing, Li Ang was the first opponent to silence him.

Not because of his good car, but because of his terrible car skills!

If he were to drive the SSC across the United States, that sort of thing would be fine.

Arrived within twenty hours, the same can be done.

But to arrive in about five hours, Toby felt like he was going crazy.

Even more maddening are the landmines, bombs and gunfights on the way.

Even in five hours.

Toby only has uppercase clothes!

If you don't accept the wall, just accept Li Ang!

Instead, he ran by himself, not to mention New York.

If you can escape the first round of assassination, you are already very capable!

If it is the battle of conferring gods on the east and west coasts, he, the god of the east coast, may not be enough to watch.

"Such a powerful opponent, I'm afraid it's a once in a thousand years." Toby sighed.

Sports cars have only been around for two or three hundred years. For future generations, they are just in their infancy.

However, such a powerful monster as Li Ang has already been born.

Looking back after a thousand years, his name still shines brightly.

Definitely one of the greatest figures in the history of the 057 sports car!

"Are you going to fight him?" Benny asked nervously, pulling up his phone.

Even Toby is afraid of people who admire, victory is slim.

"War! When his business is over, let's have a battle of conferring gods on the east and west coasts!"

Toby's eyes flickered with strong fighting intent, "Assemble the most powerful drivers on the east and west coasts to compete for the throne of the American car god!"

Benny was stunned, didn't expect Toby to be so big!

If this were to lose, the god position on the east coast would not be preserved.

"Brother, have you figured it out?" Benny reminded again.

"Sooner or later there will be a battle!" Toby's eyes were burning with fighting intent.

Benny opened his mouth and finally sighed.

Now that he's made up his mind, Benny can't say anything.

At that time, Toby instructs the agent to say a word, and various arrangements will start to act.

It just depends on whether Li Ang will take on the challenge.

Compared to Toby and Benny's ease, Li Ang's side seemed tense.

"Have you arrived? Where?" He called Heidi.

"Apartment 1401 of CNM Building, Andrek has been approached."

Li Ang looked around and saw people coming and going on the bustling street.

All (ccbd) business people in suits.

There are many buildings here, not far from the New York Stock Exchange.

A little further on, it's what they call the CNM building.

It is a comprehensive building integrating office, accommodation, entertainment, fitness and other functions.

There are 40 floors in total, which is not outstanding in a place like Wall Street where an inch of land is saved.

"Okay, I see." Li Ang made the call decisively and trotted over.

Taking the elevator to the room they said poor Andrek waited to be pinned to the table.

Point a gun to his head.

"Say, how do I get my little sister's virus out?" Xiao was so anxious that his eyes were spitting fire.

He attaches great importance to love and righteousness, and usually also loves his little sister.

He was framed by Brixton that year, which led to a misunderstanding between him and Heidi.

There will be no contact for years.

But he still loves and takes care of his family.

Now that Heidi has the virus, he is more anxious than anyone!

Andrek was probably in his forties.

But because of years of work and scientific research, my hair has turned gray.

Looks like a bad old man in his sixties.

When Xiao held a gun to his head, he couldn't help raising his hands in panic, "Don't, don't shoot, there is a way."

Originally a literati, the courage is relatively small.

He was shivering with fear when he was put on the head by the gun.

He said honestly: "There are two ways to solve the snowflake virus."

"Speak!" Xiao's expression was cold.

"Er... Andrek hesitated at this moment.

Hobbs next to him raised his brows and slammed his fist on the table, "Speak."

With one punch, the table was dented!

Andrek was horrified and cried, "It's not that I don't want to say it, but that both methods are difficult, and you can't accept it."

"Accepting it or not is our business, you don't have to think about it so much." Xiao squeezed his neck tightly.

"Ahhh, I said!" Andrek was so painful that his tears were about to flow out. "The first method is that you kill her. As long as she dies, the virus will lose its activity and will naturally not be able to spread."

As soon as these words came out, Heidi's face was pale, and she was swaying and almost unsteady.

Li Ang hurried up and helped her up, "Don't worry, isn't there a second way?"

Heidi nodded, and only then did she regain some blood, and her face looked better.

The second "method, you can't succeed either." Andrek said embarrassingly, he was not optimistic about Li Ang and others.

"Speak!" Li Ang raised his brows, but he wanted to see what kind of Longtan Tiger's Cave was!

"The Snowflake virus was developed at Eaton headquarters, and there is a machine in it that takes out the virus."

Brixton is from the Eaton terror group.

To avoid people's eyes and ears, it must be in a place with few people.

Or outside of the United States and imperialism, it would be more troublesome.

"Don't tell me that headquarters is in Mexico??" Xiao forced.

"No, in Detroit.

This location, so many people are quite excellent.

No matter what, Aideen will set up the secret base of research and development in the United States!

And Detroit is really a good hidden city.

Since the 1970s, with the rise of foreign automobile industry.

Detroit, the old beautiful motor city, is gradually declining.

Unemployment continues to rise, corruption is serious, and fiscal revenue continues to decline.

Abandoned skyscrapers, factories and homes are everywhere.

Social security has deteriorated sharply, with frequent occurrences of theft, car theft, robbery, and shooting.

In urban areas, basic public services and safety such as medical care, police patrols, and firefighting are not guaranteed.

Not even the street lights could be turned on, and people fled the "ghost town".

Then people called Detroit the Sin City, the most miserable city.

It has even become synonymous with rotten big cities.

The headquarters is located in this sinful, chaotic, dark city, it is more appropriate.

If you need experimental samples, go to the street and arrest a few people, and no one will pay attention.

This is Detroit, where no one cares if you die!

"From New York to Detroit, it takes me 5 hours to drive a total of 1,000 kilometers." Xiao frowned.

Speaking of time, Andrek suddenly said: "It's too late, she still has 72 hours.

Once more than 2 hours have passed, the pills dissolve.

Even if the gods came, they couldn't save Heidi.

"No, 5 hours is too long, enough for Aideen to react and organize defense." Hobbs frowned.

Once Aideen invokes powerful resources to organize defenses.

They are even more difficult to do.

"It doesn't take 5 hours." Li Ang raised a finger, "Ninety minutes is enough!"

Hobbs, Shaw, and Andrek were all stunned.

Running a thousand kilometers in ninety minutes.

Is he serious?

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