Fast Through the Villain, Sweet and Wild

Chapter 542: Kinship Queen (5)

Queen Vandro was counted as one, and the human who injured him before was counted as one.

He is not short of women, and he is not so hungry that he can't choose food.

Quintina looked at Rachel very sadly, her blood-red lips opened and closed, and a series of exclusive vocabulary for the boss came out.

"Rachel, no matter how much you resist me now, you must be mine!"

Rachel sneered and stood up, saying that he would not be impressed by the strong words, and directly threw Quintina out of the castle.

Quintina sat down in front of the castle, crying loudly, and the kinsmen who passed by looked over.

"Miss Quintina, the elder asks you to go back as soon as possible and don't run around."

A blood family suddenly appeared in front of the castle, looking at Quintina high up with red eyes that were not too scarlet, with a cold tone.

Quintina is very afraid of the elder, and immediately nodded when she heard the words, "I see."

The kin grabbed Quintina and moved towards the residence of the elder at a very fast speed.

The kinsman stopped at the door of the elder's bedroom and directly pushed Quintina in.

Quintina staggered in and saw the pleated elder in the room.

The smell of blood in the room has not yet dissipated, and there is a blood servant at the feet of the elder.

Obviously the Great Elder had just sucked blood.

"Father." Quintina held back her fear and yelled softly.

It is respectful that is not in front of other people.

"Go to Rachel's castle?" the elder asked hoarsely, scarlet and terrifying in his eyes.

Quintina lowered her head, she couldn't help, "...Yes."

The elder's muddy eyes were fierce, and he came to Quintina in a few steps and kicked Quintina to the ground.

"I promise you a position of power, not for you to be a idiot, Rachel is just injured, you ran to visit him, do you have any brains?"

"In the future you will be the queen, no matter what you think in your heart, you have to pretend to be exactly like the woman Elizabeth, do you understand?"

"If you are really incompetent, it's not that there are no other candidates."

Quintina trembled as she listened to the undisguised threat from the Grand Elder.

If she had no use value, she would be reduced to the same fate as the blood servant on the ground.

Drained blood.

Quintina couldn't take care of the pain in her body anymore. She walked on her knees to the elder, hugged his leg, and begged, "Father, I can. Please trust me."

The Grand Elder kicked Quintina mercilessly again and snorted, but his tone improved a lot, "It depends on your performance."

Quintina secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Father, the girl now..." After receiving the cold eyes of the elder, Quintina quickly changed her mouth, "Where is Elizabeth?"

The Grand Elder stared at Quintina's delicate face for two seconds, then lowered his head to take a sip of the fresh blood in the cup.

"In Reichel's castle."

"What?" Quintina looked up at the elder with a look of surprise, her voice suddenly raised, "Father, how can you give Elizabeth to...Ah!"

Before Quintina had time to say her complaint, she was dragged by the elder, and bit her aorta on the side of her neck.

The sharp fangs pierced into the skin, causing a shudder.

The blood in Quintina quickly drained, her face gradually turned pale, and her eyes began to become empty.

Only the gurgling sound of swallowing in the throat of the great elder could be heard in the huge room.

Just before Quintina was about to faint due to excessive blood loss, the Grand Elder reluctantly opened her mouth.

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