Fast Transcendence

Chapter 20: In that special era 04

Their family has less work points, and less food and other materials are distributed to their family each time. The three of them are also in good health, even stronger than when they were first sent here.

From the beginning, it took ten days and a half to get a little harvest, and then three or two days later, there were even more than one or two, from the beginning of the rabbit, the pheasant, and the occasional goat later , wild boar, Luo Wei's hunting level can be said to have improved in a straight line. She sold it secretly if she couldn't finish it, and sent a lot to the original owner's parents.

Having enough meat and nutrition supplements, not only the two elders of Luo Wen benefited, but Luo Wei also successfully exercised a body of force with great strength, which was also the free action of the old couple against her later The reason for more and more laissez-faire, living in a place with no neighbors around, safety is a disadvantage, and the benefits of eating good food without being discovered are obviously greater.

Knowing that the most chaotic time was coming, Luo Wei started to prepare early. The name that their family was detained when they were devolved was destined for the next time. The way to continue living this undisturbed quiet day.

The age of twelve years old, at this time, is already half a labor force, Luo Wei started working half a year ago, she has no idea of ​​showing her actual ability, just working She is never lazy, and the tasks assigned to her are always completed according to quality and quantity, leaving a good impression on the people in the same group and the same village.

But she knew that it was not enough to have a good impression of admiring a few words in such small talk, so Luo Wei started to design a big operation early, enough to make several nearby battalions famous action.

After the food, everyone can eat half full. With the food, everyone's demand for nature is greatly reduced, and the surrounding vegetation grows more lush, which is very different from the situation when they first came.

Lovi's hunting harvest is more and more, and there are reasons for this, plus when a child was playing on the side of the mountain two years ago, he was licked by a big cat, even if the big cat He was frightened away by the adults who arrived later. Although the child's face was licked and disfigured by the barbs in the big cat's mouth, he finally survived, which was enough to make people scared. All eyes are on how to earn more work points and more food, and dare not play the idea of ​​​​that old man in the mountains.

This also leads to more and more wild animals in the mountains after recuperation. Luo Wei has long discovered that one of them has recently migrated from the deep mountains and is quite close to the human habitation. The family of wild boars, Find out the laws of their lives.

To catch up with that vigorous big movement, Luo Wei took a rest on the rainy day, went up the mountain to find mushrooms with her friends, led everyone to the vicinity, and then watched from afar When she arrived, she was so frightened that she screamed loudly. When she ran away, Luo Wei, who seemed to be walking to the vicinity by accident, seemed to have also alarmed the wild boars. Facing the wild boars who were roaring and charging towards her, she showed great power and used the Take your self-defense scythe with you and wipe out the wild boars.

Yes, I happened to watch the scene of Luo Wei's femininity. They were frightened. What impressed them the most was her heroic appearance alone against several big wild boars, how could they pay attention to some of them.

Soon, even if it rained, the villagers who were working in the nearby private plots heard the shouts and rushed over, and after a while, the people who lived in several nearby mountain cols were listening When they arrived at the letter, they were all people who were accustomed to walking over mountains and mountains, and gathered here very quickly.

When I live in a relatively flat boundary at the foot of the mountain, when the group leader, group leader, and group leader who are far away hear the news, this is a remote mountain valley that is basically untouched on weekdays. Dozens of people have gathered, and there are many discussions between men and women.

Luo Wenyuan and his wife are old after all, and they are not used to walking in the mountains where there is no road. Compared with other people who are eager to watch the fun, they heard that their granddaughter is involved. Will be in a hurry to come, the arrival time is relatively late.

Even if you have confidence in Luo Wei's skills, know that if you meet a wild boar, even if the others can't escape, her granddaughter is the one who can return home, dealing with those wild animals in the mountains, her methods are many As long as they can't think of it, there's nothing she can't do.

So in the past few years, they have eaten more than one or two wild boars, but they have not seen her in good condition. It was specially emphasized that there were dozens of wild boars, but it was unclear what the result was.

After rushing to the place, they saw Luo Wei covered in blood at a glance. Luo Wenyuan and his wife were so frightened that their legs were weak, but then they saw their granddaughter seeing them, revealing that every time the hunt was successful It was only with the unique pride and joy that I completely let go of my heart.

It's just in front of everyone, they don't show it, they just stepped forward anxiously and repeatedly asked whether Luo Wei was injured.

"Grandma, grandpa, don't worry, I'm not hurt at all, I'm dirty, don't get it on my body, I'm a little scared now, my legs are soft."

Li Yuhe, who didn't see what she was afraid of, glared at her, thinking that her acting skills were too poor, and scolded her.

"You say you are a child, why are you so daring, this thing is something you can deal with, if you encounter one, you have to run quickly, if you encounter so many, you dare to stay, don't you? Stupid, if you have something, how would you let me and my grandfather explain to your mother and father!"

Compared to Luo Wei's unprofessionalism, Li Yuhe's performance is obviously very strong. She completely substituted herself into the scene when she saw Luo Wei hunting a wild boar for the first time, and even her lines were changed Not too big, Luo Wenyuan also cooperated beside him, showing an expression of shock and anger, but also very grateful.

Even if they don't know what their granddaughter wants to do, with their understanding, they know that this is definitely going to cause trouble, of course they have to cooperate.

While praising the appropriate performance of the old couple in her heart, Luo Wei replied in an incomprehensible tone of grievance.

When I got to them, I was afraid that they would hurt other people. I was anxious, and I poured the medicine out, and I was mad. I don't know what happened after that. When I reacted again, it was like this. Grandma, I was really scared to death just now. I am!"

Then these words made the people around who were almost scared to death were moved, and felt from the bottom of their hearts that this was really a good boy. In order to prevent others from being hurt, he exploded It was so powerful that nearly twenty wild boars were slaughtered.


"Ah, Xiaowei is such a good child, we don't even know that there is such a big litter of wild boars here, if all of us go down the mountain, our land will be harmed , If you are unlucky, you might even hurt someone!"

"Yeah, this kid Xiao Wei has done a great job, if it wasn't for her greatness, I see, I'm afraid these children would not be able to escape a few, it's too dangerous already."

"Oh, my land is right down here, I heard the sound just now, so I hurried up, and when I came up, I saw that the child had killed more than half , the rest of the pigs were probably killed and screamed so badly, and they were killed before they could react. You said, my family is near here, and I don't know about this group of pigs. If they go down the mountain , the crops in my family's field are not busy!"

"You still have crops, if you meet, it is God's mercy that people can survive!"

"It's still Weiwei who is righteous, worthy of being the seed of our old Luo family, even if she is a little girl, she is very powerful at the critical moment!"

The chatter of the surrounding people spread vaguely here, and Luo Wenyuan and his wife began to realize the purpose of Luo Wei's tossing. Their family of three has lived here for nearly After four years, no matter how hard they worked, there was still some estrangement with the locals, but the relationship on the surface was not bad.

After this incident, their family can be considered to have a foothold in the local area, even if they look at them with awe, listening to their close tone when they mention Luo Wei, I know this matter impression left in their hearts.

Some members of the Luo clan came forward to chat with the old couple, and there were all kinds of closeness and admiration inside and outside the words. Proud, and intending to show this close relationship in front of everyone, this is the treatment their family of three has never had in the past four years.

What the two old people didn't know was that these were only Luo Wei's initial goals, and her main goal was for the catastrophe that would come soon.

There are nearly a dozen wild boars, including piglets. After half of them were handed in according to the rules, there were still several left in the brigade. Although it was the meat of wild boars, it was no more than the pork that could be distributed during the Chinese New Year. , In this era when you can't eat two mouthfuls of oil and water all year round, especially when the farming is busy recently and the work is very hard, the whole team is happy as if they are celebrating the New Year.

With Mu Qiang's mentality, everyone became very close and enthusiastic to the three Luo family.

Humans are group animals after all, no matter how old you are, you can easily think about things. In the past few years, the feeling of being invisibly rejected by people is always uncomfortable, but now there are people who are far away. Greetings so enthusiastically, the two of Luo Wen felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Weiwei, I always feel that this is not as simple as it seems, come on, tell the truth to Grandpa, what are you thinking, you are preparing medicine and looking for a suitable opportunity , I've been so busy doing this, just to accept our family for those people? Why don't I think it's different?"

What Luo Wenyuan didn't say is that they discovered early that, unlike their old couple who were rejected, their little granddaughter had a sense of alienation.

In the case of being rejected, she even prefers the quiet days when their family is rejected and there are very few neighbors.

In the past, it was because she knew that she was strong, would be a little out of place, and disdain to deepen contacts with ordinary people, they could understand, but she suddenly showed her power in front of everyone, Luo Wenyuan Some can't figure it out.

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