Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1045: Common sense

It is because of this familiar feeling that the Emperor Qingliu stared at the mysterious mirror like this. He did not always stare at that contour.

He just looked at everything next to him.

Because these brought him a very familiar feeling, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it, let alone he had never been to such a place.

How is this familiar?

This feels particularly strange.

"Did you find that there is a familiar feeling in this weird space, did you notice it?"

Emperor Qingliu suddenly said such an inexplicable word.

Everyone was a little stunned, and Gaopeng was a little confused. He didn't know why the Emperor Qingliu suddenly said such a thing?

Has he really entered this weird space?

But it should not be possible, after all, where is this weird space, no one knows at all, let alone the image "shot" from this mysterious mirror.

This is even more impossible to see.

The Emperor Yangang was a little "scratched" because he didn't feel a little familiar, so he said very plainly: "No! I didn't feel familiar at all, but felt strange. Never seen such a weird space. "

"Really?" Qingliu God frowned tightly: "Why do I feel particularly familiar? As if I have seen this weird space, what is going on? " "No ... I also seem to think where this place is seen, but I don't know why, I just can't remember it."

At this moment, the burst **** emperor suddenly said such a word, and he really felt that this strange space was a little familiar, originally he thought he was because he had an illusion.

However, the words of Emperor Qingliu reminded him that this is definitely not an illusion and must have been seen somewhere.

But they just can't remember.

After hearing the two of them saying that, Gao Peng immediately became interested. If it was just one person, then there might be an illusion, but both said it at the same time.

This is absolutely not wrong!

They must have seen it somewhere, but because they didn't remember it at all, they would feel particularly confused at this time.

As long as they remember it, they should be able to find some clues from it.

Gao Peng said: "The two of you think about it. Where did you see it before? Maybe this clue will make us crack many secrets."

"The sudden appearance of such a picture in this mirror definitely has its meaning, otherwise we will not let us see this scene randomly."

"Now you think about it first, think about where you saw it. Maybe you saw it by accident, but you forgot it in the end?"

Gao Peng's sentence also reminded them that this immediately made them both meditate, which is absolutely possible, otherwise they would not be able to remember it at all.

This is definitely because I have seen it, but I didn't pay much attention to it, so that familiar feeling is particularly strong, but I just don't know it at all.

It feels really wonderful.

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