Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1120: Ignored Demon Race

After thinking for a moment, Gao Peng felt that this was indeed the case. After all, the strength of the fighting nations he encountered at that time was really not good. Even the most powerful of them, it seems that it can really be killed at will Already.

It really felt particularly powerful at the time.

And now when he looks back, he simply can't get into his eyes anymore, when he finally understood what the limit of potential is.

"It seems that our bloodline power is quite strong, but I don't know if I can open up my racial talent, otherwise it would be a real pity !!!"

The demons twitched at the corners of their mouths when they heard what Gao Peng said.

What is pretty strong?

It should be said to be the strongest blood, okay?

However, he did not refute it. In fact, he felt that Gao Peng was indeed a bit irritating. If he argued with him at this time, he would not know what to say next.

At that time, it is estimated that it may explode again!

The Qingliu Emperor and others are more helpless, although they know that Gao Peng really has the power of the demons, but you are not the demons at all!

You even want to open up your racial talent, aren't you afraid of going against the sky?

Now they can only look at the sky silently, looking at this blood-red "color" sky, the whole person has been completely desperate, now they are regarded as fate, whether or not they will reach the end of life in the next second.

They are all acceptable!

This is simply a torment ... ...

"Damn ... **** ..."

"You trash just ignore me, you **** ... I will never forgive you ... I won't forgive you !!!"

At that moment, the demons who had exploded were almost angry at this time. After all, he was ignored directly, perhaps because his temper was too irritable.

That's why they explode!

But with the passage of time, his body has slowly begun to condense, and originally wanted to teach Gaopeng well.

After all, in his opinion, Gao Peng's newcomer had neither opened his racial talent nor grasped the period of the outbreak. At this time, it was absolutely impossible to be stronger than him.

But what made him feel a bit surprised was that the guy had ignored him from start to finish, and didn't look at him at all. This feeling of being ignored was simply too irritating.

He was slowly exhaling a particularly evil breath all over him, and he had begun to atomize slowly, and his strength was slowly condensing.

At this time, Gao Peng was finally aware of this sad demonic tribe, because it was that he had just suddenly exploded, and people could not help but ignore him.

But at this time he suddenly exuded such a terrifying power. It was impossible to ignore it. The corner of Gao Peng's mouth could not help but "show" a smile.

He is not in a hurry to shoot now, because he wants to wait until this guy fully explodes his full strength, then he can take a good fight with this guy.

By then he can improve more.

"Oh, I'll wait for you to improve for a while, even if it makes you burst out the most powerful force, I'm not afraid."

"Garbage is rubbish. I can deal with you with one hand. Seeing that you have all the power, there is still such a long time. It is really weak enough!"

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