Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1128: Gap between races

Although the demons are the incarnation of evil, it does not mean that they do not have any feelings, especially for their own people, but they have very strong feelings.

But now, both sides are their own people, they will make them feel particularly embarrassed, but also when they are extremely tangled.

The magic thirteen officially launched the attack! !!

Rumble Rumble! !! !!

The whole world seems to be trying to attract him, and his physique is very suitable for this world, so when he fully exploded his strength, the whole sky seemed to respond to him.

"This is about to break out!"

"Although it is a bit" chaotic ", I have to say that his strength is indeed extremely strong. If he develops well, he will definitely become a strong player."

"I just hope that he doesn't damage the foundation, even if he made a mistake this time, he must definitely cheer up, otherwise, for our demons, it will have a great loss."

The people of the Mozu looked like this, and then they really saw the potential of Mo XIII, but this was totally useless, and they couldn't stop it at all.

No one can stop it!

The Qingliu Emperor himself was stunned. They had never seen such a powerful person, and when the full power of Mo XIII broke out.

They all felt particularly depressed.

When they were in this place, they felt pain all over them. After all, this negative force also affected them in a special way, making them unable to exert their power.

Not to mention that wanting to resist these evil forces is already a special pain in itself. When they feel this more horrifying bloodthirsty force, they feel more uncomfortable.

At the same time was shocked by these forces! !!

The power of this horror was simply beyond their expectations. They never thought that there were so many such horrible people in this world.

Even their ancestors, those old guys simply couldn't erupt such horror. Although they haven't seen it, they can occasionally guess it.

Even if it is desperate, at most it is just that, right?

They weren't sure, but that was probably the case, which made them feel particularly shocked. People of the Demon Clan had such a horror that any strength appeared.

But their race has to do their best, and finally such a person can appear. This gap is simply too large, as if it is like a gap.

This gap makes people desperate!

"Too powerful! I have never felt such a powerful person, and why the demons are so talented, and any person who appears to be so powerful is so terrible."

"This person feels so horrible to me, let alone which guys !!"

At first they thought that all people were emperors, but at this time they fully understood that it was because they had hallucinations.

Even those who receive sin are definitely not merely gods, they are just the power to "show up" and let them see it.

This directly made them desperate!

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