Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1144: Demon Tianjiao

At this time, the Qingliu Emperor was crying and laughing. They didn't expect it, and the end result would be like this.

They also listened to the rules of the magic rock without saying a word, which made them feel even more uncomfortable. After all, they may see the Tianjiao of all the demons.

There are also some high-level among the demons.

This makes them even more worried. Will this help?

At that time, they will be really finished. After all, with their current strength, this Devil's place is completely inaccessible, no matter where they want to go, there is no way out.

Too weak!

Even the weakest people in the demons are stronger than them, which makes them deeply feel the frustration. These demons are simply too bad.

No wonder it is called the most powerful race.

This is not only their bloodlines, but also their cultivation talents are particularly anti-natural, which can be derived from the strength of most people.

Although the number of demons is slightly less, but their average strength is beyond everyone's imagination, this strength is simply amazing!

People feel scared when they see it.

"This kind of race really doesn't know how to be expelled from the continent. How can those old guys ever be?"

In their minds, they could not help but come up with such thoughts. It was really unrealistic to see that these sows were too powerful. How did the old guys once drive the demons out of the mainland? It makes them wonder what they think!

This is a tangled thing!

After a while, they had reached the talent pool mentioned in the mouth of the magic rock, and in the distance they saw a group of demons with evil spirits.

There are also some slightly older demons, but their breath is completely introverted. Do n’t look at it, it does n’t exude any breath, but this is definitely not to be underestimated.

Moyan didn't show his breath so much, but his strength was not to be underestimated, so the few people present were totally afraid to look down on those older demons.

These are definitely big guys! !!

Gaopeng then set his sights on those slightly younger demons. These are definitely the arrogance of the demons mentioned before. Each of them has a "arrogant" expression on their faces.

Because they all know that after today, they will be completely reborn, and they will be able to crush everyone.

Those who have already turned on their racial talents in advance have always been holding them down. If it were not for racial talents, they would never have been so embarrassed.

Now that racial talents can be turned on, it means that they will enter the bursting period of strength. At that time, their racial talents will be fully opened, and the magic energy will be more than others.

This is definitely a great joy.

This also made many people feel special excitement, which can be seen from the Tianjiao faces of these demons, and Gao Peng took a good view of it all.

It's just that he is also very excited inside, that is, because this proud guy is better to deal with, a little excitement can make them completely angry.

Isn't it a matter of minutes to become an enemy?

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