Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1147: Unexpected strength

Seeing the faces of the magic wheel and other demons, Gao Peng really felt a little unexpected, because at this time he clearly felt that other people seemed unwilling to provoke the magic rocks.

Although it was obvious that they had violated their regulations, no one dared to say one more word, as if they were particularly afraid.

This is intriguing!

The Qingliu Emperor was even more forcible. They had already felt that they might be finished, because if they were driven out by the people here, they would rely on their current identity and strength.

The end result must be particularly bad!

They could have been expected for a long time, but when they were about to commit their fate, they did not expect that a demonic person would stand up directly, and it was still unexpectedly strong.

All the demons did not dare to speak at all, and the strength directly made them feel a special shock. No one had expected that they would have such a terrifying deterrent.

What is his identity?

How do you feel that everyone is afraid of him, clearly knowing that they have violated the rules, but in the end no one dared to say one more word.

This is not just the status that can be represented, it may also represent strength, that is because they simply do not understand, and can only watch so quietly now.

But everyone's heart was particularly shocked. "Oh my god, this demons is really very powerful, so that everyone is so afraid of him, is he really special?"

"Still, his strength is better than everyone else in the market, and it may be beyond imagination. Otherwise, why does everyone seem to be afraid of him?"

"It always feels like we really have a thigh. If this is the case, then we don't need to worry too much. If he really shelters us, then he can really feel relieved."

Now they are still eroded by the dark forces there, no matter how painful it is, it is much better than losing their "life".

What's more, after such a long period of endurance, they have gradually become accustomed to this feeling, but they are more afraid of being discovered by others, but now they see such a thigh.

This gives them a little peace of mind, as long as they can always shelter them, then they are still confident that they can escape here.

At this time, Gao Peng also thought the same. At the beginning, he just thought that the magic rock was a high-level faction, and the demons here were not much different.

Originally, he was ready to shoot, because he absolutely could not let the bursting emperor and others be killed, how to say that they all came in with him, let alone all three of them were his men.

Where can others move easily?

He was ready to start, but he did not expect that Moyan would be so powerful. The strong momentum made people feel like it. This is too secure!

Gao Peng felt protected for the first time, and even he felt strangely strange. He even thought about it, but at this time he could already know.

The identity of Moyan is definitely not simple. At the same time, the strength may be beyond his imagination, and seeing everyone's expressions, Moyan is definitely not simple. This is not only identity, but also strength!

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