Fast Upgrade System of being Immortal

Chapter 1151: Public enemy

Gao Peng felt that he was almost able to break into the demons, especially if he helped Moyan get the first place in this faction, it could definitely break into the demons.

Originally it was only said that he got the top 10, but with his strength, how could it be just the top 10?

Gao Peng has the confidence to sweep all people, not to mention that he is going to improve his own strength in this, so he must hit other people at that time.

Moreover, he believes that if he enters the talent pool, there will definitely be a lot of people who are shooting at him, after all, he has already caused anger almost once.

Everyone was discussing how to deal with him. He already knew this, so he didn't need to worry at this time, and no one would hit him at that time.

Even he was more willing.

"It seems that when I enter the talent pool later, I don't need to do anything at all. They will definitely shoot at me first. It seems that they can improve their strength."

The corner of Gao Peng's mouth couldn't help but "Lu" smiled, and it was just right at this time, there was a Tianjiao of the Devil, and when he saw this smile in the corner of his mouth, his face suddenly showed a particularly ugly expression .

At this time, Gao Peng just happened to look at him, and Gao Peng nodded towards him like that, the Tianjiao face of that demons became harder to look.

Now he is being scolded by the elders of his own faction, but this guy is so ridiculous, yes, in the eyes of this Devil's Tianjiao is ridicule.

Because at this time his heart was simply too angry, no matter what he saw, he was particularly upset, especially when he saw Gaopeng, his inner anger monitoring was about to erupt.

They did not dare to get angry with Moyan, but the moment does not mean that they will not deal with Gaopeng, after all, they don't think that Gaopeng is so powerful.

At this time, they already had enough energy to make this guy look good. After all, they are scolded by their elders in the family, and even they have been ordered to die. They ca n’t let that guy get a noun. Don't let him turn on his racial talent.

Be sure to squeeze it out!

All of them remember this, and they are very clear, only to see that now all the faces of the Demon Tianjiao have become extremely ugly. They all looked at Gaopeng so quietly.

"This guy didn't know where it came from, he never saw him, but it was all this guy that made us scolded. Since all the death orders have been issued, I will decide this guy later Look, there are things that have consequences. "

"Still can't deal with the magic rock, then you guy can only be a vent bucket for everyone, you don't want to open your racial talent, go out honestly."

Everyone remembered a variety of voices, and at this time they really wanted to repay Gaopeng. After all, they were all scolding their elders now.

And everyone has been given a death order, and Gaopeng must not be allowed to start racial talent. If racial talent is really turned on, then everyone will have to eat and walk.

They are going to bear heavier punishment, so only now they have to do it.

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