Gaopeng's sentence is simply too poisonous. No matter who it is, anyone who hears this sentence will be instantly angry. After all, this has already involved his parents.

If it's just for yourself, then you can still tolerate it, but now you have talked about your parents. If the Tianjiao of that demons can still tolerate it, then you can really be regarded as a puppet!

Sure enough, I only saw that Tianjiao's Tianjiao was completely angry, and the expression on his face was terrified, even extremely distorted.

"You guy ... you guy ..."

"Unforgivable! Unforgivable!"

"Even if you insult me, you insult my father. I can't forgive you ... I can't forgive you ... !!!"

At this time, everyone was speechless.

Gao Peng's mouth was simply poisonous, and the words spoken could irritate people, and even they couldn't believe it. Such words were actually spoken out of their population.

This is too arrogant, right?

And such an insult to others, does he not know that once things are really irritated to others, can anything happen?

They did n’t know what to say. They were really stunned by the scene in front of them. They felt that all this was simply amazing, and it was beyond their imagination.

At the beginning, Moyan admired Gaopeng in a special way, but even at this time he felt a little stunned and even surprised his jaw.

This guy ... this guy is really personal!

Especially in the place of scolding people, there is definitely an unprecedented talent. Otherwise, how could you just say a word to anger others?

Just a genius!

However, at this time, no one was stopping, and at this time, they still had a faint feeling of watching a theater. Even the elder of the Devil Tianjiao had never thought of stopping.

This is the strangest, isn't this their holy land?

It's almost going to fight in this place, and no one has stopped it, it's just so interesting, and Mo Yan has never thought about stopping it, even watching it with interest.

This also made Gao Peng a little bit timid. Although he also wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible, he only wanted to tease the other side at first, but now everyone sees it.

He didn't know what to do, because he thought everyone would stop it, but it was obvious that it had exceeded his expectations.

If other people don't stop, should he just do it directly? Can you kill this guy?

Gao Peng was a bit stubborn, even he didn't know what to do, especially when he saw the Tianjiao of that demons. Now it is obvious that he is in a state of rage. Then he estimates that he can't stand it anymore.

So ... the next thing is to really fight without hitting, but he is just a little bit stunned, because this is not the same as what he thinks, but if others really will If he does, he will never have any reservations.

Seeing that other people didn't seem to have thought about stopping, then he was rude, his eyes suddenly changed a little, and a particularly powerful breath erupted from him.

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